Biden Criminality


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They may bring impeachment charged against Joe Biden, but they will never get him impeached.

There are not enough honest politicians of either party to get it done.
There is little doubt he is crooked, he is senile, he is an idiot, but the other crooked senile, and idiotic politicians of both parties all know if they get Biden they can get anyone of these worthless enemies of America.


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‘Auks’: A Fourth Joe Biden Email Alias Surfaces

“Auks” is the mascot of Archmere Academy, a private Roman Catholic college preparatory school in Delaware and the alma mater of Joe and Hunter Biden.

Joe Biden’s “auks” alias received an email on May 10, 2011, from his niece, Casey Owens, who served as a special assistant for the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue at the Treasury Department.

Just days before she left the Treasury, Owens emailed “Uncle Joe” at concerning the vice president’s remarks a day prior, during the opening session of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue:

Uncle Joe,
Just got home from work and couldn’t wait to send you an email. Today was truly a memorable day for me. I keep thinking about Mommom. Can you imagine her seeing us huddled up back stage together? She would have loved it. It chokes me up. I have so much to learn! Sitting back there with you was very, very humbling. I was just blown away. You ALWAYS make time to talk to me. Always. But today was really incredible. I still can’t believe you took the time to discuss the issues with me.

Joe Biden then forwarded the email to Hunter Biden, Beau Biden, and Valerie Biden Owens, Joe Biden’s sister.


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‘Irregularities’ Found in DOJ Investigation of ‘F—ing Spy Chief of China,’ Biden Associate Patrick Ho

Ho, infamously referred to as “the ****ing spy chief of China” by Hunter Biden, was arrested in November, 2017, and convicted in December, 2018, in the Southern District of New York and sentenced to 3 years in prison for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and money laundering. Ho’s first phone call upon his arrest was to Hunter Biden, who was allegedly providing legal services to him at the time.

Now, a memo by the Heritage Foundation obtained exclusively by Breitbart News alleges that since Ho’s conviction, “significant evidence has emerged identifying concerning irregularities with the DOJ investigation and prosecution,” including that “DOJ was aware of connections between the Biden family and CEFC at least as early as 2017 and that they acted to conceal this information from the public,” as well as “contacts between Hunter Biden and FBI agents related to Ho’s arrest,” and “a leak of investigatory information in the Ho case.”

The memo cites the fact that Ho was under FISA surveillance during a period where he was in “regular communication” with CEFC and the Biden family, which would indicate the FBI and DOJ had knowledge of their business arrangements in at least 2017, and probably in 2016.

The memo also cites evidence that the DOJ redacted mentions of the Biden family — specifically, Hunter Biden — in the evidence presented at Ho’s 2018 trial. For instance, Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel Richenthal requested redactions of an email presented in the case for the purpose of avoiding a “political dimension”— which was eventually revealed on Hunter Biden’s “laptop from Hell.”

Another point made in the Heritage memo is how Hunter Biden was afforded attorney-client privilege as Ho’s legal representation, despite being a direct witness in the case. Hunter was also asked on the day of Ho’s arrest by another of Ho’s attorneys to “find the names [sic] FBI agents you spoke with, that would be helpful.”

Mike Howell, Director for the Oversight Project at The Heritage Foundation, told Breitbart this pattern of facts represents “another story of a rigged system of justice in America,” adding that these actions “[seek] to bury this major national security threat.”


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Jim Jordan subpoenas DOJ tax officials assigned to Hunter Biden case

The pair had been named among 13 people House Republicans asked to interview in June as part of their inquiry into allegations that Hunter Biden received preferential treatment from the DOJ over the course of the department's roughly five-year investigation of him.

Eleven of the officials worked within the DOJ, and the department had pushed back on the interview requests in a response to Republicans in July. The DOJ cited its policies of not sharing nonpublic information about ongoing investigations and leaving congressional interviews to "appropriate supervisory personnel, rather than line attorneys and agents."

Some of the 13, including Daly and Morgan, fall under nonsupervisory personnel.

