AK-74me said:
Until you caught that, I was reminded of the first two years of Clinton's term in office, where the most oft uttered phrase by him was "the previous twelve years of Republican administration". I thought my head would explode because I heard him say it every damned day, it was like the Macarena - every single day. Blaming Republicans.
Which is why Republican anger against the administration this time - "punishing them" by staying home or voting for Democrats - is stupid.
Because if the Dems get in and royally screw it up, they're only going to blame Republicans for it. They found a way to blame Republicans when they were IN THE WHITE HOUSE and IN CHARGE OF CONGRESS. Trust me, they'll do it again. They were aghast at how people treated Clinton when he took office, claiming they never were that way (thus causing poor Dan Quayle to almost die of laughter) to Republicans. Yeah, that's right. They LOVED Reagan.
Something occurred to me the other day. Can anyone remember the last President who WASN'T regarded by the press as being - stupid? Sure, they knew Clinton had been a Rhodes scholar and all, but they still portrayed him as a dopey good ol' boy chasing skirts and eating French Fries.