Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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Does This Look Like ‘Respect’? 10 Times Biden Lashed Out at Americans, the Press

According to an Axios report revealing “Biden’s private fury,” aides describe experiencing the president’s rage as an “internal initiation ceremony.”

Axios reported that Biden is prone to yelling and verbal degradation based on what current aides have to say about their boss.

Some aides told the outlet that they are sometimes too afraid to meet alone with Biden. Current aides allege that he has reprimanded people in the office, saying, “God dammit, how the f— don’t you know this?!,” “Don’t f–king bulls— me!,” and “Get the f— out of here!”

Worry not, because some of Biden’s aides think his short fuse should console voters that the 80-year-old is not “disengaged” or “too old for office,” according to the article.


PREMO Member

Get tested, Joe

Questions about Biden's mental state have grown louder in recent months. Axios reported this week that "President Joe Biden, behind closed doors, has a temper that sees him yelling at staff and shouting obscenities. In fact, his temper is so bad that some staff try to avoid meeting alone with him or bring along a colleague to help defuse the situation." That's quite a contrast from the president's promise on his first day in office to fire anyone on his staff if they "disrespect others."

Why should this matter? It matters because there is a connection between such behavior and the possibility of dementia, or Alzheimer's.

According to the website Dementia Care Central, "…it is common for one's behavior to change in unexpected and unwanted ways. One common complaint and concern that is frequently expressed by the loved ones of a dementia patient is the use of swear words and foul language."

The website explains, "There are two sides of the brain, the right side and the left side, and both play a role in language skills. The left side controls formal language, while the right side is responsible for automatic speech, swearing, and singing. With Alzheimer's disease, an unfortunate reality is one's language skills controlled by the left side of the brain fail before those controlled by the right side of the brain. … With Alzheimer's disease, not only is impulse control lost, so is the ability to find replacement words for the foul ones that come to mind. Therefore, when your loved one searches for another word to say, there is nothing but the swear word to grasp, and this is what comes out verbally."


PREMO Member

‘Unimaginable’ for Biden to Open Obamacare to Illegal Aliens with 25 Million Uninsured Americans

In April, Biden announced plans to open Obamacare and Medicaid rolls, both subsidized by American taxpayers, to nearly 600,000 DACA illegal aliens. Former President Barack Obama first created the DACA program via executive order, shielding more than a million illegal aliens from deportation through the years.

The House and Senate Republicans write:

HHS states in its proposed rule that this expansion intends to make hundreds of thousands of previously ineligible illegal aliens now eligible for various healthcare programs like Qualified Health Plans, premium tax credits, cost sharing reductions, and the Basic Health Program. The Department estimates that this expansion will cost more than $100 million in its first year alone. [Emphasis added]
By providing health insurance to DACA recipients, this policy further burdens programs intended to serve U.S. citizens and simultaneously encourages more aliens to enter our country illegally in the hopes of receiving similar protection and services. Unfortunately, this approach appears to align with the open-borders agenda advanced by your colleague, Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, with hundreds of thousands of aliens apprehended trying to enter our country illegally every month. [Emphasis added]
The Biden Administration’s decision also undermines the promise made by President Obama that the Affordable Care Act would not provide healthcare coverage to illegal immigrants, which reflects just how radical the current administration has been on immigration issues. [Emphasis added]

In his 2012 State of the Union Address, Obama vowed to Americans that illegal aliens would not be eligible for Obamacare, to which Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) shouted, “You lie!”

The Republicans also noted that Biden’s opening of Obamacare to DACA illegal aliens comes as 25 million Americans remain without health insurance and millions more have health insurance plans that are unaffordable and cover little.


PREMO Member
President Joe Biden has authorized the military to call up 3,000 reserve troops to support operations in Europe after tens of thousands were sent there last year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a top general said Thursday.

Although it is not clear whether Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin plans to actually deploy these reservists anytime soon, the move suggests that the U.S. military’s training mission in Europe, along with the deployment of several new brigades after the invasion, has stretched active-duty forces.