As a result of the DOJ's resistance, Jordan subpoenaed two of the officials, leading to negotiations between the DOJ and the committee and an eventual arrangement that involved Jordan being able to question them and the DOJ being allowed to have department counsel present at the interviews.

Transcripts of those interviews, obtained by the Washington Examiner, corroborated some aspects of allegations leveled by whistleblowers, including that the DOJ's investigation of Hunter Biden had moved too slowly and that special counsel David Weiss, the lead prosecutor in the case, was blocked from bringing charges against the president's son in Washington, D.C., and California.


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Joe Biden Met with Son Hunter, Devon Archer, and Prospective Client at VP Mansion in 2015

Just the News reported Thursday the prospective business client was international banker Marc Holtzman, who Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were courting for business in Kazakhstan. Holtzman in turn was advocating for former Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov — who is currently imprisoned for treason — to become the next United Nations Secretary General, according to the report.

The meeting was recently disclosed by Archer in congressional testimony, the report said.

Archer’s testimony contradicts President Joe Biden, who has repeatedly denied ever speaking to his son about his business dealings.

Although it is not the first time the then-vice president had met with his son and his son’s business partners, this meeting occurred in the then-vice president’s mansion at the Naval Observatory, and could be of interest to House investigators as they begin their impeachment inquiry that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced on Tuesday.


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Here’s All The Evidence Connecting Joe Biden To Hunter Biden’s Foreign Business Dealings

Witness testimony, emails, text messages, flights and additional evidence indicate Joe Biden was knowledgeable about Hunter Biden’s business dealings and communicated with his son’s business associates on numerous occasions.

Hunter Biden’s former business associate Devon Archer testified in July to the House Oversight Committee that Joe Biden spoke with his son’s business associates more than 20 times, including a spring 2014 dinner with Russian oligarch Elena Baturina and a spring 2015 dinner with Vadim Pozharskyi, an executive with Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings.

In addition, Archer mentioned a meeting Joe Biden had in Beijing with a Chinese business associate, whose daughter later received a college recommendation letter from then-Vice President Joe Biden.


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The media cannot save lyin’ Joe Biden — even with his demands

The White House letter demanding that news outlets “ramp up scrutiny” of the GOP revealed the unspoken assumption that the Washington press corps can be counted on to rescue a failing Democratic president.

As such, it is a giant insult to the outlets that proclaim themselves free of both fear and favor.

How strange, then, that there was nary a peep of media protest over the expectation they would do the president’s bidding.

If there was outrage at being outed for rank partisanship, it remains a secret.

Most media treated the letter as no big deal.

In truth, it was a very big deal, and the SOS from the Biden White House tore the cover off any claim the media is fair.

No Republican president would dare make such a demand, knowing he would be ripped to shreds.


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“Based on the evidence I’ve seen so far, I think the number is going to be north of $50 million that we’re talking about here,” Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) said on Fox News.

Throughout the investigation, the House Oversight Committee unveiled several tranches of Biden business bank records. Those showed the Biden business received at least $20 million from business schemes in Romania, China, Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. In total, nine Biden family members received payments from the family foreign business ventures, including two of Joe Biden’s grandchildren.

“This will go down as one of the most politically corrupt presidents and families in U.S. history,” Mace added. “And we’ve got to show and prove it to the American people. We’ve got to show them everything that we have.”



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BHR Partners’ Bank Wires List Joe Biden’s Delaware Home as Beneficiary Address

The bombshell allegation is the first direct link between Joe Biden and foreign wired money to the Biden family business from China. The Delaware address is Joe Biden’s main residence. Hunter Biden also spent time at the address, though it is unclear if he claimed it as his home address at the time of the wire transfer in July and August 2019.

The revelation emerged from the committee’s recent subpoena of financial records related to a specific bank account that received two wires from China linked to BHR Partners associates, according to the committee:

July 26, 2019: Wang Xin wired $10,000 with Joe Biden’s home listed on the wire.
August 2, 2019: Jonathan Li wired $250,000 with Joe Biden’s home listed on the wire.

