Banning Pitbulls


RoseRed...I totally understand what you are saying :)  But my question is now; Many people have replied to this issue and voiced facts, opinions, and feelings about banning (not just PitBulls) but any breed of dog!  And it is more than fair to say that one bad apple should not spoil the entire bunch!  So how come people aren't beginning to express solutions at this point?  If a concrete decision had to be made w/in a week, what defense are people willing to "bring to the table" in order to keep their animals?  How do we fix this?  Can this even be fixed?  What "new laws & restrictions" will or even can be made (that don't already exsist) in order to control this issue?  

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Seems the state legislature is no longer interested in the outright ban, that bill has been pulled.  On Feb 1 they introduced a new bill HB562 concerning dangerous dogs.  I haven't read the full text yet but it seems they are adding it to the criminal acts section of the law.  I'll do some more reading and see if they are approaching it from the "reasonable person" perspective and get back with you.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

The site is once there click on HB562 and it will take you to the text.  This is only a bill that has been introduced and read.  It could get modified and as you will see it already has some changes.  Sections in brackets have been removed and captilized text has been added.  The numbering scheme they use confuses reading some so I have a cleaned up version I would be happy to email you if you like.  Just email through the link above and I'll send you a copy.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Thanks for the info Ken, I'll check it out.

But for now, may CAT just broke into the room, should I have her banned????   :crazy:


Well-Known Member
Actually, there was a story in the news not too long ago about a boy getting killed by the family's "pet" tiger or lion.  The owner's permit to keep the animal had run out not long before, so it was a messy situation.  I can't remember where this happened...I think it was Kentucky or Tennessee or something.  I bet Ken knows because he always seems to know the facts! :wink:  

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

From what I have been able to find it was probably Texas where the mauling took place.  Seems in the past three years there have been two deaths attributed to big cats (tigers) kept as pets in the Lone Star state.  One was the death of a ten year old girl, June 1999 and the other was a three year old boy, Oct 2001.  I think the three year old boy was the one you were thinking of as they did mention that the permits had recently expired.  The boy was the step grandson of the owner.
Ken King,
Thanks for the link.  Do you know if this new law will pertain to all of Maryland?  What about PG County, where Pitbulls, etc are already banned.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

After reading this proposed law I find it very reasonable.  Granted I might not be fully in agreement with every requirement or phrase, but for the most part it is something I can live with, more importantly I feel it is something that the dogs can live with.  

Regarding your question, the operable paragraph concerning what a county or municipal government can do is contained at (I)(2).  It says that they cannot regulate dangerous dogs in a manner that is specific to breed.

Like I said I will be happy to email the cleaned up version to anyone who requests it.   I have it formatted for word and it is four pages long so I won't post it here.  Email me through the link above.
I sent you an email.  

I agree with you that the proposed law is reasonable.  I find it much better than not owning a dog at all.  I would love to see the 'pitbull' ban lifted.  They are my favorite dogs.  Not so much the huge pitbulls, but I love the amstaffs and bull staffies.  Now I got my hopes up...I hope bill passes this year.


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Just sent it to you.  As I said in the email I contacted my state representatives requesting that they support it when it comes to a vote and asked for their feelings on the matter.


After stumbling upon and reading all the posts regarding the ban of pitbull ownership, I was compelled to join my first bulleton board.  My vote is absolutely "NO" on a ban of this nature.  If you ban one breed, what's to prevent a ban on the next breed that hurts someone.   I own a a Dobie and a Rott, I’m not so arrogant to believe that they might not turn aggressive if my home, family, or themselves were threatened.  Howerver, I still feel personally responsible and would expect to be held accountable in the event either of them was to hurt another person or animal.   Creating a new law banning pitbulls just takes away one more choice and it isn't going to stop bad guys from being bad.    


Ken King---thanks for all the info. w/the link:)  I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I will!  Jeez all that information about those Tigers attacking is horrible!  I was also glad to hear that they weren't going w/the outright ban!  Any new information you find, could you please share?  Thanks.  Wonder how long it will take for something like this to progress into further stages?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Scottie and all others,

I will try to keep you updated as I stumble across any new or modified information.  I would like to recommend to you all that you go to the following site and contact your state representatives on this matter.  The site is  once their find the link to "find" a legislator.  You will be prompted for your address and then they will provide you with the contacts.  Email them and let them know how important you feel this is.  I do it all the time and usually get a response in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info Ken!  :biggrin:  We know we can count on you to keep us informed!  


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Okay, what about snakes.....


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
I've heard of pet snakes getting loose, biting, killing the family dog, etc.  I had a boa for a number of years (in my younger days), I was bitten by it.  I sold it promptly after that.  They get too big and can be unpredictable.  If you want to see some really big, I mean HUGE snakes, go to the pet store in Lenoardtown.  I couldn't imagine keeping one of 'those' snakes as pets.  I think the same level of caution should be used with any pet.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Just received an email from Roy Dyson saying that HB562 never made it out of the Judiciary Committee and died there.  So much for a reasonable approach.


I think is is a great idea to ban Pitbulls. By banning Pitbulls you might also get rid of a certain element that this area doesn't need.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Can you explain how banning a certain breed of dogs might "get rid of a certain element that this area doesn't need."