“This reaffirms the unwavering support and commitment to the defense of NATO’s eastern flank in the wake of Russia’s illegal and unprovoked war on Ukraine,” Lt. Gen. Douglas Sims, the director of operations for the Joint Staff, told reporters on Thursday.



PREMO Member

Biden reveals he’s got no defense for his censorship campaign

It’s damage control for the nation.

On Monday, Biden’s lawyers appealed Doughty’s order, predicting “grave harm to the American people and our democratic processes” if the order goes into effect, but no specifics.

Grave harm? Only to Biden’s re-election dreams.

In a free society, all politicians have to put up with criticism.

The White House denies coercing social-media executives, insisting they make “independent choices.”

That’s risible.

Doughty documents the demands made to social media and the coercive language White House staff and other federal employees used.

Biden officials met with tech executives regularly and flagged content they wanted removed.

Doughty cites numerous times administration spokespersons warned that the administration would consider altering Section 230 of Communications Decency Act, which protects social-media platforms from being held liable for what they post or refuse to post.

That threat is tantamount to holding a gun to their heads.

The purpose of the First Amendment, explained Doughty, is to “preserve an uninhibited marketplace of ideas.”`

Tragically, liberal media are no longer champions of a marketplace of ideas.

The New York Times blasts Doughty and warns the lawsuit could “alter how government battles disinformation, dangerous falsehoods and harmful content online.”

Tell the Grey Lady that’s not government’s job.

The Washington Post cautions that “after companies and the federal government have spent years expanding efforts to combat online falsehoods,” this lawsuit might end that cooperation.

Collusion is more like it.

Government shouldn’t be curating what Americans can say or hear.

The First Amendment protects all speech, good and bad, true and false.

Left-wing media are characterizing Doughty as a “Trump-appointed judge” to discredit him.


PREMO Member

NATO summit proves old Joe Biden has no business doing the most important job in the world

The cringeworthy spectacle of our feeble president stumbling around the world stage, looking lost, forgetting people’s names, and generally acting like an escapee from a nursing home is now so commonplace that it is barely remarked upon at home.

But it is definitely a hot topic overseas, especially as the war in Ukraine threatens to blow up into World War III.

It’s not especially comforting that the guy with the nuclear codes can’t even stay up for dinner.

According to a US official who spoke to the traveling press pool, Joe Biden skipped the NATO leaders’ dinner in Lithuania because he “has four full days of official business and is preparing for a big speech tomorrow in addition to another day at the summit.”

He’s been president for two and a half years and this is the third time he has missed a dinner with world leaders.

If he can’t handle the normal schedule of a POTUS, he has no business doing the most important job in the world.

There’s a reason Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is posting videos of himself doing push-ups without a shirt on.


PREMO Member

Biden Announces $39 Billion Student Loan Forgiveness for Over 800,000 Borrowers

“For far too long, borrowers fell through the cracks of a broken system that failed to keep accurate track of their progress towards forgiveness,” U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona said in a statement. “Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is taking another historic step to right these wrongs and announcing $39 billion in debt relief for another 804,000 borrowers.

“By fixing past administrative failures, we are ensuring everyone gets the forgiveness they deserve, just as we have done for public servants, students who were cheated by their colleges, and borrowers with permanent disabilities, including veterans,” Cardona added. “This Administration will not stop fighting to level the playing field in higher education.”

An income-driven repayment plan for student loan borrowers sets the monthly payment amounts on a level that’s affordable for the individual based on their income and family size.

There are four plans available that calculate payment amounts ranging from 10 to 20 percent of the person’s discretionary income. Payments can also be as low as $0.


PREMO Member

Librarian-In-Chief Joe Biden Dreams Up Illegal Federal Library Code For Public Schools

It’s his latest in a string of moves meant to bully parents and other concerned citizens into silence when it comes to what kids learn in public schools and, in this case, when they should be exposed to sexually explicit material. But the notion that the federal government has any authority to veto a school district’s decision to protect students from pornographic content belongs in the library’s fantasy section.

