Biden Criminality


Just sneakin' around....
He'll never be prosecuted. The defense will use the 'not capable of understanding the charges' defense. They should spend the effort on the other members of the family.


PREMO Member

White House knew Biden had his own document problem before siccing FBI on Trump, new timeline shows

Evidence released Wednesday by House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer is raising similar questions about whether President Joe Biden was trying to pre-emptively deflect attention from his own problems retaining government documents when he sicced the FBI on Trump for similar issues at Mar-a-Lago in spring 2022.

Comer disclosed in a letter to White House Counsel Edward Siskel that Congress has now confirmed that Biden's aides knew as early as March 2021 that the current president had kept government documents at his insecure university think tank office in Washington D.C.

A year later – with the public unaware of Biden's document predicament – the Biden White House instructed the National Archives to give the FBI access to classified memos Trump had located in his Florida home, kicking a criminal probe of the 45th president into high gear.

Comer formally accused the Biden administration of misleading the American people and Congress by not previously disclosing an early effort by five White House employees and private Biden attorneys to collect the sensitive documents Biden had left behind at the University of Pennsylvania Penn Biden Center.

“The Committee has obtained information that contradicts important details from the White House’s and President Biden’s personal attorney’s statements about the discovery of documents at Penn Biden Center, including the location and security of the classified documents,” Chairman Comer wrote.


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Biden Received Direct Payment from Brother after ‘Shady’ Loan Transaction, Bank Records Reveal

President Joe Biden received a $200,000 personal check from his brother shortly after James Biden received a “shady” loan in the same amount, House Oversight Committee chairman James Comer (R., Ky.) revealed Friday.

James Biden’s now-bankrupt healthcare business, Americore, sent him the wire loan on March 1, 2018, the same day he paid back his influential brother, according to bank records. This is the first hard evidence linking Joe Biden to influence-peddling schemes.

In 2018 alone, Americore wired $600,000 in loans to James Biden. The president’s brother received these loans on the assumption that the Biden name “could ‘open doors’ and that he could obtain a large investment from the Middle East based on his political connections,” Comer said in a video, citing bankruptcy court documents he obtained.


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After Crying ‘No Evidence,’ ABC/CBS/NBC Ignore Direct Payment to Biden

Instead of reporting on Comer’s latest revelation, ABC’s World News Tonight spent over a minute (1:08) gushing about Lady Gaga singing with The Rolling Stones. CBS Evening News found rain in the northeast to be more important. Meanwhile, NBC Nightly News found a local Maryland murder story to be bigger news spending nearly two minutes (1:44) on it.

In a video released by the House Oversight Committee, Comer explained that their investigation found that Joe’s brother James Biden and his wife Sarah paid Joe the money via a personal check.



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‘Breaking Biden’ Author—Meet Jim Biden: Nightclub Owner, International Business Mogul, Joe’s Bagman

I detail many of the ways he has lived large thanks to his big bro in my new New York Times bestselling book Breaking Biden.

One place where James clearly leveraged his proximity to power for money was with Americore Health. Near the end of the Obama administration, James Biden joined Americore, which operated hospitals in several states.

James Biden’s experience in healthcare seems to be nonexistent (are you surprised?), but his value was still clear. Promoting himself as his brother Joe’s chief fundraiser, James Biden promised he could open doors and raise money from companies across the world, a including major Turkish conglomerate.

But the promised investments never materialized. In December 2019, Americore declared bankruptcy. Weeks later, the FBI raided an Americore office in Pennsylvania as part of an investigation into “white collar crimes.”


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James Comer Blows Holes into James Biden’s Explanation for Giving Joe Biden $200K

Comer believes the $200,000 payment is suspicious because the money flowed through a distressed entity, Americore, which loaned James Biden a total of $600,000. On March 1, 2018, Americore wired James Biden $200,000. That same day, James Biden sent Joe Biden a $200,000 check.

Comer, who subpoenaed James Biden’s financials in September, said James Biden’s financials contradict his claims.

Comer told Fox Business on Monday:

This check that Jim Biden wrote to Joe Biden came on the same day he received a 200,000-dollar loan from a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy and today is bankrupt. On the check to Joe Biden, his brother put “loan repayment.” Now, the White House is saying that Joe Biden loaned his brother money. I don’t believe he did.
Let’s say they pull something out of their rear end that says Joe Biden loaned Jim Biden money — either way, we have his [James Biden’s] personal bank records. I can say, with confidence, he had no money to pay Joe Biden back other than that 200,000-dollar wire that came from Americore Health company.

Comer continued to explain the incident Monday on Real America’s Voice, saying, “So either Joe Biden was paid $200,000 as part of the influence-peddling scheme payback, kickback, dividend, or Joe Biden actually made a loan to his brother, and because his brother influence-peddled Americore Health, he paid him back $200,000.”


