TWO things wrong with that - historically - the second place person almost NEVER gains votes. At best, it MIGHT tip ONE state, but unlikely.
But two - tipping NV won't help - GA is gone - and AZ is very likely back to the GOP.
I do believe that there was extensive cheating in 2020. The election was simply too easy to thwart - COVID did that. Add to that the scores of disgruntled people who voted against Trump, but not FOR Biden - and some of it I think was misplaced anger over COVID.
I DO think Trump is going to win this time - but it will be narrow, because you can only cheat so much, and I think some states won by Biden will totally flip, by a lot. The GOP and Democratic Party are making an historic "flip". The Republican Party is quickly becoming the party of the working class, and the Democratic Party with its further progressive push, is becoming a party of fractured groups mired in identity politics, and - well - "elites".