Given time and a little bit of googling I can bring forth statements from such high rankling Democrats as Hillary and Bill Clinton ,John Kerry ,the United Nations and Mad Woman Allbright all swearing that Iraq had WMD's. Now on monday morning they quarterback it that Saddam didnt have any. Were they all idiots when they said he did?
Well yeah,-- they were, but that doesnt change the fact that most of the world believed Saddam had these weapons.
When Clinton lied --no one died? Tell that to the people in Kosovo we bombed the crap out of because Bill wanted to get his head job out of the news. Tell it to the soldiers who died in Somalia. Tell it to the men on the USS Cole. We certainly cant say no one died, but we can say the promise that Clinton made to make those responsible for it pay was a damned lie. No one paid while Clinton was in office. He passed off all the dirty work to those coming in behind him. On top of that he left them an intelligence aparatus that was worse than useless.
I dont know about a person who claims to not be Democrat and has as a signature phrase that he will hug our elephant and we can kiss his ass. I tend to feel that is damned misleading and maybe he should put some thought into changing it if he wants to be an independent.