BHR Partners, the fund Hunter Biden co-founded via a joint venture with Devon Archer and Jonathan Li, maintains investments worth billions of dollars around the globe. Archer conveyed his stake in BHR Painters to his wife in 2017. Hunter Biden conveyed his stake to his current lawyer, Kevin Morris, Breitbart News exclusively reported in April.



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Feds Have Interviewed 100 Witnesses In Criminal Probe Of Biden’s Handling Of Classified Material: Report

The report said that the witnesses who have been interviewed have made it seem as though “the improper removal of classified documents from Biden’s office when he left the White House in 2017 was more likely a mistake than a criminal act.”

The report noted, though, that the special counsel has not reached a conclusion about whether Biden will be charged and the investigation is not over.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who was an aide for Biden, was one the people reportedly interviewed by investigators.

The report added:

Investigators have shown witnesses email chains dating back to at least 2010 and asked for context about those exchanges, sources said. Witnesses have also been pressed about the use of cabinets and safes, sources said. … Sources said investigators are asking witnesses, especially former military aides, granular questions about internal procedures for handling classified materials, apparently seeking to understand the minutiae of how the vice president obtained, consumed, and discarded classified briefing materials.

It has already been reported that some of the documents that were recovered by investigators during a search of Biden’s home were from his time in the U.S. Senate.


PREMO Member
“Federal prosecutors and FBI agents from special counsel Robert Hur’s office have been interviewing witnesses for nearly nine months, targeting an expansive constellation of former aides — from high-level advisers to executive assistants and at least one White House attorney,” the network reports. “Several sources estimated that as many as 100 witnesses have already been interviewed, with interviews conducted as recently as last week and some witnesses asked to return for follow-up interviews.” Among those who were interviewed were Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Don’t get too excited. Trust me. I’ve never believed that Joe Biden would ever be treated the same way as Donald Trump, and according to the story, the investigation “has grown into a sprawling examination of Obama-era security protocols and internal White House processes.” Right there, alarm bells should be going off. The investigation may have expanded, but is it really about Joe Biden anymore, or is it about Obama administration security protocols? When you read between the lines, it sounds like the burglar is getting off the hook because the home he robbed wasn’t locked.

Oh, look, I was right.

Sources who were present for some of the interviews, including witnesses, told ABC News that authorities had apparently uncovered instances of carelessness from Biden’s vice presidency, but that — based on what was said in the interviews — it seemed to them that the improper removal of classified documents from Biden’s office when he left the White House in 2017 was more likely a mistake than a criminal act.

And there it is.



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“The Keys to My Family’s Only Asset” – House Ways and Means Committee Releases Explosive Documents Confirming Hunter Sold Access to Joe Biden in 23 Countries

On Wednesday, the House Ways and Means Committee voted to release new documents from IRS whistleblower testimony confirming that Hunter Biden sold access to his father Joe Biden via the “family brand.”

The explosive documents revealed Hunter Biden was selling the ‘Biden family brand’ in 23 countries.

“The Biden Family foreign influence peddling operation suggests an effort to sway US policy decisions,” House Ways and Means chairman Jason Smith said.

The Committee released a June 6, 2017, WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to a business associate that he was not willing to “sign over my family’s brand,” or give the individual “the keys to my family’s only asset.”


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House Republicans Release Jim Biden’s Text Message to Hunter a Few Months Before Joe Biden Announces He Is Running For President

“Plausible deniability.”

On Wednesday, the House Ways and Means Committee voted to release new documents from IRS whistleblower testimony confirming that Hunter Biden sold access to his father Joe Biden via the “family brand.”

The explosive documents revealed Hunter Biden was selling the ‘Biden family brand’ in 23 countries.

“The Biden Family foreign influence peddling operation suggests an effort to sway US policy decisions,” House Ways and Means chairman Jason Smith said.


