Biden Actions ... And Reactions


Well-Known Member
The story has changed a bit. Now they aren't sure they found it in the Library or even in the White House.
They say maybe the West Executive building.
Now it's where guests enter the West Wing, and they have sent it away for more testing, Maybe when all is said and done the story will turn out to be Comet cleanser left by a guest cleaning lady in a building down the block.

Expect anything but the truth.


PREMO Member

Deadbeats, Dime Bags, And Disrobed Drag Queens: ‘Dignity’ Is Dead At Biden’s White House

Consider that President Joe Biden campaigned on the idea that he would bring “dignity” back to the Oval Office. Yet in the past few months alone, we’ve had reports of deadbeats, dime bags, and disrobed drag queens disgracing the People’s House.

For example, a new report from The New York Times revealed that White House staff and Biden’s team are effectively under strict orders to pretend that Joe has six grandchildren — not seven. Meanwhile, the president and first lady have never publically acknowledged that Navy, Hunter’s four-year-old daughter in Arkansas, exists.

In turn, Hunter has recently finished a lengthy legal battle to block his daughter from having the family name while he worked to lower child support payments. To top it all off, Hunter reportedly gifted Navy practically worthless paintings.

Then, on Wednesday morning, the U.S. Secret Service confirmed that a bag of cocaine was found somewhere on White House property Sunday night.

We don’t know where exactly it was found or who left it, but it should be noted that Hunter was there on Friday. Thoughtful readers can draw their own conclusions as to how it snowed in July at Biden’s White House.


PREMO Member

Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino Says Biden Family Member Brought Cocaine To White House

“There’s absolutely ZERO chance anyone other than a family member brought that cocaine inside the White House complex,” Bongino said Wednesday. “No chance that would make it past the mag/security checkpoints. Family bypasses those.”

Hunter Biden’s battles with cocaine and crack addiction are well known, both from his own memoir and the laptop he abandoned in a Wilmington, Delaware, computer repair shop five years ago. The laptop is full of ghastly images of Hunter Biden smoking crack and cavorting with prostitutes, as well as numerous messages in which he appeared to be setting up drug deals.

Bongino wasn’t the only former White House veteran to question the White House’s changing story line and point the finger at Hunter Biden. Ari Fleischer, who was press secretary under Bush, said insiders surely know the real story.


PREMO Member

Team Biden Fights For Censorship, Truth Is The First Casualty Of War

1. Biden Administration Fights For Censorship

On Wednesday, the Biden administration appealed a judge’s order blocking several government agencies and officials from contacting social media companies. The appeal sets up a clash over the U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty’s July 4th judgment, which granted the injunction in a 2022 lawsuit by the attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri that accused the government of violating the First Amendment after the alleged collusion with social media companies to censor “disfavored” speech.

Why It Matters: As previously covered by The Daily Wire, the Biden administration has always shown a keen interest in getting Big Tech to censor speech it disapproves of. Often under the guise of fighting disinformation or protecting national security, the Biden administration has arguably trampled upon the First Amendment in order to maintain power.

Judge Doughty, however, has put a temporary stop to all this and is already having an impact as federal agencies have canceled meetings with Big Tech groups out of caution until they get further legal guidance.

Of course, the Left is going to fight for censorship — it helps Democrats stay in power. The truth is an antidote to their propaganda. For example, if the truth were really allowed to proliferate on social media in 2020 — such as saying men cannot get pregnant, that the Hunter Biden laptop was real, and that everyday household COVID masks didn’t work as advertised — then the Democrats would have likely lost the presidential election.

The Left’s success depends on deceit. To make it work, the Left needs to be able to trample out the truth and command the narrative. It always has, and always will. Unfiltered social media thwarts that control, hence the Democrats’ desire to have Big Government and Big Tech working together to silence dissenters.


PREMO Member

Biden Has Spent Nearly 40% of His Presidency on Vacation

President Joe Biden jetted off to his home in Delaware this weekend after facing a hard week of taking naps in the Oval Office and maybe signing a paper here or there.

And don’t forget he has to go into hiding just in time to dodge the press before they ask him questions about the “mysterious” cocaine found at the White House.

With that being said, according to a GOP count, his recent trip to Delaware means he has spent nearly 40 percent—352 days— of his presidency on vacation.

