Bad Roads



There were a lot of cars on the side of the road that people just park there, because their of their driveways. But the hill on Asher has to be a mess, kinda makes me want to go and check it out, but I'm just going to stay in, not worth messing up my truck if someone else is out there being stupid.

he said that their 4-way flashers were on....


New Member
he said that their 4-way flashers were on....

I wasn't disputing you, just making a comment. I don't understand why people park on the side of the road, and not in their driveway. It makes it more dangerous for other people trying to drive down the road. If you slide out, you'll end up in their car.


You're a LOON :)
Roads are awful. It just took hubby 30 minutes to get from Lusby to St. Leonard. He is taking it very slow. Said cars are on the side of the road everywhere. He said their are still alot of cars out driving and some are driving fast.

As he was leaving CRE a bunch of teens slammed his truck with snowballs. I am suprised he didn't stop.


Stretch's Mom
Just drove home from Baltimore

No choice...the child had All-State Honors Chorus up at Morgan State University. Concert was at 4, we left there about 545 and JUST got home about 15 minutes ago. North, obviously things weren't so bad... mainly wet. However the slush started piling up big time as we got into Upper Marlboro, then got progressively worse as we headed south. Worst of all was St. Mary's County as not only the snow was pilling up and the snow pack and icy spots on the roads, but the IDIOTS who were trying to drive at nearly 50mph and pass those of us who were taking our careful time! Seriously, from the WaWa at the 5/235 split down 235 to Hollywood there were probably thirty cars in ditches; many of them the cars that blew past us as we made our way home.

In the front yard here in Hollywood is nearly 6" of snow and it is still coming down like crazy. It's beautiful though, the trees are all loaded up, every branch and needle with its own coating of white frosting...

Now that we're all home and snug (Songbird's boyfriend is also staying, no way were we letting him drive anywhere) we're going to enjoy it and the satellite tv for as as long as it lasts.

For those of you who have to be out, PLEASE be careful. And a huge "thanks" to all the folks who are plowing and salting and rescuing those who aren't as fortunate as my family is right now.


Football addict
Just got back from the CAPS game. Calvert is pretty darn bad. I had to go 30mph the whole way. People were fishtailing everywhere.

Once I got to the bridge I didn't fair well on the initial incline. I fishtailed and almost landed into the wall. While this was happening some dummy that was riding my ass almost hit me from behind.:lol: The bridge is by far the worst, avoid at all costs. I had to go 10mph on that.

St. Mary's is bad traveling but not serious on the main roads. Calvert was worse and it seemed like they didn't have enough trucks on the road as St. Mary's did.