Baltimore City P.O. vs 14 yo skateboarder


New Member
Yes - the kid called him dude...

NOW - if the kid was being disrespectful, mouthing back and being belligerent - then hell yes - he should get his little ass beat (by parents) and thrown in juvie... to me, it is not the case. :coffee:

You couldn't be more wrong. The kid has an absolute write to be mouthy with the cop. It's called the first amendment.


"Typical White Person"
You couldn't be more wrong. The kid has an absolute write to be mouthy with the cop. It's called the first amendment.

You should really need to know the difference between "write" and right before you are allowed to vote for president.

But I guess just so as long as you are "keeping it real" it don't matta!!!

Go G-Men

New Member
When working with teens, you shouldn't yell & scream as he did. They lose a lot of respect for adults when that happens. He could have just told them what the law is and later added the "anti-dude" speech. I'm sure the officer (especially in Baltimore city) had his share of thugs and was at his wits end here, but it WAS just kids skateboarding. This stems from a parental problem of not instilling respect for authority in their kids. HOWEVER; the kid DID say that he didn't have a father so that confirms that. I have no problem with the officer's enforcement except that he REALLY didn't need to verbally scream at the kid. He (the officer) calmed down nicely towards the end when he asked for the kid's address but the damage to the teens impression of him was done.

Just a skateboarder?? The reason that all these parks and public areas have signs specifically prohibiting skateboarding is because of the damage they do to both public and private property. They generally have no respect for the laws and always push it until someone has to tell them twice to stop skating...

Go G-Men

New Member
The way you get respect is by acting like a man in the situation and sticking with the facts, not being an insulting, yelling, getting personal, and a threatening adult with a badge... :coffee:


Sorry all caps, yelling!!! :whistle:

If his parents or parent would have install some respect in the first place this would not have happened... If he respected the officer in the first place all would have been good.

Go G-Men

New Member
Yeah, cops are always right!!! - Florida Deputies Dump Quadriplegic Man From Wheelchair - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News

A veteran Florida sheriff's deputy is in hot water after she was caught on video dumping a quadriplegic man out of his wheelchair while he was being booked on Jan. 29, reported.

Don't be a dumb a$$ and blindly follow a badge, I wore one for 8 years and always listened to both sides...

In the case of the quadriplegic, I think the cop was out of control and punishment is warranted.


I'm Rick James #####!
If his parents or parent would have install some respect in the first place this would not have happened... If he respected the officer in the first place all would have been good.

Everybody wants respect, but few are willing or able to EARN it.

Just a general observation.

Go G-Men

New Member
That's such BS. :bs: I think the cop made an absolute fool of himself, and I'm sorry, if you can't maintain some semblance of sanity and composure when up against a 14 year old kid what the hell are you going to do when you're faced with an actual criminal?

I think that this police officer deals with punk ass kids every day and maybe he is tired of it...

Go G-Men

New Member
what lesson did this cop teach this kid?

lets see... if you are in a position of authority it's ok to threaten to "smack somebody in the head", and oh yeah, he also learned that it's ok to throw a child down on the ground if he calls you dude.

yep, those are valuable life lessons. thank god for that cop.

my children have never had anything like that happen to them and somehow or other they've learned to be good people and respectful. it's amazing how lucky i must be with the way they've turned out.

anyone who agrees with that cops actions is either an idiot, or has no children of there own. The taxes i pay, that goes towards the salary of police officers, is being paid to PROTECT my children, not beat them up and threaten them for using the word dude.

First off this kid was not beaten up... he was placed on the ground... and that would not have happened if he would have given up his skateboard to the policemen..

And you must have good kids from a good home and whom respect authority and that is a good thing.. But this kid did not and as such he got treated a little rough...


New Member
Respect the badge? Too many power crazed cops like Dude Rivieri have ruined the automatic respect they got back in the day. One must earn respect to get respect. How many murders does Baltimore have every year? Big tough guy Rivieri with his 17 years of experience has the Inner Harbor skateboarding beat. Tough guy can crack those heads. I'm glad the kid with the camera got it all or else Dude would have kept on abusing his power. Let me finish the last statement from Dude, "If I find myself on YouTube, I'll crack your head and put you in Juvy." Who's laughing now, Dude?!!!

Go G-Men

New Member
Everybody wants respect, but few are willing or able to EARN it.

Just a general observation.

Fair enough... I agree with that but there is also something to be said about teaching kids to respect authority... When I was a kid... The adults in my neighborhood didn't have to earn my respect... I was taught to give it...

Go G-Men

New Member
Respect the badge? Too many power crazed cops like Dude Rivieri have ruined the automatic respect they got back in the day. One must earn respect to get respect. How many murders does Baltimore have every year? Big tough guy Rivieri with his 17 years of experience has the Inner Harbor skateboarding beat. Tough guy can crack those heads. I'm glad the kid with the camera got it all or else Dude would have kept on abusing his power. Let me finish the last statement from Dude, "If I find myself on YouTube, I'll crack your head and put you in Juvy." Who's laughing now, Dude?!!!

As a society we will keep eroding the authority of the police until we live in an anarchist society without police protection... Then you, spare the rod save the child, bleeding heart liberals will be b1tch1ng about how bad society is...


b*tch rocket
I think that this police officer deals with punk ass kids every day and maybe he is tired of it...

Then maybe he should find a new line of work.

I deal with people on an almost daily basis that I'm sick and tired of, but I somehow manage to maintain my composure. It is what adults do.

You don't deal with a child by acting like one.