Baltimore City P.O. vs 14 yo skateboarder

Go G-Men

New Member
Then maybe he should find a new line of work.

I deal with people on an almost daily basis that I'm sick and tired of, but I somehow manage to maintain my composure. It is what adults do.

You don't deal with a child by acting like one.

So you deal with punks and thug teenagers everyday?


I'm Rick James #####!
Fair enough... I agree with that but there is also something to be said about teaching kids to respect authority... When I was a kid... The adults in my neighborhood didn't have to earn my respect... I was taught to give it...

:shrug: I was taught differently.

Everybody deserves courtesy until they prove otherwise.

Nobody DESERVES respect until they earn it.

Most people see "respect" and "fear" as synonymous, they are NOT. Somebody that says "I demand respect" doesn't know the meaning of the word (and likely doesn't care.) What they really mean is "I want people do do as I tell them, and I don't care if they fear me"


b*tch rocket
So you deal with punks and thug teenagers everyday?

Let's hope you don't, if you can't see the flaw in this man's character and how he performs his job, I would wager that you have similar behavior patterns.

Quite disturbing really.


New Member
As a society we will keep eroding the authority of the police until we live in an anarchist society without police protection... Then you, spare the rod save the child, bleeding heart liberals will be b1tch1ng about how bad society is...

Where in my reply do you get "spare the rod save the child, bleeding heart liberal".....? Since you've told everyone how it is in your police state - everyone robotically shuts down whenever being spoken at by a police officer/storm trooper/etc., becuase they are the only ones who can protect us from the gathering horde - let me tell you how it is in the USA. We have this thing called the Constitution. In it there are these things called the Bill of Rights, of which the second one is The Right to Bear Arms. That is the only protection I need. Bleeding heart liberals are the ones trying to take this right away and give it to the Dude Rivieri's of the world. Maybe because you are from New Jersey you don't know about this form of protection; maybe that's why the minute you hear a cop's bellow, you immediately put your tail between your legs and whimper. Until your police protection can protect me 24/7, I will rely on myself. I'm guessing the next lesson will be on the First Amendment......

Go G-Men

New Member
Let's hope you don't, if you can't see the flaw in this man's character and how he performs his job, I would wager that you have similar behavior patterns.

Quite disturbing really.

Actually I have a 13 year old son and a 17 year old daughter and I am happy both have respect for me and I have instilled in them respect for all adults until an adult proves they are not deserving of such repect.

So again I ask, do you deal with punk teenagers every day?


b*tch rocket
Most people see "respect" and "fear" as synonymous, they are NOT.


You know, it's not even so much that this cop needs to earn some punk kids respect, that's not part of his job description. It's more a matter of having some respect for yourself and the job you're being paid to do. The way he behaved put a bad light on all cops. He fed in to the stereotype of thug cops who abuse their power.


I'm Rick James #####!

You know, it's not even so much that this cop needs to earn some punk kids respect, that's not part of his job description. It's more a matter of having some respect for yourself and the job you're being paid to do. The way he behaved put a bad light on all cops. He fed in to the stereotype of thug cops who abuse their power.

Whoa, wait a second there. I disagree. The way he acted reflects poorly ONLY on himself.

Go G-Men

New Member
Where in my reply do you get "spare the rod save the child, bleeding heart liberal".....? Since you've told everyone how it is in your police state - everyone robotically shuts down whenever being spoken at by a police officer/storm trooper/etc., becuase they are the only ones who can protect us from the gathering horde - let me tell you how it is in the USA. We have this thing called the Constitution. In it there are these things called the Bill of Rights, of which the second one is The Right to Bear Arms. That is the only protection I need. Bleeding heart liberals are the ones trying to take this right away and give it to the Dude Rivieri's of the world. Maybe because you are from New Jersey you don't know about this form of protection; maybe that's why the minute you hear a cop's bellow, you immediately put your tail between your legs and whimper. Until your police protection can protect me 24/7, I will rely on myself. I'm guessing the next lesson will be on the First Amendment......

Damm a gun toting liberal... Now I have seen everything...

Believe it or not I support your right to defend and protect yourself but you go a little too far as to suggest that I suggested everyone should cower to a police officer just because he bellows...

What I suggest is hear out the officer and if you don't agree you can tell him or her that respectfully..

P.S. being from New Jersey (the old Jersey, not todays 2nd most socialist state) I assure you I know about the right to bear arms and to defend ones self..


New Member
What this cop really needs is to have the father of this child beat the snot out of him.

Of course that would never happen and if it did the cop would have the father charged with assault. In fact the officer should be charged with assault. You can bet your azz if this had been a black kid in Mobtown. Jesse and the troops would be out in full force. Rightfully so.


b*tch rocket
Whoa, wait a second there. I disagree. The way he acted reflects poorly ONLY on himself.

I disagree, his behavior makes the job much harder for every cop out there. He has a responsibility in his role as representing law enforcement to act like a professional, instead he acted like a bully.

I bet he was picked on in school. :jet:


New Member
Damm a gun toting liberal... Now I have seen everything...

Believe it or not I support your right to defend and protect yourself but you go a little too far as to suggest that I suggested everyone should cower to a police officer just because he bellows...

