Baltimore City P.O. vs 14 yo skateboarder

Go G-Men

New Member
you make me sick. that 95 lb 14 year old is a real thug. god forbid the kid used the word "dude". police officers don't have the right to threaten to SMACK kids. Cop or not, if that was my kid, i'd think that guy deserves to have HIS ass kicked.

And that is the reason that kids today have no respect for authority. The officer did not hurt the kid other than maybe his feelings. But the lesson he will learn is if a cop yells at him or tries to take control of a situation than you can cry to mommy and make money in the courts...

Go G-Men

New Member
you make me sick. that 95 lb 14 year old is a real thug. god forbid the kid used the word "dude". police officers don't have the right to threaten to SMACK kids. Cop or not, if that was my kid, i'd think that guy deserves to have HIS ass kicked.

P.S. I am glad what I wrote make you sick...
And that is the reason that kids today have no respect for authority. The officer did not hurt the kid other than maybe his feelings. But the lesson he will learn is if a cop yells at him or tries to take control of a situation than you can cry to mommy and make money in the courts...

I am sure that if I had done that as a kid, my dad would have walked over to the cop, asked what I had done just to get the story straight, then watched as I got my sorry butt dragged to the station house.

Go G-Men

New Member
I am sure that if I had done that as a kid, my dad would have walked over to the cop, asked what I had done just to get the story straight, then watched as I got my sorry butt dragged to the station house.

In my old neighborhood in Jersey..... The cop would have whipped my butt.... Then some of the neighborhood dads would have had there say and then I would have had to face my dad who would have beat my A$$ just to bring the point home...


Harley Rider
When working with teens, you shouldn't yell & scream as he did. They lose a lot of respect for adults when that happens. He could have just told them what the law is and later added the "anti-dude" speech. I'm sure the officer (especially in Baltimore city) had his share of thugs and was at his wits end here, but it WAS just kids skateboarding. This stems from a parental problem of not instilling respect for authority in their kids. HOWEVER; the kid DID say that he didn't have a father so that confirms that. I have no problem with the officer's enforcement except that he REALLY didn't need to verbally scream at the kid. He (the officer) calmed down nicely towards the end when he asked for the kid's address but the damage to the teens impression of him was done.


I heart CLeValley
The kid was scared to death - and I think calling the cop Dude was just a reaction but discrespectful - yes. The cop on the other hand was probably pissed because it took him all day to squeeze himself into his little car and now he had to squeeze himself out - for what - a 14 year old riding his skateboard on the sidewalk. I am sure there is more crime going on in Baltimore than a kid riding his skateboard on the sidewalk. PLEASE Mr. Police officer - take your meds before going to work its not the kids fault you have to drive your tiny car.


High Octane
I'm guessing by the way everyone is dressed that this happened several months ago. Why is going to make the news now?
The video was just posted up yesterday....i really dont know why they waited but they did.


NOT Politically Correct!!
And that is the reason that kids today have no respect for authority. The officer did not hurt the kid other than maybe his feelings. But the lesson he will learn is if a cop yells at him or tries to take control of a situation than you can cry to mommy and make money in the courts...

The way you get respect is by acting like a man in the situation and sticking with the facts, not being an insulting, yelling, getting personal, and a threatening adult with a badge... :coffee:


Sorry all caps, yelling!!! :whistle:
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NOT Politically Correct!!
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b*tch rocket
WTF is he driving a clown car...:lmao:

It's no damn wonder he can't get any respect and he has to bully a couple kids. I mean come on, can you imagine the crap he gets from real criminals on a daily basis tooling around in that little thing?


b*tch rocket
And that is the reason that kids today have no respect for authority.

That's such BS. :bs: I think the cop made an absolute fool of himself, and I'm sorry, if you can't maintain some semblance of sanity and composure when up against a 14 year old kid what the hell are you going to do when you're faced with an actual criminal?
Yes - the kid called him dude...

Was the kid belligerent? From what I saw on the video, no...

If the kid was lipping back to the officer and being a smart ass I could see the cop going off, but watching it over a few times - the cop was out of line.

The guy is on an obvious power trip and needs help - I hope the sorry bastard gets canned.

NOW - if the kid was being disrespectful, mouthing back and being belligerent - then hell yes - he should get his little ass beat (by parents) and thrown in juvie... to me, it is not the case. :coffee:


New Member
Yeah, cops are always right!!! - Florida Deputies Dump Quadriplegic Man From Wheelchair - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

A veteran Florida sheriff's deputy is in hot water after she was caught on video dumping a quadriplegic man out of his wheelchair while he was being booked on Jan. 29, reported.

Don't be a dumb a$$ and blindly follow a badge, I wore one for 8 years and always listened to both sides...

Lets not jump the gun on this on either, The bad guy was in booking for being charged with charges of fleeing and attempting to elude. If you look at the picture very close you can tell the officer was just spit on and the bad guy has some mobility and was attempting to get away and assault the officer. The officer was just taking away his mobility so she can stay safe.

I am ok with this one also!!


Well-Known Member
Lets not jump the gun on this on either, The bad guy was in booking for being charged with charges of fleeing and attempting to elude. If you look at the picture very close you can tell the officer was just spit on and the bad guy has some mobility and was attempting to get away and assault the officer. The officer was just taking away his mobility so she can stay safe.

I am ok with this one also!!

What, she couldn't reach down and hit the brake on the chair?


I'm Rick James #####!
Lets not jump the gun on this on either, The bad guy was in booking for being charged with charges of fleeing and attempting to elude. If you look at the picture very close you can tell the officer was just spit on and the bad guy has some mobility and was attempting to get away and assault the officer. The officer was just taking away his mobility so she can stay safe.

I am ok with this one also!!

Which video did you see? The one I watched showed the quads arms held tightly to his chest, no control near the chin or fingers and the resolution was entirely too grainy to show spit.


New Member
what lesson did this cop teach this kid?

lets see... if you are in a position of authority it's ok to threaten to "smack somebody in the head", and oh yeah, he also learned that it's ok to throw a child down on the ground if he calls you dude.

yep, those are valuable life lessons. thank god for that cop.

my children have never had anything like that happen to them and somehow or other they've learned to be good people and respectful. it's amazing how lucky i must be with the way they've turned out.

anyone who agrees with that cops actions is either an idiot, or has no children of there own. The taxes i pay, that goes towards the salary of police officers, is being paid to PROTECT my children, not beat them up and threaten them for using the word dude.