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Grassley: FBI Received ‘Criminal Information’ From Over 40 Confidential Sources on Biden Family – FBI Washington Field Office Shut Down Reporting!

According to Grassley’s letter which was obtained by Fox News, the task force in the Washington Field Office shut down the reporting from the sources which eventually halted investigative activity.

“Based on the information provided to my office over a period of years by multiple credible whistleblowers, there appears to be an effort within the Justice Department and FBI to shut down investigative activity relating to the Biden family,” Grassley wrote in a letter to US Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray. “Such decisions point to significant political bias infecting the decision-making of not only the Attorney General and FBI Director, but also line agents and prosecutors.”

Grassley wrote: “Our Republic cannot survive such a political infection and you have an obligation to this country to clear the air.”


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FBI received 'criminal information' from over 40 confidential sources on Joe Biden, Hunter, James: Grassley

The confidential human sources "provided criminal information to the FBI relating to Joe Biden, James Biden, and Hunter Biden." Those confidential human sources were managed by multiple FBI field offices across the nation, including the FBI’s Seattle Field Office.

But Grassley learned that an FBI task force within the Washington Field Office sought to, and in some cases, successfully, shut down reporting and information from those sources by falsely discrediting the information as foreign disinformation. That effort "caused investigative activity to cease."

However, despite those efforts by the FBI task force, Grassley said in at least one instance, a confidential human source and its information had been vetted by multiple U.S. attorneys' offices, which found "no hits to known sources of Russian disinformation."

The revelations were laid out in a letter Grassley wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray late Tuesday night. The letter was exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital.

"Based on the information provided to my office over a period of years by multiple credible whistleblowers, there appears to be an effort within the Justice Department and FBI to shut down investigative activity relating to the Biden family," Grassley wrote to Garland and Wray. "Such decisions point to significant political bias infecting the decision-making of not only the Attorney General and FBI Director, but also line agents and prosecutors."


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FBI And Its Foreign Influence Task Force Purged Sources Who Were Onto Biden Corruption

Wednesday’s explosive news suggests the DOJ and FBI’s Biden-family protection program encompassed many more players than previously known. But it is the involvement of the Foreign Influence Task Force that demands an immediate response by the House, namely the launching of an impeachment inquiry of FBI Director Christopher Wray, under whose watch this task force abused its power — and interfered in a presidential election.

Late Wednesday afternoon, Grassley released a seven-page letter that, while addressed to Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, spoke to the American public, telling them of evidence of “significant political bias infecting the decision-making of not only the Attorney General and FBI Director, but also line agents and prosecutors.”

Grassley’s letter summarized the evidence he has gathered over the last two years, with the assistance of Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and multiple whistleblowers. There are several significant strands to pull from the Iowa senator’s latest missive, but none more important than the details he revealed about the assessment opened by FBI headquarters’ Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten.


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Newly-Minted Speaker Mike Johnson Lays Into Joe Biden's Lies and Corruption

While speaking to Fox News Digital, Johnson laid into the president's alleged corruption surrounding his family's influence-peddling operation, calling it an "ongoing cover-up" and directly accusing Biden of lying "repeatedly." Johnson said:

We have an ongoing cover-up of the important facts as Joseph Biden is sitting in the Oval Office. We know that he stared right into the camera as the president and lied repeatedly—I mean, multiple times—he lied directly multiple times about his involvement and knowledge of his son’s business dealings. We all know that now.

The president's story regarding his knowledge of his son's business dealings has dramatically changed over the last year. As far back as 2020, he was insisting that he had not ever spoken to his son about business nor that anyone in his family had taken money from China. Of course, that was always contradictory. How could he know what money his family had made from China, if he had no knowledge of the dealings in the first place? Ultimately, both claims were proven false.

So, the question Johnson and most intellectually honest people are asking is why Biden lied. Why continually repeat a falsehood that he had no knowledge of the business dealings if they were all above board? The most logical answer is that they weren't all above board. Why did Biden appear on business phone calls at least 20 times? Why did he receive a $200,000 check from his brother as a "loan repayment" when there's no evidence such a loan ever existed? There are many other connections as well.


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When it came to Biden family criminal probes, DOJ’s policy often was 'just say no'

The body of evidence from prior FBI and IRS whistleblowers and the new revelations this week from Brady and Grassley suggest the FBI and Delaware U.S. Attorney's office went beyond a mere lack of curiosity. The evidence points to hindering investigative steps, pressuring investigators to cooperate with obfuscation and in one instance, using an intelligence assessment report to try and discredit voluminous and credible evidence against the Biden family that may have come from as many as 40 different informants.

The emerging portrait of law enforcement refusing to explore allegations against the Bidens is disturbing, according to one of the FBI retired high ranking officials.

