Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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For all you Trump haters popping champagne over this dubious indictment, here's EXACTLY why it may collapse

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's indictment of Trump for falsely reporting the payment of hush money to adult firm star Stormy Daniels is scandalously inept. The legal contortions Bragg performed to criminalize a possibly immoral, yet perfectly legal, pay off are too convoluted to recount here.

Evidence related to Trump's alleged illegal retention of classified materials at Mar-a-Lago are strong, but the supposed crime itself is rather technical and relatively minor. Hillary Clinton, who stored highly sensitive government documents on her 'home brew' server, never faced federal charges, neither did President Biden, Vice President Pence or Bill Clinton's former National Security Advisor, Sandy Berger.

Why, then, charge the candidate who is in a virtual tie with the incumbent against whom he is running?

The current indictment involves far more serious accusations, but the evidence seems speculative.

In order to establish the underlying charges, the government would have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump himself actually knew and believed that he had lost the election fair and square.

That he intended to subvert the will of the people.

I doubt they can prove that.

I did not believe that the government would bring this indictment unless it had corroborated evidence that Trump had told people that he knew he had been defeated and was challenging the results for fraudulent and corrupt purposes.

But from what I have read and heard; they don't appear to have any such evidence.

When his son-in-law Jared Kushner was summoned before the grand jury, it was widely expected that he might provide that smoking gun, but he apparently said the opposite: that Trump actually believed he had won.

Others who spoke to Trump during the relevant time period also believe that he was persuaded that the election had been stolen.

I think he is wrong, but it's not what I or the grand jurors think: it's what Trump himself believed.

If the government fails to prove Trump's state of mind beyond a reasonable doubt, the indictment against him may well backfire - politically.

But perhaps, most notably, Smith's case against Trump is novel, untested and unique.

It may collapse under its own weight.

Our Constitution prohibits ex post facto prosecutions – that is prosecutions that are not based on clear rules easily knowable to defendants at the time of the alleged offenses.

Put simply, the law must be clearly established by firm precedents. There are few in this indictment.

As Thomas Jefferson once put it: the criminal law must be so clear that the average person can understand it if he 'reads it while running.' The spirit, if not the letter of this prohibition is violated when statutes are stretched and precedents are ignored.

Smith is charging Trump under a Reconstruction era law, adopted in 1870, that makes it a crime to 'conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person' exercising their Constitutionally protected rights, including the right to vote.

The provision was intended to aid African American citizens emerging from the horrors of slavery. But it has not been used to prosecute someone for contesting the legitimacy of an election.

If it were it could have been employed against House Democrats, who challenged Trump's 2016 election victory, citing supposed voter suppression and Russian interference.

Of course, it should not have.

But prosecutor Jack Smith has a history of bringing speculative cases.

He won a corruption conviction against former governor of Virginia, Robert McDonnell, in 2014 only for it to be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in a unanimous 8-0 decision.

The Court concluded that there was no explicit proof of the charges and warned that 'the uncontrolled power of criminal prosecutors is a threat to our separation of powers.'

Yes, Smith is known for his creativity, but creativity has no proper role in the criminal justice system, especially when it comes to prosecuting political opponents.

Prosecutor Smith is probably counting on the fact that a District of Columbia jury will be comprised primarily of anti-Trump citizens, because the district is overwhelmingly Democrat and only a tiny percentage of potential jurors voted for him in the last election.

That is why Trump's lawyers will certainly move for a change of venue, perhaps to Virginia which is far more purple than the neighboring District.

If that motion fails, a conviction is virtually assured, but it is likely that that conviction will be scrutinized carefully on appeal by the Circuit Court and Supreme Court.


PREMO Member

Biden Gloats in ‘Dark Brandon’ Video on the Day Trump Gets Arraigned

“Dark Brandon, dark roast. Tea drinkers welcome. Purchase is a donation to Biden Victory Fund,” the product description reads on the Biden/Harris website, where the mug is being sold for $22.

The “Dark Brandon” meme originated during the 2022 mid-term election in the wake of the president’s infamously divisive speech in which he characterized MAGA Republicans as a dark threat to American democracy.

“MAGA Republicans do not respect the constitution,” he said. “They do not believe in the rule of law, they do not believe in the rule of law, they do not recognize the will of the people.”

“MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards,” he added. “Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose. No right to privacy. No right to contraception. No right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence.”

In response to online MAGA outrage, supporters of Biden coined the phrase “Dark Brandon” — a reference to the “Let’s Go, Brandon” phenomenon — and quickly began sharing memes that featured the president smiling with his eyes glowing red as if he were the Terminator. Writing for the Independent, Alex Woodward said that the memes transformed the president from a grandfatherly figure into something more aggressive.


PREMO Member

Biden Admin Demanded Facebook Suppress Daily Wire, Tomi Lahren to Control COVID Narrative

The latest Facebook Files from Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan reveals that the Biden administration pressured Facebook to suppress Daily Wire and Tomi Lahren content to control the COVID narrative.

It started small. After all, you cannot just go all in. You have to carve a path and break them down to the point where they think everything you demand is totally cool and acceptable.

First step: Rob Flaherty, President Biden’s then-Director of Digital Strategy, asked Facebook to explain why it allowed certain content. Why would Facebook allow The New York Post to share so many articles? How dare they.

“NY Post churning out articles every day about people dying. What is supposed to happen to that from Policy perspective. Dies that article get a reduction, labels?”

So it doesn’t matter if the article is true.



PREMO Member

Joe and Jill Biden are branded 'inconsiderate, entitled and lousy' by Politico journalist for letting their dogs repeatedly bite Secret Service agents

  • The White House is now giving Commander extra training after being involved in 10 White House and Delaware attacks
  • Major was given to family friends in December 2021 - the same month the Bidens got Commander - after at least eight bites
  • Writing in a Politico piece titled 'Don't Blame the Dog. Blame Biden,' columnist Matthew Schaffer said the incidents show an uglier side of the First Family


PREMO Member

New Questions Raised About Joe Biden's 2022 Remarks Regarding the Prosecution of Donald Trump

In June 2022 Biden said, “I never once, not one single time,” suggested to the Justice Department anything about bringing charges. “I’m honest,” he said, pounding the podium. He sounded a lot like Bill Clinton in his infamous Monica Lewinsky speech, and we know how honest that was. It also sounded a lot like the fervor of Biden’s repeated remarks denying that he had ever spoken to his son about his business, which we know is not the case.

But he does have opinions. In the past, Mr. Biden privately told his close circle of advisers that Mr. Trump posed a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted for his role in the events of Jan. 6, according to two people familiar with his comments. He also told confidants that he wanted Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to stop acting like a ponderous judge and to take decisive action.

The Times also wrote this in another article on April 2, 2022.

The attorney general’s deliberative approach has come to frustrate Democratic allies of the White House and, at times, President Biden himself. As recently as late last year, Mr. Biden confided to his inner circle that he believed former President Donald J. Trump was a threat to democracy and should be prosecuted, according to two people familiar with his comments. And while the president has never communicated his frustrations directly to Mr. Garland, he has said privately that he wanted Mr. Garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor who is willing to take decisive action over the events of Jan. 6.

It sounds like they knew that their earlier article would raise natural questions, so they stuck in “has never communicated his frustrations directly to Mr. Garland.” The follow-up question would be: Has he communicated this frustration indirectly or through anyone else in any way? The fact that he’s mentioning it at all to his staff when he should be saying nothing and staying out of it is concerning. And one has to wonder if the people who leaked that nugget to the Times may perhaps also have been concerned about it, which is maybe why they leaked it.

Then we see a subsequent indictment from Special Counsel Jack Smith that is weak on the face of it, that looks like it’s going after Trump about his free speech regarding the election. Multiple legal experts have pointed out how flawed the indictment is.

Some are also questioning these comments from Biden from November.



PREMO Member

From NBC News:

President Joe Biden’s brand as a family-oriented public servant has been a signature political asset that for more than 50 years has helped him win the argument that, when judged against “the alternative” rather than “the Almighty,” he stacks up pretty well.
He’s never lost to a general-election opponent in a political career that’s taken him from Delaware’s New Castle County Council to the Oval Office.
But the burnish on Biden’s brand is being tested like never before, ahead of a close 2024 election. Some of the president’s Democratic allies are worried about potential fallout from a confluence of family drama that’s spilled into public view and from Republican attacks that cut at the bedrock of Biden’s longtime political appeal.



PREMO Member
Biden Trip to the Grand Canyon: Endangering National Security, Mixed With Hypocrisy, Confusion

But first, Biden spoke for about 15 minutes at the Red Butte Airfield nearby, about conservation and his climate agenda, to what appeared to be a small audience. He also spoke about how he was going to designate a new national monument. The Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni monument will be nearly as large as the national park itself, with almost a million acres.

Except that’s a huge expanse of land, and it’s cutting off access from land even 40 miles away from the Grand Canyon. Listen, as a rancher explains how expansive and amorphous this all is. The plans had even included his private land, but the impact on private water rights is still unknown.



PREMO Member

Biden: I Wanted ‘to Stop All Drilling’ on the Coasts and Gulf, Got Blocked by Courts

Weather Channel Meteorologist Stephanie Abrams asked, “Let’s talk Gen Z, because they’re going to play a big role in the next presidential election, and many of them are angry about the 7,000 oil and gas permits you approved since you’ve been in office. You promised no new drilling on federal land or offshore. Can you tell Gen Z that you haven’t broken your promise?”

Biden responded, “Yes, because the courts overruled me. The courts said I couldn’t do it. I wanted to stop all drilling on the East Coast and the West Coast and in the Gulf. But I lost in court.”

He also stated, “The private sector’s coming off the sidelines. They’ve invested $250 billion in alternative energy. They’re building solar facilities. They’re building — there [are] electrolyzers to take hydrogen and turn it — there’s so much going on. Finally, finally, no one can any longer deny that we don’t have a problem with climate change.”

Biden also criticized Texas by saying that they “have more cheaper…wind and solar energy than any other state. And [Gov. Greg Abbott (R)] wants to cut it back so he could have more oil. I don’t get these guys.”


PREMO Member
The monument designation will permanently prohibit new mining claims in the covered 917,618 acres, parts of which are known for having rich deposits of uranium, an essential material for generating nuclear energy, according to E&E News. The Biden administration is justifying the designation by pointing to the land’s cultural significance to local Native American tribes in accordance with its wider push for “environmental justice,” according to the White House.

President Joe Biden is set to formally announce the monument designation during a Tuesday afternoon speech at Arizona’s Historic Red Butte Airfield, according to the White House.

The Senate voted overwhelmingly in July to approve an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which would direct the Department of Energy (DOE) to prioritize actions to boost domestic production of two types of uranium to fuel U.S. nuclear reactors. Northern Arizona, through which the Grand Canyon runs, is the most active uranium-producing region of the state, which itself is one of the leading uranium-producing states in the U.S., according to the Uranium Producers of America and World Population Review.

Though the amendment did not mention Russia by name in its text, the bill was authored with Russia in mind, as the U.S. pays Russia about $1 billion annually to source uranium, Republican Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso said in remarks from the Senate floor on the day the bill passed. The Biden administration has repeatedly stated that it aims to enhance American energy security while also decarbonizing the domestic power sector.



PREMO Member

White House cocaine may have come from 'someone in the Biden family orbit' and Joe KNOWS who it is, shock report claims

  • Three security sources, who work for U.S. government agencies, told Soldier of Fortune website that Joe Biden knows who brought cocaine to the White House
  • The drug was found on July 2 in a cubby where visitors leave their belongings before entering: Secret Service investigated, but closed the inquiry on July 11
  • The three sources told the website the same name, and said it was 'someone in the Biden family orbit' - but not recovering addict Hunter Biden


PREMO Member

I’ve Declared a Climate Emergency ‘Practically Speaking’

Weather Channel Meteorologist Stephanie Abrams asked, “Mr. President, you called climate change a code red for humanity. The World Health Organization said it would cause an additional quarter of a million deaths a year starting in 2030. Are you prepared to declare a national emergency with respect to climate change?”

