Biden Actions ... And Reactions


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Joe Burgundy

I believe you mean RON.

big will ferrell GIF


PREMO Member

Joe Biden Threatens to Send Out Attorneys General to Go After Grocers in Plan to Combat His Food Inflation Crisis


Grocery prices are not soaring because of price gouging.

Biden also called on grocery chains to lower costs.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden also announced his Regime will provide low-income families of four $2,000 more for groceries by “improving SNAP and launching summer EBT” – the government spending BILLIONS of dollars a year on SNAP contributes to higher inflation.

Grocery prices
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PREMO Member

The Biden Campaign Rings in the Fourth by Stepping on Multiple Rakes, Gets Mocked Into Oblivion

As sad and depressing as it is, these are the people ruling over you and making policies that affect your lives. Officials and staffers who are so vapid that they don't even know that the "administrative state" is under the direct authority of the executive branch. In other words, "Project 2025" is just the president being the president. Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution is there mention of an all-powerful, untouchable "administrative state" that stands alone as another branch of government. To even suggest that is totalitarian, and the phrase itself is usually derogatory.

Not to the Biden campaign, though. They are embracing the "administrative state" because they believe they have a right to control the country even when they lose elections. Who you vote for doesn't matter. All that matters is some overpaid, underworked career "expert" in some agency somewhere. Think about how ridiculous that is. It's supposedly "authoritarian" to reform the administrative state through constitutionally-appropriated executive power, but it's not authoritarian for an administrative state to wield unaccountable power over Americans.



PREMO Member

Joe Biden Goes Rogue at Union Meeting, Grabs the Mic and Starts Rambling Before Feed Abruptly Cuts!

“I think of you as my domestic NATO — not a joke,” Biden said.

“I said I’m going to be the most pro-union president in American history,” Biden said. “Well guess what? I am.”

As usual, Biden was incoherently rambling about a bunch of different topics.

At one point Biden went off-script in an attempt to be relatable and it went down hill from there.

“You know, I come from a household with a three-bedroom – we weren’t poor, but we didn’t have anything left over at the end of the month and uh, you know, three-bedroom house, four kids, grandpop lived with us…” Biden said.

“I look back now and wonder how my dad handled those thin walls,” Biden said.

Biden wasn’t finished after he wrapped up his remarks. He went rogue, grabbed the microphone and started rambling about DEI before the feed abruptly cut.

“More minorities! More women! More labor! I’m serious! Think about it! That’s who we are! That’s why we’re strong! That’s why we’re diverse!” Biden shouted before the feed abruptly cut.

Biden’s handlers herded the press out of the room as Biden rambled about DEI.

This is what happens when Biden speaks without a teleprompter.


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 An unlikely political beneficiary of the Trump Shooting has emerged: Joseph Robinette Broccoli. Sorry, Biden. Joe’s free fall into the bottomless vegetable garden is over; nobody’s talking about the Biden Brain. The Associated Press ran a story early this morning headlined, “In prime-time address, Biden asks Americans to reject political violence and 'cool it down’.” More than anything, when last night the expressionless Oval Office Chief addressed the Nation, he demonstrated leadership, capacity, and endurance, speaking all by himself for a full six minutes. (Reading from a script, of course. Don’t be ridiculous.)

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In his second post-shooting address yesterday, Biden, trying this time to lead from the front (which usually works better anyway), called for Americans to remember that politics is not, in fact, the most important thing in the world:

“I want to speak to you tonight about the need for us to lower the temperature in our politics. And to remember, [mumble] may disagree, we are not enemies, we’re neighbors, we’re friends, coworkers, citizens, and most importantly, we’re fellow Americans. We must stand together. Yesterday’s shooting at Donald Trump‘s rally in Pennsylvania calls on all of us to take a step back, take stock of where we are, how we go forward from here.​

Let’s remember, here in America, our unity is the most elusive of all goals right now, nothing is more important for us now than standing together.”​

Haha, that was the polished published transcript. Biden struggled to coherently read his unity speech , his beady eyes rhythmically tacking back and forth as he dutifully read from his teleprompter. The Nation’s top executive struggled with his enunciation, offering up chesnuts like “former Trump,” the “pass forward,” and the “ballad box.” After about the four-minute mark, his brain crashed at least once: “I’m asking every American to recommit, to make America so, make America, whhhh … think about it. What makes America so special?”

Well, at least Biden’s generous comments showed they do know how to call for peaceful politics when they want to. But more importantly, the AP specifically noted how the assassination attempt on President Trump benefited Biden by blocking calls for him to drop out:

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It was a recurring theme in the many stories about Biden’s otherwise unremarkable address (which nearly all omitted the actual video). For example, Rolling Stone explicitly observed the same salubrious effect in its own article about the Biden Address.

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I suppose it would be unseemly, a bad look, to carry out a political assassination of the old guy right after someone actually tried to assassinate President Trump. According to Politico, last week Biden angrily told donors on a mental reassurance call that “we’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.

Apparently, putting Trump in a bullseye worked. They switched out the Biden Brain narrative in a single day. Score one for the Kumquat.



PREMO Member
💉 Biden is sick again. Yesterday afternoon, the New York Times ran an unintentionally hilarious and potentially historic story headlined, “Biden Tests Positive for Covid.” The sub-headline explained, “President Biden will 'self-isolate and will continue to carry out all of his duties fully during that time,’ a White House spokeswoman said.” Continue to carry out his duties? When did he start?

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CLIP: Las Vegas UNIDOS audience silent after hearing Biden deployed Covid excuse (0:45).

After keeping a Unidos-US audience waiting for over an hour in Las Vegas yesterday, Biden called in his “I got Covid” excuse and got out of Dodge faster than a coffeeshop barista calling in sick before a holiday weekend. Maskless, surrounded by an all male Secret Security detail, ahem, Biden carefully mounted Air Force One’s short staircase, taking only thirteen minutes to get tot the top, and only once stopping briefly to rest on the third step, and then he fluttered away safely out of sight for the foreseeable future.

Biden has been jabbed at least four times. This is his third covid diagnosis. The shots are working great. Biden also famously told Americans if we got the shot, we wouldn’t catch covid, and warned jabbed Americans to avoid their dangerous, unvaccinated co-workers.

But now Biden is using the same, pathetic excuse he deployed for his horrifying debate performance: I had a cold.

Though corporate media reporters did their level best to defend Biden’s disappearing act, nobody misses the obvious comparison between the two candidates. On Saturday, President Trump got shot, stood up and reassured the crowd, enjoyed a terrific photo op, and the very next day got up and flew to Minneapolis to supervise the triumphant Republican National Convention.

On the other hand, yesterday Biden caught a mild cold that will “likely sideline him for days,” according to the Times. A mild cold. It’s not like Biden can afford to hide out in his basement this time.

Also, Biden could have, but didn’t appear at the Las Vegas event by Zoom or even phone it in.

Biden’s covid diagnosis landed like a ton of Antifa bricks. It was a political catastrophe. The betting markets immediately responded by pegging Biden’s electoral chances below jailed ‘Tiger King’ third-party candidate Joe Exotic. Headline from Coindesk:

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Coindesk’s article reported that Biden’s dropout chances had peaked at 70% the day after the Debate Debacle, but now they have risen back nearly to that pinnacle of disgrace. Things quickly went from bad to worse for President Generic Vegetable. With Joe out of action and unable to respond, late last night CNN ran this punchy headline:

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Yesterday’s New York Times reported that liberal darling and January 6th Committee Superstar Adam Schiff has joined the Anti-Cabbage camp:

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Last night, ABC’s Washington Correspondent Jonathan Karl reported on Twitter that Senate Majority Leader Chuck “Chuckie” Schumer is also now Anti-Cabbage:

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Right after that, far-left New York Times Columnist Ezra Klein tweeted that the Schumer news was a deliberate leak intended to undermine covid-stricken President Rutabaga:

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Finally, at 1am this morning, CNN published this alliterative whopper, capping off the day’s extraordinary events:

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The Most Trusted Name in News did not miss the historic nature of this year’s political events. You must read this astonishing paragraph from CNN’s article to believe it:

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All the while yesterday, the Republican National Convention thundered on.



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 On Friday, the White House issued an official update on President Robert L. Peters’ covid infection, the terrifying virus that has sidelined the leader of the free world. The news is: Biden has a dry cough. According to Joe’s constant companion, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, as of Friday Biden had munched down four daily Paxlovid pills. (They must be sorely tempted to claim next week that Biden is suffering from a politically convenient Paxlovid rebound, buying Joe another five days of avoiding Nancy Pelosi).

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We pray Joe Biden fully recovers from his dry cough and can very soon resume his campaign.
