Biden Actions ... And Reactions


PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
Think back, think back to when the Sat and reading and Math scores started going down.
Think about it. It all started years back when discipline started leaving the schools and kids started having to go to the bathroom in groups.
Think about it, it will come to you.


Well-Known Member
I will tell you something else you cannot sue about

You cannot sue Big Pharma if you have a heart problem tied to the vaccine.
Clots or strokes or even deaths.
Big Government and Big Pharma work hand in hand and big Pharma lobbies and spends hard to keep it that way.


Well-Known Member
The New York Times reported that at the fundraiser, Biden “set off into what appeared to be an unplanned riff” about the spy balloon incident, “revealing what United States intelligence agencies had learned about the internal confusion in Beijing during the incident.”

According to the Times, Biden told about 130 guests in attendance at the fundraiser: “The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two boxcars full of spy equipment in it is he didn’t know it was there.”

“No, I’m serious. That’s what’s a great embarrassment for dictators, when they didn’t know what happened,” Biden said.

The Times reported that “other U.S. officials were surprised on Tuesday night that the president would discuss the sensitive information in a public setting.”

The paper reported:

So the Pentagon put out the report that it was nothing but a weather balloon. Guess they didn't tell Biden.


PREMO Member

Biden Attacks His Admin Over Report On Afghanistan Failures: ‘No, No … I Was Right’

“Mr. President, do you admit failure in Afghanistan? Mistakes?” a reporter asked. “There was a — there was a report on Afghanistan withdrawal, saying there was failure, mistakes. Do you admit there was mistakes during the withdrawal and before?”

“No, no,” Biden shot back. “All the evidence is coming back.”

“Do you remember what I said about Afghanistan? I said al Qaeda would not be there,” he said. “I said it wouldn’t be there. I said we’d get help from the Taliban. What’s happening now? What’s going on? Read your press. I was right.”



Well-Known Member

This was with regard to a long standing practice to show favoritism on the basis of race, and this language is all about "adversity" - read - "poor".

Can you BE more condescending? You're trying to say, we're going to improve chances to get into expensive colleges by advancing the cause of the poor. It presumes that - blacks are poor (as a group, they make less - as applicants to college - not so much) and that the poor - are black (most "disadvantaged" persons are actually white, simply due to the fact that they outnumber blacks 6 to 1).

They think they're being compassionate, but they're BEING CONDESCENDING. And it's ego - they're saying "we will save you. You damned Republicans - they can't succeed unless WE (Democrats) SAVE THEM".


Well-Known Member
They juice him up and send him out and he still cannot perform .
What we see is the tip of the iceberg.
How bad is he really when they don't medicate him?

Can he dress himself?


Well-Known Member
Once his college loan scam was turned down he made a speech yesterday. My wife & I were driving home and the radio news had it. She said he sounds so creepy when talking.


Well-Known Member
We used to have a lady come into where I worked who slurred her words and made up words as she went along she was nutty as a fruit cake, we named her Mumbles. It's a good name for Joe Biden.


PREMO Member

The Queer Administration: The Biden Regime Is Doling Out Your Tax Money to Promote Trans Madness Worldwide

The Biden regime appears to be relentlessly committed to spreading depravity and madness all around the world. The Free Beacon reveals that your tax dollars have “helped organize pride parades in at least seven different countries, paid for drag queen shows in Ecuador, funded a Polish advocacy group that encourages puberty blockers for children with gender confusion, and sent cash to a Mexican group that markets cross-sex hormones to gender-confused individuals.”

Your money has also gone to “teach gender studies in war-torn nations like Iraq. In 2023 alone, American taxpayers have helped foot the bill for Pride Month festivities in Australia, Estonia, Slovenia, and Bosnia.” Also this year, the Biden regime “doled out nearly $800,000 for LGBT projects in nine different countries, including $300,000 for ‘Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals of Botswana,’ and another $45,000 for Australia ‘to welcome LGBTQIA+ people from across the globe.’”

The Free Beacon adds that “taxpayer funds have also been allocated to foreign groups pushing what many believe to be radical medical treatments for gender-confused children and adults.” A Mexican group called Impulso Trans, which promotes transgender mutilation, got ten grand to help “raise awareness and connect key stakeholders of the LGBTQ community.” The State Department gave $12,408 to a Polish organization “that provides ‘toolkits’ to help teachers promote gender ideology in school.”


PREMO Member

What Biden’s ‘Invest in America’ Tour Leaves Out

His policies have destroyed many good jobs while ensuring that industries need welfare to survive.

President Biden last week kicked off the second leg of his “Investing in America” tour to showcase what his administration has created. Here’s an idea for his challengers: a countrywide tour highlighting the plants, jobs and investment Mr. Biden’s administration has destroyed. Below is a list of possible stops.

Lordstown, Ohio. The five-year-old electric-truck startup Lordstown Motors filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on June 27. The Trump administration in 2020 brokered a deal for the company to take over a closed General Motors plant. Even though Lordstown’s prototype truck caught fire during testing early in 2021, the Biden administration’s promise of endless electric-vehicle subsidies lured investors to sink hundreds of millions of dollars into the troubled manufacturer. By late February, it had made only 31 vehicles, most of which had to be recalled owing to defects.


Murdo, S.D. On his first day in office, Mr. Biden revoked a critical cross-border permit for TC Energy’s Keystone XL pipeline, which aimed to deliver 830,000 barrels of crude oil a day from Alberta through South Dakota and Montana to the Gulf Coast. The pipeline was already under construction and projected to furnish some 11,000 jobs—no government subsidies required.

It also would have been a boon to small towns like Murdo, where substations had been built to power oil pumps. Thanks to the president, that opportunity, along with TC Energy’s $8 billion planned investment, has gone up in smoke.

Duluth, Minn. The administration this month revoked a permit for a copper-and-nickel mine in Minnesota’s Iron Range—the latest in a series of critical mineral projects it has either blocked or delayed. As a result, the minerals needed to power Mr. Biden’s green-energy transition will come from overseas, which is also where investment and jobs will go.

Private innovation often eliminates jobs and businesses in the process of generating new and more-productive ones. The president’s policies do the opposite. They destroy businesses that provide good-paying jobs and products consumers want while creating unproductive industries that can’t survive without government welfare.

That’s Bidenomics in a nutshell.


PREMO Member

Biden’s unhinged ideas of Supreme Court and our Constitution

In an interview on MSNBC’s "Deadline: White House," President Biden accused the court of ignoring what "the Constitution says: We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women are created equal, endowed by their creator." That is actually a reference to the Declaration of Independence, but it was the substance of the point that was so baffling.

In barring the use of race in admissions, the court believed that it was protecting that very "self-evident" guarantee. It erased what the court viewed as a glaring anomaly in its cases in the treatment of racial discrimination in education as opposed to employment.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Maybe the cocaine was in fact joe's stash. That may be the only way he can stay alert enough to stumble and mumble through his meetings and interviews.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
There are people trying to blame Trump.
Of course they are. This administration won't take responsibility for any of their **** ups, why wouldn't they blame Trump for the cocaine. He's only been out of office, how many years?


Well-Known Member
Some white supremacist , domestic terrorist snuck into the White house library and planted it there just to make Joe look bad.