The Biden administration’s latest assault on parental rights began with an investigation of Forsyth County Public Schools (FCPS), outside of Atlanta, over the district’s review of school libraries to flag age-inappropriate sexual material for removal. The school district expressly and categorically limited the scope of this review to books containing “obviously sexually explicit or pornographic content.” No one who reads the relevant excerpts of these books can seriously dispute that their graphic descriptions of nudity, oral sex, sexual assault, and other sexual behavior meet the district’s reasonable standard of content that is inappropriate for school-age children.

Though the review process focused exclusively on sexual content and ended with the return of nearly all of the books under inspection to school library shelves, the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) nevertheless opened an investigation into whether the district’s book review had created a “hostile environment” based on race and sex that the school district had unlawfully failed to remedy.

Rather than invite federal sanctions, FCPS cut short this investigation by entering into a resolution agreement with OCR. One particularly concerning provision of that “voluntary” agreement requires the school district to issue a statement reassuring students “that the District strives to provide a global perspective and promote diversity” in curating its library catalog — despite the fact that no federal civil rights law mandates such acts of worship at the altar of so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion.

On June 8, the White House made clear that the FCPS matter was not an isolated investigation, announcing that OCR will appoint a new “coordinator” to warn state and local education agencies that heeding parents’ calls to remove sexually explicit books from school libraries could trigger the agency’s enforcement authority, including the withholding of federal funding.

OCR’s enforcement wheels are already turning in its investigation of Granbury Independent School District in North Texas over that district’s removal of sexually explicit school library books. Granbury, a conservative town of 11,000, makes an easy target for the Biden administration. The FCPS agreement serves as the template to force Granbury and other school districts throughout the country to abide by OCR standards on the content of books they must make available to schoolchildren.


PREMO Member

Biden relies on note cards rested on his lap, barely faces Israeli prez — and still struggles with city names during sitdown

Biden struggled to pronounce the cities of Aqaba, Jordan, and Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt — where Israeli and Palestinian leaders recently met with the involvement of the US and Middle Eastern governments.

“As I affirmed with Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu yesterday, America’s commitment to Israel is firm and it is iron-clad and we’re committed as well to assure that Iran never acquires a nuclear weapon,” the president added at his only public event of the day, at which he took no reporter questions.

The White House has repeatedly criticized Netanyahu’s conservative government for its efforts to reform the Israeli court system — an idea advanced by religious and nationalistic politicians allied with Netanyahu that has triggered large protests by both secular Israelis and opponents of West Bank settlements.

Herzog told Biden, who did not mention the judicial reform legislation in his own remarks, that “there are some enemies of ours that sometimes [have] mistaken the fact that we may have some differences as impacting our unbreakable bond.”


PREMO Member
🔥 At an enervated meeting with Israel’s president Isaac Herzog at the White House yesterday, Joe Biden imitated the Energizer Bunny running out of batteries. After about the first minute, Biden’s chin met his chest and he started incoherently mumbling. The problem seems to be that since he read the entire two-minute greeting off a paper in his lap, it put his head dangerously close to the napping position.

I’d write out the good parts for you, but it’s literally un-transcribable. You’ll see. Here’s the clip where Joe almost nods off:

image 6.png

The funniest part might be the look of utter disbelief Herzog gives to someone in the room while Joe’s brain was resetting, right before the Israeli president obviously decided to just play along. The official White House transcript even used the word ‘indiscernible’ five times during Joe’s sub-two-minute speech:

image 7.png

The real purpose for the meeting was for Biden — or more likely his team — to pressure Israel to stop implementing conservative reforms to reign in an ultra-liberal Israeli Supreme Court. From yesterday’s New York Times:

image 8.png

In the op-ed, Tom Friedman explained that Biden personally briefed him at the White House on Tuesday afternoon. In other words, Biden was threatening the Israelis. As Friedman explained:

message to the Israeli prime minister and president could not have been clearer: Please stop now. Don’t pass anything this important without a broad consensus, or you are going to break something with Israel’s democracy and with your relationship with America’s democracy, and you may never be able to get it back… Biden, as Israel’s friend, felt he cannot be silent.

So another way to look at Biden’s exhausted performance was that it was intentional. It could have signaled to Herzog the utterly-absent enthusiasm for the positive diplomatic words of welcome Biden was reading off the page. The real message was: “I’m only going through the motions here, and I’m not even trying very hard.” Biden — beyond embarrassment himself — may have meant to humiliate Herzog.

But I might be giving Joe too much credit, which is an ever-present danger over which one must be constantly vigilant.



Well-Known Member
🔥 At an enervated meeting with Israel’s president Isaac Herzog at the White House yesterday, Joe Biden imitated the Energizer Bunny running out of batteries. After about the first minute, Biden’s chin met his chest and he started incoherently mumbling. The problem seems to be that since he read the entire two-minute greeting off a paper in his lap, it put his head dangerously close to the napping position.

I’d write out the good parts for you, but it’s literally un-transcribable. You’ll see. Here’s the clip where Joe almost nods off:

image 6.png

The funniest part might be the look of utter disbelief Herzog gives to someone in the room while Joe’s brain was resetting, right before the Israeli president obviously decided to just play along. The official White House transcript even used the word ‘indiscernible’ five times during Joe’s sub-two-minute speech:

image 7.png
The real purpose for the meeting was for Biden — or more likely his team — to pressure Israel to stop implementing conservative reforms to reign in an ultra-liberal Israeli Supreme Court. From yesterday’s New York Times:

image 8.png
In the op-ed, Tom Friedman explained that Biden personally briefed him at the White House on Tuesday afternoon. In other words, Biden was threatening the Israelis. As Friedman explained:

message to the Israeli prime minister and president could not have been clearer: Please stop now. Don’t pass anything this important without a broad consensus, or you are going to break something with Israel’s democracy and with your relationship with America’s democracy, and you may never be able to get it back… Biden, as Israel’s friend, felt he cannot be silent.

So another way to look at Biden’s exhausted performance was that it was intentional. It could have signaled to Herzog the utterly-absent enthusiasm for the positive diplomatic words of welcome Biden was reading off the page. The real message was: “I’m only going through the motions here, and I’m not even trying very hard.” Biden — beyond embarrassment himself — may have meant to humiliate Herzog.

But I might be giving Joe too much credit, which is an ever-present danger over which one must be constantly vigilant.

Bold words. Doesn't Biden want a judicial overhaul here .?


PREMO Member

Has the Biden White House Entered Fascist Mode With Its Latest Move?

“The White House Press Office will implement new rules July 31, when all ‘hard passes’ expire. Lucas, holder of a hard pass since 2009, no longer will be able to easily attend White House press briefings or access the sprawling Pennsylvania Avenue campus—as he has done for the past 14 years,” the Daily Signal reports. “At issue are new rules, announced in May, that limit the number of journalists who are eligible for a White House hard pass and give Biden’s press team greater power to expel journalists it doesn’t like.”

According to The Daily Signal, pass holders will be required to first obtain “accreditation by a press gallery in either the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, or Supreme Court.” It is unclear how many other journalists will lose access, but several reporters who have been known to ask tough questions to the delicate White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, clearly see what’s going on and are sounding the alarm.

Imagine if the Trump White House did this. There was quite the uproar after CNN’s Jim Acosta lost his credentials after an incident where he put his hands on a female White House aide demanding to ask a question. What the Biden administration is doing is certainly worse, as it is clear that it’s trying to protect Jean-Pierre, who has struggled with her job from day one, from having to answer tough questions — which she had been getting quite a few of lately.


PREMO Member

Why Did Joe Biden Stop Talking About the Deficit?

Of course, as Reason (and other outlets) clarified, the falling deficit was not the result of anything the president had done. There had been an unprecedented amount of federal spending in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and that spending drove the budget deficit to record highs: over $3.1 trillion in 2020 and more than $2.7 trillion in 2021.

Compare this chart, from the Treasury Department, with the misleading one the White House shared on Twitter, to understand the subterfuge:


As the pandemic passed and federal spending returned to more normal levels, so did the annual budget deficit. (In fact, the deficit would have fallen further last year if not for Biden's policies, thanks to things like the infrastructure bill and last year's federal budget.)

Anyone knowledgeable about the federal budget or capable of reading a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report could have told you that last year's $1.38 trillion deficit—the largest in more than a decade, if you ignore the two pandemic years—was not actually an indication that the federal deficit was shrinking. The White House has lots of people like that working for it, but the Biden administration chose for political reasons to push a different narrative, a false one, that ignored important context and relied on misleading statistics.

So how's the budget deficit looking after the first three quarters of the current fiscal year? "The federal budget deficit was $1.4 trillion in the first nine months of fiscal year 2023," the CBO reported last week. That's "$875 billion more than the shortfall recorded during the same period last year." The CBO projects that the deficit will ring in around $1.5 trillion when the current fiscal year wraps up on September 30.

Funny that Biden doesn't want to talk about that.


Well-Known Member

Has the Biden White House Entered Fascist Mode With Its Latest Move?

“The White House Press Office will implement new rules July 31, when all ‘hard passes’ expire. Lucas, holder of a hard pass since 2009, no longer will be able to easily attend White House press briefings or access the sprawling Pennsylvania Avenue campus—as he has done for the past 14 years,” the Daily Signal reports. “At issue are new rules, announced in May, that limit the number of journalists who are eligible for a White House hard pass and give Biden’s press team greater power to expel journalists it doesn’t like.”

According to The Daily Signal, pass holders will be required to first obtain “accreditation by a press gallery in either the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, or Supreme Court.” It is unclear how many other journalists will lose access, but several reporters who have been known to ask tough questions to the delicate White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, clearly see what’s going on and are sounding the alarm.

Imagine if the Trump White House did this. There was quite the uproar after CNN’s Jim Acosta lost his credentials after an incident where he put his hands on a female White House aide demanding to ask a question. What the Biden administration is doing is certainly worse, as it is clear that it’s trying to protect Jean-Pierre, who has struggled with her job from day one, from having to answer tough questions — which she had been getting quite a few of lately.

Don't ask me no questions, and I won't tell you no lies.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member

Has the Biden White House Entered Fascist Mode With Its Latest Move?

“The White House Press Office will implement new rules July 31, when all ‘hard passes’ expire. Lucas, holder of a hard pass since 2009, no longer will be able to easily attend White House press briefings or access the sprawling Pennsylvania Avenue campus—as he has done for the past 14 years,” the Daily Signal reports. “At issue are new rules, announced in May, that limit the number of journalists who are eligible for a White House hard pass and give Biden’s press team greater power to expel journalists it doesn’t like.”

According to The Daily Signal, pass holders will be required to first obtain “accreditation by a press gallery in either the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, or Supreme Court.” It is unclear how many other journalists will lose access, but several reporters who have been known to ask tough questions to the delicate White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, clearly see what’s going on and are sounding the alarm.

Imagine if the Trump White House did this. There was quite the uproar after CNN’s Jim Acosta lost his credentials after an incident where he put his hands on a female White House aide demanding to ask a question. What the Biden administration is doing is certainly worse, as it is clear that it’s trying to protect Jean-Pierre, who has struggled with her job from day one, from having to answer tough questions — which she had been getting quite a few of lately.
That reporter from Africa will definitely lose his pass. He doesn't cut KJP any slack.