Are smokers icky?

What do you think of smokers?

  • I don't care. It's their life (short but theirs)

    Votes: 28 27.2%
  • I smoke.

    Votes: 23 22.3%
  • They are nasty, icky, gross

    Votes: 44 42.7%
  • I like to hang around smokers for the free second hand smoke.

    Votes: 8 7.8%

  • Total voters


I bowl overhand
Ever drive by a paper plant? I bet the residents of Tacoma Washington think cigarette smoke is divine by comparison. :jet:

Berlin NH.. Winter time wasn't TOO bad because everyone had their windows closed.. But in the summer time, the wind blowing the right direction... YECCCH!

I went to the Big Boss office this morning and the elevators reeked from smokers using it to go in and out to smoke. I don't know what was worse, the smoker smell of the 'air freshener' they used to try to cover it up.


b*tch rocket
I went to the Big Boss office this morning and the elevators reeked from smokers using it to go in and out to smoke. I don't know what was worse, the smoker smell of the 'air freshener' they used to try to cover it up.

I'd take the smell of cigarette smoke in an elevator over stupid men who think it is cute to pass gas in an elevator.

I've never understood the male species and their pride in farting in public.


Back in the saddle
Some smokers are icky.

When I did smoke I could still smell it on people. I would walk by someone in the store and almost fall out. It was like they jumped in the car and smoke the whole pack on the way to the store with the windows rolled up. That's gross!
In the winter time it seems like the smoke just sticks to you even though you go outside.

As for cats.........I don't have one and I can walk in my moms house anyday and not smell the 3 she has.


Well-Known Member
That's funny. There's nothing sexy about a raspy voice. Come on guys. Who would you choose?

A. Healthy, sexy non smoker with soft sexy voice and the light aroma of a good perfume.

B. Bertha, the raspy voice, wrinkly skinned woman with the stinch of stale smoke.

Next time, try a rational argument instead of making up BS. Just so you can say you've tried something new. :yay:

I wish they WOULD avoid me. I'd wear a sign that said, Caution - Smoker! if it would keep fussbudget non-smokers away from me. Unfortunately, I think that would just draw them so they could whine and complain and "care" about my health. :ohwell:

You got it. It's like whining about smokers is the go-to hobby for anybody that doesn't have enough important things to do in their life. I would rather not be around cigs anymore, but I'm not going to go out of my way to harass a smoker.

FWIW, I quit smoking 7 years ago, but every whiny anti-smoker brings out the urge to light up again just out of spite. I didn't quit because I give a good goddamn about anybody's opinion about what I enjoy. If somebody didn't like the smell on my clothes, tough #### for them.*

I quit because I couldn't stand the addiction anymore. Spent every waking moment (and even some dreams) thinking about when I'd have a chance to go outside for another one. I had to break out of that for my own good.

*I would never inflict smoke of any sort on somebody with a legitimate complaint - asthma, emphysema, etc. I'm talking about people that just feel the need to whine.


I can't stand the stench, either, especially now that I'm pregnant. The smell actually makes me sick to my stomach. Nobody can smoke in our cars or in our home. Now the febreeze idea, I like it! I'll have my can right near the door. "Merry Christmas Mom & little brother, I know you've had a long drive to get here. Now spray yourselves before entering the house!" :lmao:

My brother smokes and my Mom recently started smoking again, after my Dad passed away. She had quit once she had to go through chemo a year ago but the stress of losing my Dad got to her. I know she'll quit again but right now, I can't give her a hard time about it. The first Christmas without my Dad will extremely difficult for all of us. Our baby is due in March, my Mom's first grandbaby and my brother's first nephew. They've both said they need to quit before then. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Good luck with that....I hope they have better discipline than my parents...My son just turned one last week & they STILL haven't quit & they were supposed to before he was born....:ohwell:

They do only smoke outside now though.


:yeahthat: I give smokers a hard time and talk about how inconsiderate they are, but in reality I really care about their health. Having watched so many of my family members suffer from the effects of smoking I know what it does to the rest of family to have to watch someone you love suffer horribly from the effects of smoking.

Don't quit for you... quit for those that love you.

You need to say that much louder maybe some will listen. They do not know the heartbreak that they cause. It is not an easy habit to break but.... the lasting effect on the ones that love them are not easy either

Novus Collectus

New Member
I quit smoking about two years ago now, but I would like to date a woman who smokes so I can live vicariously through her and still taste the smoke when I kiss her deeply.


You need to say that much louder maybe some will listen. They do not know the heartbreak that they cause. It is not an easy habit to break but.... the lasting effect on the ones that love them are not easy either

You can't reason with addiction. Vrai admits she enjoys smoking. I believer her. Just like a cocaine user enjoys using cocaine. They enjoy that feeling they get from that fix. When the fix wears off it starts punching at their nervous system and their adrenaline starts pinging. When they smoke they get that hit of nicotine and it calms them. There’s also that burning feeling when the smoke hits their esophagus. That is the enjoyment. That is what addiction is all about. It’s not so much about denial. How do you denial something that is causing irrational behavior.

It’s not worth trying to reason with smokers. Two things will convince them to quit: 1) Their own reality or 2) Their failing health. Usually it’s the latter. How many people can claim they’ve actually reasoned someone into quitting? Throughout my childhood I tried to convince my folks to quit. Now my dad has (triple bypass) heart disease and emphysema. His lungs are so bad that when he got a hernia they couldn’t do the surgery because he couldn’t pass the pulmonary test. So he lives with the pain of heart disease, lung disease, and a hernia. My dad’s brother (who was a long-time smoker) died from pulmonary fibrosis (that started as emphysema). Read up on that one. It’s one of the most ugly lung diseases there is and results in a slow, painful, suffocating death.

But I’m done debating with smokers the consequences. They only care about their next fix… errrr… moment of enjoyment. It WILL catch up to them, and they will regret it. And it really does break my heart to see the pain it will put their family through.


You can't reason with addiction. Vrai admits she enjoys smoking. I believer her. Just like a cocaine user enjoys using cocaine. They enjoy that feeling they get from that fix. When the fix wears off it starts punching at their nervous system and their adrenaline starts pinging. When they smoke they get that hit of nicotine and it calms them. There’s also that burning feeling when the smoke hits their esophagus. That is the enjoyment. That is what addiction is all about. It’s not so much about denial. How do you denial something that is causing irrational behavior.

It’s not worth trying to reason with smokers. Two things will convince them to quit: 1) Their own reality or 2) Their failing health. Usually it’s the latter. How many people can claim they’ve actually reasoned someone into quitting? Throughout my childhood I tried to convince my folks to quit. Now my dad has (triple bypass) heart disease and emphysema. His lungs are so bad that when he got a hernia they couldn’t do the surgery because he couldn’t pass the pulmonary test. So he lives with the pain of heart disease, lung disease, and a hernia. My dad’s brother (who was a long-time smoker) died from pulmonary fibrosis (that started as emphysema). Read up on that one. It’s one of the most ugly lung diseases there is and results in a slow, painful, suffocating death.

But I’m done debating with smokers the consequences. They only care about their next fix… errrr… moment of enjoyment. It WILL catch up to them, and they will regret it. And it really does break my heart to see the pain it will put their family through.

It is a shame I am watching my best friend and love of my life (I have known him since I was 6 and been with him since I was 15) they do not know what they leave behind he knows that he is dying but he can't or won't stop. He is giving it another try with Chantix (this will be the 3rd) and also adding a support group. There are days that I am afraid to leave the house for fear of what will be when I return.
Today, was a perfect example we went out and the wind just took his breathe away and it took forever to get it back. Had to use oxygen. I wish he knew how we felt but somedays I think he either doesn't care or it is truly an addiction that he cannot beat. I just makes me made that I will never get my lifetime with him because of his decisions. He will never get to see our Granddaughter walk down the aisle or become a great-granddad.
But, I have dealt with it before with the only other man that I truly loved my grandpa and he would use a lung cleaning machine pull black tar out of his lungs then lite a cigerette and say this is the best one of the day, finish and put his oxygen back on
"My dad’s brother (who was a long-time smoker) died from pulmonary fibrosis (that started as emphysema). Read up on that one. It’s one of the most ugly lung diseases there is and results in a slow, painful, suffocating death."
That is what he died of and I agree slow, painful and suffocating.


It is a shame I am watching my best friend and love of my life (I have known him since I was 6 and been with him since I was 15) they do not know what they leave behind he knows that he is dying but he can't or won't stop. He is giving it another try with Chantix (this will be the 3rd) and also adding a support group. There are days that I am afraid to leave the house for fear of what will be when I return.
Today, was a perfect example we went out and the wind just took his breathe away and it took forever to get it back. Had to use oxygen. I wish he knew how we felt but somedays I think he either doesn't care or it is truly an addiction that he cannot beat. I just makes me made that I will never get my lifetime with him because of his decisions. He will never get to see our Granddaughter walk down the aisle or become a great-granddad.
But, I have dealt with it before with the only other man that I truly loved my grandpa and he would use a lung cleaning machine pull black tar out of his lungs then lite a cigerette and say this is the best one of the day, finish and put his oxygen back on
"My dad’s brother (who was a long-time smoker) died from pulmonary fibrosis (that started as emphysema). Read up on that one. It’s one of the most ugly lung diseases there is and results in a slow, painful, suffocating death."
That is what he died of and I agree slow, painful and suffocating.

Please don’t get me wrong. I don’t smoke. I am addicted to nothing. So I can’t really speak about it with complete knowledge and understanding of how hard it is. I used to be really critical (not long ago really) of people that smoke. Now every time I see a smoker I just say to myself “I can’t believe they don’t get it”. And it’s a shame the grip smoking has one people that would cause them to make up all sorts of excuses to keep on smoking. The shame it not on the smoker though. The shame is on an industry that continue to market such a murderous product. But that could easily be said for so many things.

So I guess it does come down to the individual and being able the see the harm they are doing to themselves, and even more so, the harm they are doing to those that love them. Some people (smokers in particular) have a unique view on life. Pleasure. It pleases them to smoke. I’m sorry this sounds insensitive to smokers, but it’s a very selfish outlook on life. If they could only look at all the people around them that love them and see that it’s THEY that need them around, and truly see the importance in that, they’d quit.

I pray for you and your friend.


Some teens came in from outside 5 guys after smoking I swear they smelled as if they just dropped a load in their pants.


b*tch rocket
Some teens came in from outside 5 guys after smoking I swear they smelled as if they just dropped a load in their pants.

I feel sorry for you. I wish you could understand how unhealthy 5 Guys greasy food is. If you don't put the burger and fries down soon you are going to die. Stop being so selfish and think about your family. :nono: