Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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Interesting, released by Sen. Grassley for public consumption.....but we knew that :)


  • fd_1023_obtained_by_senator_grassley_-_biden.pdf
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The emperor has no clothes, and the democrats have yet to see him naked as the day that he was born.
Is it denial or ignorance.


PREMO Member
Biden delivered remarks at the White House and his speech was full of lies.

Joe Biden absurdly boasted about his time as a public defender.

“It was a lesson I learned coming out of — not like real leaders in the civil rights movement — but when I came out of the civil rights movement as a kid as a public defender…” Biden said.

According to reports, Joe Biden was a public defender for a brief time and all he did was defend a cow thief in Delaware.

“Given how long ago and limited it was, the depth of Biden’s work as a public defender is difficult to plumb. Databases available to the public at the Wilmington courts where Biden practiced do not allow for searches by attorney name. Newspaper archives show several stories, including the case of the stolen cow, that identified Biden as a public defender between June and July of 1969. Campaign officials and other Biden allies did not recall other specific cases.” BuzzFeed previously reported.

Biden never participated in the civil rights movement.

He was friends with segregationists and gave a eulogy at former KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd’s funeral.

At the end of his speech, Joe Biden said he had to leave the podium so he doesn’t go off-script and say more.

“Before I say even more what’s on my mind, I’m now gonna leave this podium,” Biden said.



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Charly Arnolt

ESPN Host Charly Arnolt : Celebs
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PREMO Member
At the end of his speech, Joe Biden said he had to leave the podium so he doesn’t go off-script and say more.

“Before I say even more what’s on my mind, I’m now gonna leave this podium,” Biden said.
I was really waiting for him to call out Maga Republican white supremacists.


PREMO Member

PolitiFact Falsely Claims Biden Didn’t Awkwardly Leave MSNBC Set

PolitiFact clutched their pears over Twitter and TikTok users making fun of Biden with the clip:

A June 30 tweet made a similar claim with a screenshot of Biden walking off the set. TikTok videos also shared the brief clip of Biden’s exit and questioned why the president left during a live interview.

“Biden didn’t leave midinterview [sic], as the social media posts suggest,” Swann added.

She spent over 10 paragraphs describing how Wallace and Biden were saying “thank you” and making it absolutely clear that the interview was over before Biden awkwardly walked off set.

Anyone who has watched any amount of cable news has a reasonable understanding of how these kinds of interviews go down. They go from a wide shot of the interviewer and the guest saying their final pleasantries before zooming in on the host and either going to a commercial break or shifting to the other side of the table as that guest leaves on their side of the set.

Wallace did go to a commercial break which would have allowed Biden to get up a leave the set. What he did was out of the ordinary and was arguably still during the hit because they had not cut away as was traditionally done. That’s not to mention the part where he walked behind Wallace and across the set.


PREMO Member

GOP Sen. Marshall: Biden’s ‘Schizophrenic’ Policy Pushes EVs While Allowing Chinese Chargers, Blocking Mining

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) discussed his push to rescind the Biden administration’s waiver of Buy America provisions for government-funded electric vehicle chargers and said the waiver is “the next chapter of Joe Biden’s schizophrenic policies, which all seem to enrich China” and pointed to the Biden administration blocking mining projects while pushing electric vehicles.

Marshall said, “This is the next chapter of Joe Biden’s schizophrenic policies, which all seem to enrich China. I say schizophrenic, he wants us to go from 0 to 100 miles an hour in converting all of our cars to EVs, but he won’t let us mine the lithium and copper that we need to make those batteries. He won’t let us be able to make affordable steel in this country that we need to make those cars with. So, all of these policies basically enrich China. Schizophrenic in the sense that he says, when they develop policies, when we set laws to spend these trillions of dollars, it’s supposed to be made in America. But guess what? His other policies keep us from making it in America and enrich China. Sean, sometimes I just throw my hands up and say, I don’t know what this president is thinking.”


PREMO Member

President Biden Suddenly Expresses Desire To Meet Granddaughter He Ignored For Years

According to a number of reports, Biden had avoided addressing Navy Joan’s existence because he was “following Hunter’s lead” and waiting for the outcome of legal disputes between Hunter and Navy Joan’s mother, former stripper Lunden Roberts. That excuse was parroted throughout legacy media outlets with varying degrees of success.

But as CNN contributor Scott Jennings pointed out last weekend — after the president had apparently received the “green light” from Hunter to release a statement about his granddaughter — in many cases where a father does not step up, the responsibility falls on grandparents to do the right thing by the child.