What I suggest is hear out the officer and if you don't agree you can tell him or her that respectfully..QUOTE]

So, you don't know me, yet I'm a bleeding heart liberal. The people who know me will get quite a laugh when I tell them of this discussion with a Fascist from NJ. Now I can hear one of my buddies saying, "Just because I'm to the left of you, doesn't make me a liberal". No, G-Man, I am someone who believes in the foundation of this country as stated by the Founding Fathers. If you consider that Liberal, then I can live with that.

But back to the topic, you say you defend my right to protect myself, yet the great majority of American City Police Chiefs and Departments say NO. You are willing to go against these guys you respect so much?

Do you really believe if this kid sat there and heard Dude out, Rivieri would have listened just as respectfully? No, that cop was on a power trip that he's probably been riding for 17 years and would have continued riding if not for some kid with a camera. People like you celebrate him for cleaning up your streets until he puts your kid in a head-lock for littering or whatever other little offense can be found to make him feel better about having some miserable job. Yeah, we're all the better for that! Thanks for manning the wall, "Officer" Rivieri!

Go G-Men

New Member
No I don't. Never been around one, didn't even know they existed until you enlightened me. :jet:

Your sarcasm is answer enough..

You don't and yet you pass judgment on those that do.. Walk a mile in his shoes and than decide how goodie two-shoes these kids are.

Go G-Men

New Member
Damm a gun toting liberal... Now I have seen everything...

Believe it or not I support your right to defend and protect yourself but you go a little too far as to suggest that I suggested everyone should cower to a police officer just because he bellows...

What I suggest is hear out the officer and if you don't agree you can tell him or her that respectfully..QUOTE]

So, you don't know me, yet I'm a bleeding heart liberal. The people who know me will get quite a laugh when I tell them of this discussion with a Fascist from NJ. Now I can hear one of my buddies saying, "Just because I'm to the left of you, doesn't make me a liberal". No, G-Man, I am someone who believes in the foundation of this country as stated by the Founding Fathers. If you consider that Liberal, then I can live with that.

But back to the topic, you say you defend my right to protect myself, yet the great majority of American City Police Chiefs and Departments say NO. You are willing to go against these guys you respect so much?

Do you really believe if this kid sat there and heard Dude out, Rivieri would have listened just as respectfully? No, that cop was on a power trip that he's probably been riding for 17 years and would have continued riding if not for some kid with a camera. People like you celebrate him for cleaning up your streets until he puts your kid in a head-lock for littering or whatever other little offense can be found to make him feel better about having some miserable job. Yeah, we're all the better for that! Thanks for manning the wall, "Officer" Rivieri!

Yes I am willing to disagree with the police chiefs but that does not mean that I will resort to name-calling or disrespecting them either..

As far as my kid goes... He won't get put in a headlock by a cop because he will not ignore the police or disrespect them..

Lastly, the founding fathers did not live in the society we live in today. This kid would not have been out there breaking the law or he would have ended up in the stockade in the public square


b*tch rocket
Your sarcasm is answer enough..

You don't and yet you pass judgment on those that do.. Walk a mile in his shoes and than decide how goodie two-shoes these kids are.

Hmmm, I challenge you to find any comment that I made that would even remotely indicate that I thought the kid was a "goodie two-shoes".

What you fail to be comprehending is that it doesn't matter what the kid did, anyway you spin it, the cop in question behaved inapropriately, and it doesn't matter if he has to deal with thugs and punk kids all day long (one would think he would, it is his JOB), it does not give him the excuse to behave like a deranged imbecile. If he can't deal with all the crap he gets on any given day, he needs to find another profession. Simple as that.

Go G-Men

New Member
Hmmm, I challenge you to find any comment that I made that would even remotely indicate that I thought the kid was a "goodie two-shoes".

What you fail to be comprehending that it doesn't matter what the kid did, anyway you spin it, the cop in question behaved inapropriately, and it doesn't matter if he has to deal with thugs and punk kids all day long (one would think he would, it is his JOB), it does not give him the excuse to behave like a deranged imbecile. If he can't deal with all the crap he gets on any given day, he needs to find another profession. Simple as that.

A deranged imbecile... You make it sound like he pounded on this kid or called him names... All he did was get the kid attention.. It worked.. The kid shut up and listened.. Mission accomplished..


I'm Rick James #####!
I disagree, his behavior makes the job much harder for every cop out there. He has a responsibility in his role as representing law enforcement to act like a professional, instead he acted like a bully.

I bet he was picked on in school. :jet:

That is correct, HE acted...

Painting all law enforcement officers with the broad brush of suspicion based on the actions of an individual, is just as foolish as blindly trusting anybody with a badge.


b*tch rocket
That is correct, HE acted...

Painting all law enforcement officers with the broad brush of suspicion based on the actions of an individual, is just as foolish as blindly trusting anybody with a badge.

I'm not painting anyone with a broad brush, the fact of the matter is, people do it, it's just how it is. :shrug:


New Member
Yes I am willing to disagree with the police chiefs but that does not mean that I will resort to name-calling or disrespecting them either..

OK, I will end with this: Just to show you exactly how you are the "do as I say, not as I do" kind of person that serves us so well in government today, I have listed just some of the name-calling you have resorted to recently:

"Goodie two-shoes", "gun toting liberal", "punks and thug teenagers", "spare the rod save the child, bleeding heart liberals", and finally, "somewhat intelligent from the morons". I won't even guess where you think you are on the last quote.