Anyone like the band Kixx???

Choklatjunkeee said:
Not sure. I will ask. The current singer is Mike Mead.

I remember a Waldorf-based group called Frankie and the Actions back in the early 90's. I think Harry was the singer then (I went to a few of their practices), and they used to play at Wilmer's. I was dating a guitar player at the time so I was into 'the rock scene'. :lmao:


New Member
Speedy70 said:
I remember a Waldorf-based group called Frankie and the Actions back in the early 90's. I think Harry was the singer then (I went to a few of their practices), and they used to play at Wilmer's. I was dating a guitar player at the time so I was into 'the rock scene'. :lmao:

Must be a family thing (dating Musicians)......... (Mines a drummer) :killingme


Speedy70 said:
I remember a Waldorf-based group called Frankie and the Actions back in the early 90's. I think Harry was the singer then (I went to a few of their practices), and they used to play at Wilmer's. I was dating a guitar player at the time so I was into 'the rock scene'. :lmao:
You dated Frankie?


New Member
ooohhhh battle of the bands!

I had a boyfriend that played in the guitar contest. When he played his little number (I can't remember what it was now) and then finished it off with the guitar wailing of the Star Spangled Banner it was awesome!


New Member
Choklatjunkeee said:
I think I spelled it wrong. It may be Kix.
You spelled it right the first time...Kixx. I saw them at St. Mary's college way back when. I was a freshman or sophmore in high school. I didn't think that they we're still doing anything. Cool. Wish that I was still in MD to see them. :yay:
Lildevil said:
You spelled it right the first time...Kixx. I saw them at St. Mary's college way back when. I was a freshman or sophmore in high school. I didn't think that they we're still doing anything. Cool. Wish that I was still in MD to see them. :yay:

It's one 'x'. KIX