Well-Known Member
“Federal prosecutors and FBI agents from special counsel Robert Hur’s office have been interviewing witnesses for nearly nine months, targeting an expansive constellation of former aides — from high-level advisers to executive assistants and at least one White House attorney,” the network reports. “Several sources estimated that as many as 100 witnesses have already been interviewed, with interviews conducted as recently as last week and some witnesses asked to return for follow-up interviews.” Among those who were interviewed were Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Don’t get too excited. Trust me. I’ve never believed that Joe Biden would ever be treated the same way as Donald Trump, and according to the story, the investigation “has grown into a sprawling examination of Obama-era security protocols and internal White House processes.” Right there, alarm bells should be going off. The investigation may have expanded, but is it really about Joe Biden anymore, or is it about Obama administration security protocols? When you read between the lines, it sounds like the burglar is getting off the hook because the home he robbed wasn’t locked.

Oh, look, I was right.

And there it is.

Is this like blaming the auto companies for people stealing cars .


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Newly Unveiled ‘Suspicious Activity Report’ Confirms Gateway Pundit 2020 Reporting: Hunter Biden Wired Money to Alleged Members of an International Sex Trafficking Ring

Wells Fargo Financial Crime Investigators (FCI) suspected Joe Biden’s son was associated with a ‘sex trafficking ring’ and ‘falsified’ checks to pay prostitutes.

In the never publicly released ‘Suspicious Activity Reports’ (SARs) reviewed by the Daily Mail, we learn Hunter’s accounts were being monitored as late as December 2019.

The SAR was filed to the Department of the Treasury on December 17, 2019, and pointed out to 25 individuals linked to the suspected ring.

It tracked $1,162,732 sent to Hunter’s company Owasco from partner and family friend, Rob Walker.


The document states that Hunter’s ‘high volumes of cash transactions’ were potentially linked to ‘prostitution and or drugs’.

“‘Wells Fargo’s financial crimes investigations conducted a continued review of customer Robert Hunter Biden as well as several related customers for funds derived from unknown sources, the unusual movement of funds, and unusually high volumes of cash transactions that appeared related to prostitution and or drugs,’ the investigators’ report said.”

Hunter received unknown sources of shady funds, which funded huge cash withdrawals, as well as outgoing transfers, and outgoing checks.

Some of the checks were split into smaller amounts ‘for no clear economic purpose’.

“‘The overall activity appeared related to prostitution or drugs. The review also found that several customers suspected of participating in a sex trafficking ring associated with Biden continued to have what appeared to be an unusual movement of funds in their accounts’.”


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Hunter Biden was suspected of hiring prostitutes from 'Eastern European sex trafficking ring' during drug binges and falsifying checks to pay the women, Treasury documents reveal

  • Investigators found payments from Hunter and his companies to a suspected 'Eastern European prostitution ring,' can reveal
  • Those associated with the ring included women with Russian passports and a China-based company to which money was funneled
  • has previously reported documents, texts and video showing Hunter spent a staggering $30,000 on escorts in just five months


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The Biden Family Tree: How Investigations are Exposing the Bidens’ Influence-Peddling Dynasty​

Below is my column in The Hill on the exposure of the Biden family and its long-standing business of influence peddling. Newly released evidence from the House Committee on Ways and Means reveals over $20 million coming from 23 separate countries on four continents to at least nine Biden family members. Not only are the Biden transfers becoming clear, so is the Biden family tree in this lucrative form of corruption.
Here is the column:

President Joe Biden once famously told a state official that “no one f—s with a Biden.” It was a statement that made more sense a few years ago than it does today.

These days, it seems like everyone is…well, messing with the Bidens. The president’s son, Hunter Biden, is facing federal charges on gun violations under a law that his father has heralded. He is also looking at possible additional charges on taxes.

Joe Biden’s brother James Biden was just subpoenaed alongside his nephew over millions of dollars sent by foreign figures as part of an influence-peddling operation.

Joe Biden is now formally under investigation for possible impeachment with at least four articles of impeachment under consideration.