The House Ways and Means Committee, currently investigating the Biden Bribery Impeachment case, posted an informative update on its website yesterday headlined, “
Newly Released Evidence Underscores Joe Biden’s Excessive Use of a Secret Email Address to Communicate with his Son’s Business Associates - House Committee on Ways and Means.” It’s a pretty big deal.
Red-faced democrats have pounded the table complaining about this outrageous impeachment investigation when there’s
NO EVIDENCE!! that Joe and Hunter’s businesses had anything to do with each other. And Joe Biden has offered to arm-wrestle anybody who wants to take him and pounded the table many times shouting (32 decibels) that there’s
NO EVIDENCE!!! he was ever involved in Hunter’s business dealings.
ever. Never ever. Never ever, ever.
And you can’t prove it.
So the Committee sighed, said
fine, and yesterday coughed up
three hundred and twenty-seven emails between Joe Biden — not in his own name, but using dumb aliases that sound like some kind of inside joke — where the former Vice President communicated with various of Hunter’s sketchy
business associates and unindicted co-conspirators.
Tellingly, fifty-four emails were exclusively — meaning only the two men were included on the email — Joe wasn’t just carbon-copied or anything — between
only Joe Biden (as Robert L. Peters or Robin Ware) and one particular Hunter Biden
business associate named Eric Schwerin.
Eric is particularly noteworthy in the sordid saga as being the genius in charge of structuring the Biden family’s various complicated, bribe-obscuring, worldwide spider network of shell companies laundering the Biden fortune. And
somebody has to tell Eric what to do. You didn’t think
Hunter was running the complicated maze of businesses, trusts, and bank accounts, did you?
If you believed
that, you’ve been hitting Hunter’s crack pipe too hard.
Another email proved Joe Biden attended a “lunch” in D.C. with yet another unsavory character named Patrick Ho (if that’s his real name, and this time there remains considerable doubt over his identity). Weeks after that lunch, Ho was indicted by Trump’s DOJ as a top-level Chinese spy.
one month before his arrest, Ho — get this — paid Hunter the princely sum of
one million dollars as a legal services ‘retainer.’ Here’s the Committee Exhibit 608B:
Nobody knows what Hunter was supposed to do to earn that million. And, why were Joe and the Ho lunching in D.C., right before Ho paid Joe’s bagman, I mean son, a
million dollars for nothing, and right at the time the DOJ was hot on Ho’s heels?
We can all agree that at minimum,
it’s a bad look, and you can tack that bad look onto the giant, swelling list of Biden’s other ‘bad looks.’
(In one of my remarkable cases, opposing counsel admitted in an early hearing that “at first blush, the evidence looks bad” for his client. I got a copy of the transcript and turned that delightful phrase right back on them for the rest of the three-year lawsuit, mentioning it every chance I got, including in no fewer than twelve appellate briefs. Fun times.)
Anyway, let’s talk about that million-dollar retainer. I happen to know
a lot about retainers. You sort of need to know, as an attorney. Mismanaging client retainers is the most common way for an attorney to get disbarred. And getting disbarred is the legal equivalent of being stripped of your medical license, or dishonorably discharged, except worse, because
disbarment is a lifelong black mark.
That’s Tom. He got disbarred. It hurts the former lawyer’s future employment prospects as badly as a felony record (except that it quixotically improves the disbarred lawyer’s chances of being hired by a drug cartel).
Even before I get to principle number one of retainers, here’s principle zero:
don’t hire crackheads to be your attorney. Especially don’t give them a million dollars of your money in advance of services not yet rendered. (And that was a million in
2017 dollars, so.)
With that out of the way, here’s Retainers Principle Number One:
a retainer legally remains the client’s money until the attorney does the work. Attorneys must escrow client retainers in a separate trust account. Commingling attorney money and client money is a giant no-no, a greased fast-track to disbarment.
Once, I held a substantial retainer for years for a client who went to prison for a half decade (for a bad DUI auto accident). I could not touch his money. It wasn’t
my money. It was
my client’s money. I kept it safely for him until he got out. In fact, while incarcerated, from time to time he would direct us to use some of the funds to pay things like his appellate attorney or some disputed bills, which we did,
of course, because
it was his money.
There is almost
no way Hunter was entitled — as a lawyer — to
keep Ho’s money, even if Ho was arrested or was a Chinese spy or whatever. But I would bet Klaus Schwab’s newest leather spacesuit that Ho’s money never touched an attorney’s trust account but rather vanished, poof!, within two business days, tentacled off into the Biden financial octopus.
And if, as I suppose, Hunter never returned Ho’s money, then he should be disbarred for stealing client funds. Hunter’s D.C. law license went ‘inactive’ in 2014. So he should
also be disbarred for practicing law without a valid license — lawyers can’t go around holding themselves out as million-dollar superstars with an
inactive license. The Committee should promptly refer Hunter’s case to the D.C. Bar Association.
It’s not just vindictiveness. I mean, Hunter’s
still out there. If he’s not disbarred, who knows how many
other gullible enemy spies Hunter might trick into giving him giant retainers for future legal services that he’ll never provide? The mind boggles.
The Committee could probably also think of a few other things to jam onto the bar referral, like Hunter’s hookers and crack habit and fake board positions and unpaid income taxes and million-dollar business advances to start energy companies that never actually start, but I digress.
Anyway, the Committee just gifted democrats with some
more Biden Bribery evidence. But somehow I don’t think the democrats will be grateful to have their holiday evidence wishes answered.
As they say in China: Ho, Ho, Ho.
ALERT: Another bomb dropped on the jabs yesterday, and it could be the fatal blow; former Speaker McCarthy quits; and the House Committee publishes major tranche of Biden Bribery evidence.