Biden responded, “I’ve already done that, the national emergency — we’ve conserved more land, we’ve moved into — we’ve rejoined the Paris Climate Accord, we’ve passed a 368 billion-dollar climate control [initiative]. We’re moving. It is the existential threat to humanity.”

Abrams followed up, “So you’ve already declared that national emergency?”


PREMO Member

We’re Not Paying Ransom to Iran, We’re Just Making Assets They Couldn’t Access ‘More Accessible’

On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby claimed that the reported unfreezing of $6 billion in assets with some limits in exchange for Iran releasing five detained Americans “is not a ransom.” Instead, we’re talking about taking an account “that has not been made accessible” to Iran, and “making that one account that has been in existence for several years more accessible to the Iranians.”

Host Jake Tapper asked, “Just this afternoon, Republican presidential candidate Mike Pence said, ‘Biden has authorized the largest ransom payment in American history to the mullahs in Tehran.’ What would your response to that be?”

Kirby answered, “That he’s wrong, just plain and simple. Look, while I can’t tell you everything that we’re doing and everything that this is, I can certainly tell you what it’s not. And there’s not going to be a ransom payment. There’s not going to be sanctions relief. There [are] no U.S. taxpayer dollars that are going to be applied to getting these Americans home. And this $6 billion, without getting into the details of the negotiations, I think there’s a little confusion about what this account is all about. This is part of a system of accounts that were set up in the previous administration that allowed some countries to import Iranian goods, non-sanctionable goods, and that the Iranians could pull on those accounts, those payments, through a special system only used for humanitarian purposes. And that’s what we’re talking about here. It’s a pre-existing account that was set up in the previous administration, which they allowed other countries to set up, that has not been made accessible to the Iranians. They’d be able to have some access to it, but only for humanitarian purposes.”

Later, Tapper asked, “What would you say to somebody out there…who says, okay, so, this money — let’s say it’s $6 billion, because I don’t have another figure to go by and you didn’t offer an alternating one — $6 billion in Iranian assets that are unfrozen. Whether it’s — you say it’s not American taxpayer dollars, and that’s accurate, still, it does seem like we are giving the Iranians something. And certainly, I could understand why the common man or woman out there might say, that’s a ransom payment, I’m glad these Americans are getting home, but that’s a ransom payment?”


Not a Ransom Payment


PREMO Member

Biden asks Congress for $40 BILLION in extra funds - including an extra $13 BILLION for Ukraine - teeing up potential showdown with Congress

  • The total $40 billion request includes $13 billion in emergency defense aid and wildfire pay and an additional $8 billion for humanitarian support of Ukraine
  • Also includes $12B for disaster relief after a season of heat and storms, as well as $4B for the border and to combat fentanyl to attract Republicans to the deal

The Biden administration asked Congress on Thursday for an additional $21 billion in funding for Ukraine, teeing off a bitter showdown with the GOP-controlled House.

The total $40 billion request includes $13 billion in emergency defense aid and wildfire pay and an additional $8 billion for humanitarian support of Ukraine, as well as $12 billion for disaster relief after a season of heat and storms, as well as $4 billion for the border and to combat fentanyl to attract Republicans to the deal.

The breakdown of the $13 billion defense request includes $9.5 billion for equipment and replenishment of Pentagon stocks and $3.6 billion for continued military, intelligence and other defense support.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has already swatted away the idea of supplemental aid, saying he would insist on adhering to the $886 billion defense cap agreed to in the debt limit deal.

'We just worked on an agreement,' McCarthy told reporters previously, referring to the debt ceiling deal. 'Working [on] a supplemental right now is only blowing up the agreement. That's all about spending more money. So, no, I do not support a supplemental.'

But President Biden has said the U.S. will support Ukraine in its fight against Russia 'for as long as it takes.'

Privately, administration officials have warned Ukrainian officials that there is a limit to the patience of a narrowly divided Congress - and American public - for the costs of a war with no clear end.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a statement there was strong bipartisan support in the U.S. Senate.