"There's concern among people who've been involved in these investigations, people trying to do the right thing, people on line investigations, in line AUSAs trying to push this investigation along but being met with resistance," Retired FBI Assistant Director of Intelligence Kevin Brock told the "Just the News, No Noise" television show Thursday night.


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Archives locates 82,000 pages of Joe Biden pseudonym emails, possibly dwarfing Clinton scandal

The total of Biden private email exchanges was disclosed Monday in a little-noticed status report filed in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought against the National Archives and Records Administration by the nonprofit public interest law firm the Southeastern Legal Foundation.

The foundation brought the lawsuit seeking access to the emails after Just the News revealed a year ago that Joe Biden had used three pseudonym email accounts --,, and – during the time he served as President Barack Obama’s vice president.

The status report filed Monday in a federal court in Atlanta was the first to provide an estimate of the size and scope of possible government business conducted through Joe Biden’s private email accounts.


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Follow $40,000 From Communist China Directly To Joe Biden’s Bank Account

“Where’s the money?,” President Joe Biden quipped over the summer when asked by a reporter to comment on the House’s investigation into the bribery scandal swirling around his family. Comer continues to answer that question for the country, with a press release and video detailing the House Oversight Committee’s latest discovery from subpoenaed bank records that establish Joe Biden directly profited from his family’s influence-peddling.

A 12-page memorandum from the Oversight Committee’s staff to the majority members of the committee, which The Federalist has reviewed, details the latest development Comer summarized in his video and press release. The bottom line is a $40,000 check from Sara and James Biden’s personal checking account written to Joe Biden on Sept. 3, 2017, claiming to represent a “loan repayment.” But following that money upstream reveals it originated from the Chinese “business” partners Hunter Biden had threatened a little over a month earlier in a WhatsApp message.

Hunter Biden had sent that WhatsApp message on July 30, 2017, to Raymond Zhao, an associate of CEFC, the Chinese energy giant Hunter and James Biden began courting in 2016, while Joe Biden was vice president. After Joe Biden left office at the end of the Obama administration, according to one of Hunter Biden’s business partners, the Chinese communist-connected CEFC sent them a $3 million wire in March of 2017 as a “thank you” for the Bidens’ assistance in furthering their business interests.

But CEFC had committed to investing another $10 million, which an email recovered from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop indicated would be used to form a joint venture. CEFC’s founder and chairman, Ye Jianming, was to hold 50 percent interest in the company, and Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, and some of their business associates would hold the other 50 percent. That email noted Hunter Biden would own a 10 percent interest in the holding company for “the big guy,” a moniker used for Joe Biden.


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Joe Biden Refuses to Hand Over Loan Documents to House Oversight Committee for Any ‘Loans’ He Provided His Brother James Biden

The House Oversight Committee has no IRS records or loan documents confirming the $200,000 check Jim Biden wrote to his brother Joe Biden in 2018 was a ‘loan repayment.’

House Oversight Chairman James Comer demanded IRS records and applicable loan documents proving Joe Biden loaned his brother James money.

The Bidens often structure their income as ‘loans’ to avoid paying taxes. We saw this with a $5 million wire described as an ‘interest-free loan’ (a way for Hunter to avoid paying taxes) from a Chinese firm. The Bidens then shuffle the dirty money around to each other as ‘loan repayments.’ This is classic tax evasion, money laundering, and influence-peddling.


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Hunter Biden's ex business partner Tony Bobulinski issues a challenge to the presidential family after they accused him of lying to the FBI: 'Hunter, Jim, Joe and I should all appear together before Congress, publicly and under oath'



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Is it possible that we will actually see a Biden-Trump rematch in 2024? I have been confidently predicting for a long time that it won’t happen, but filing deadlines are starting to go by, and no one has entered the race against Joe Biden except Dean Phillips (I don’t count Marianne Williamson).
Democrats are nervous about Biden because 1) everyone has now noticed that he is senile, 2) Bidenflation has destroyed the budgets of most American families, 3) the Southern border is a disaster that even Democrats are now running away from, and 4) pretty much every other Biden policy has been a failure, too. But that may not be the worst of it.

The ongoing investigation of the Biden crime family, which began in October 2020, is now reaching a crescendo. Everyone who pays attention understands that Biden and his relatives have engaged in an influence peddling scheme that necessarily involved Joe as the key player, since he was the only one who had any influence. Many millions of dollars have now been traced from foreign sources to the Biden coffers. Andy McCarthy puts the capstone on one of the worst scandals in American history:

Would the American people have elected Joe Biden, despite the widespread disdain for then-president Donald Trump, if it had been widely understood that Biden was bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist regime?
The question presses because, as it turns out, the incumbent president actually is what the media-Democrat complex falsely claimed the prior president was: a clandestine agent of a hostile foreign power — indeed, America’s greatest geopolitical foe by whom, it is convincingly argued, we are already confronted in a second Cold War.