A recent Rasmussen Reports survey found that most voters don’t believe the president has had nothing to do with the shady and corrupt things his family is being accused of— after denying once again that he had any involvement in his son’s overseas business dealings.

Forty-four percent said it is very likely that Biden was involved in Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings, while only 14 percent said “not very likely.”


PREMO Member

Biden Doubles Down, Refusing Netanyahu Visit over ‘Extreme’ Cabinet Members

In an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Sunday, Biden said that he would not invite Netanyahu until he could “work through … his existing problems in terms of his coalition,” referring to Israel’s governing parties.

Biden said that some of Netanyahu’s coalition partners were the “most extreme members of Cabinet that I’ve seen” since meeting Prime Minister Golda Meir in the early 1970s, whom he noted was not an extremist.

However, Biden met quickly with both prime ministers from the last coalition government, which included an Arab party regarded as extremist by many Israeli Jews because it denies the right of the State of Israel to exist.

Biden described himself on CNN as an “unyielding supporter of Israel” and added that some of the problems in the region were the fault of the Palestinian Authority leaders, whom he said created a “vacuum for extremism.”


PREMO Member

Biden lets American military info slip during live interview, sparking backlash

"This is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of that ammunition, and we’re low on it," Biden told CNN's Fareed Zakaria. "And so, what I finally did, I took the recommendation of the Defense Department to – not permanently – but to allow for this transition period while we get more 155 weapons, these shells, for the Ukrainians."

Reactions on social media ranged from confused to outrage as conservative pundits and experts alike wondered why Biden was announcing the U.S. shortage during a nationally televised interview that would be seen by adversaries.



PREMO Member

Joe Biden Avoids Dining With World Leaders Again

“Biden is not attending tonight’s dinner with NATO leaders,” a U.S. official told reporters, claiming that Biden has “four full days of official business and is preparing for a big speech tomorrow, in addition to another day at the summit.”

This is at least the third time in recent months that Biden has refused to dine with world leaders during international events when presented with the opportunity to do so.

“After fatiguing days on the road,
he skipped dinner with world leaders in Indonesia last year and again in Japan in May,” The New York Times reported last month. “Others who have known him for years said privately that they have noticed small changes. When he sits down, one former official said, he usually places a hand on his desk to hold his weight and rarely springs back up with his old energy.”

Questions have lingered throughout his entire presidency about his physical and mental for office.


PREMO Member

Barack Obama was right to be wary of Joe Biden’s ability to ‘f–k things up’

Speaking to a fellow Democrat about Joe Biden being the party’s nominee in 2020, Obama famously warned, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.”

There is no legitimate claim the former president was wrong about his vice president.

The evidence that he was on target is everywhere, from the border to the economy to the crime explosion on Biden’s watch.

Then there is Ukraine, which offers proof of Obama’s point in a different way.

It shows that even on the rare occasion when Biden gets the big policy right, he still finds ways to “f–k things up.”


Yet since that impressive start, the president’s habit of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory has surfaced repeatedly.

His serial denials of upgraded weaponry to help Ukraine have been followed months later by reluctant approval, delays that cost unnecessary casualties and territory for our ally.

On artillery, tanks and fighter jets, Biden’s dithering ran counter to the strategy of giving Ukraine sufficient punch to send Putin packing.

Joe’s murky accounting​

Moreover, despite the gargantuan cost of keeping the status quo, Biden never expressed any concern that all the money is reaching its intended purpose and is not being siphoned off by graft.

His lack of curiosity comes despite the fact that well over $30 billion and counting has gone to broad categories of humanitarian aid and financial support, with little tracking of where the money actually ended up.

In plain English, that means American taxpayers are paying the salaries of civil servants, keeping the lights on and who knows what else in a notoriously corrupt country.


PREMO Member
In other NATO-meeting news, Joe Biden skipped the official NATO dinner last night. He was there, but the White House said his “tough schedule” prevented him from attending the official state function along with the other NATO leaders. Think about that for a second. Biden is the nominal leader of NATO. He’s the leader of the leaders.

But Biden was a no-show not, mind you, because of any specific conflict, but just generally because of his “tough schedule.”

“Tough” is relative. Maybe this article from the Mayo Clinic’s website sheds some light on Biden’s mysterious disappearance from dinner:

I’m not saying anything. I’m just saying. So are others:
