Biden Polling


Well-Known Member
Let me put it this way.
Blacks are not getting their gas or food any cheaper than whites.
Biden's policies are getting into their pockets too.
Those entitlement checks are not going as far as they used to, That $15 dollars raise has been eaten up by inflation, they can't afford a $73,000 dollar tesla either.
Economic forces are at work against us all it's one thing we are sharing equally.
Biden's inflation and policies he is forcing on all Americans is killing him in the polls.

The Democrats didn't do blacks any favors when they cheated to put Biden and Harris in the 2 top spots, and they are slowly figuring that out.


PREMO Member
📉 According to CNBC, Joe Biden’s job approval ratings are down -3% from January, which had already set the lowest polling point in his presidency. Meaning, his numbers are even MORE historically low now. Maybe if Biden had REALLY ended the pandemic on March 1st during his State of the Union, his poll numbers would be better. But now he’s mired in the slough of Ukraine and keeps himself busy warning Americans that because of his excellent Ukraine plans there will be food shortages WITHOUT EXPLAINING A PLAN TO DEAL WITH IT.

Hint: when you have bad news, break the bad news along WITH a plan. That reassures people that you know what you’re doing.

Then this weekend Biden gave a presidency-defining speech and practically dared Russia to start World War III by recklessly calling for regime change.

It’s SO WEIRD his poll numbers are down. CNBC’s headline reads, “Biden’s Job Approval Rating Hits Lowest Point Of His Presidency As Most Americans Think The U.S. Headed In The Wrong Direction.” Oddly, CNBC offers no explanation or detail about WHY Americans think we are headed in the wrong direction. The network was completely silent on that one.

For some reason.



PREMO Member

Nearly two-thirds of voters believe Biden is compromised by ties to China, poll

The survey from the Trafalgar Group, in conjunction with Convention of State Action, found over 50% of those polled said it is "very likely" that Biden is "conflicted/compromised when dealing with China due to the Biden family's personal business dealings in China."

About 11.5% of respondents said it's "somewhat likely" Biden is compromised, and 36.4% said it is "unlikely."

Among Democrats, about two-thirds think the president is un-compromised. And among Republicans, over 85% think the opposite.

Among independents, more than two-thirds of voters think Biden and his family have been compromised by what they consider their various and closely guarded ties to the Republic of China.


PREMO Member

Biden's Quarterly Job Approval Is Lowest for Any Democrat Since WWII

And despite the cover given to Biden and Democrats by big tech and the mainstream media, Biden's approval numbers continue to sit drowning underwater. The latest Gallup quarterly approval polling average puts things in perspective among other presidents at this point in their presidencies:

During Joe Biden's fifth quarter in office, which began on January 20 and ended on April 19, an average of 41.3% of U.S. adults approved of the job he was doing as president. The latest average is essentially unchanged from the 41.7% in his fourth quarter but significantly lower than his first three quarterly averages.
From a historical perspective, Biden's fifth quarter average is lower than that of any prior elected president, except Donald Trump. Trump averaged 39.1% during his fifth quarter. Although their fifth quarter average approval ratings were at least five percentage points higher than Biden's, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama join Trump and Biden in averaging less than majority approval at this stage of their presidencies.
Six of the 11 post-World War II presidents elected to their first term in office had fifth quarter averages above 50%, including three who were above 70%.


PREMO Member

Joe Biden's support among Hispanic Americans plummets from 55% to 26% in a YEAR as his overall approval rating slumps to just 41% amid inflation, war in Ukraine and the Roe vs Wade fallout, poll shows

  • Joe Biden's support among Hispanic voters has halves in the past year
  • In May 2021, 55 percent supported him; now only 26 percent approve of the job he is doing as president
  • Biden was elected with a 59 percent majority of the Hispanic vote, with Donald Trump winning 38 percent - a significant gain for the Republicans
  • Only 27 percent of Hispanics approved of Biden's handling of the economy, and 44 percent approved of his handling of the pandemic
  • Asked to consider his policies towards the U.S.-Mexico border, only 31 percent of Hispanics approved
  • Asked what was the most pressing issue facing the U.S., from 11 options, Hispanics - like white and black voters - said inflation was the main concern
  • Russia's invasion of Ukraine was the second-ranked issue of concern for Hispanics surveyed
  • Abortion and climate change were very distant third for Hispanic voters, followed by election laws, gun violence and crime in fourth


PREMO Member

Most Americans say things going badly under ‘distracted’ and ‘incompetent’ Biden: poll

Americans by large majorities are fed up with how President Biden is running the country and have little faith that things will get better soon — sentiments that could prove disastrous for Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections, according to a poll released Sunday.

Nearly 8 in 10 voters — 77% — say things in America are going “somewhat” or “very” badly, 69% think the economy is “fairly” or “very” bad, and 56% disapprove of how Biden is handling his presidential duties, according to a CBS News/YouGov poll.

Only 44% approve of the job Biden is doing.


PREMO Member

Poll: Most Believe Biden Admin Allowing Gas Prices to Rise to Get Americans off Fossil Fuels

The survey asked, “Do you believe the Biden Administration is intentionally letting gas prices rise to make Americans use less fossil fuels?”

Most, 53 percent, said “yes,” they believe the Biden administration is allowing it to happen purposely to force Americans to use less fossil fuel. Another 39.6 percent, however, do not believe that is the case, and 7.4 percent are unsure.

Opinions are divided along party lines. Over three-quarters of Republicans, 77.3 percent, and 56.5 percent of independents believe the Biden administration is deliberately allowing gas prices to rise for those purposes. Most Democrats, 68.7 percent, disagree and do not believe the administration is doing so.


Well-Known Member

Poll: Most Believe Biden Admin Allowing Gas Prices to Rise to Get Americans off Fossil Fuels

The survey asked, “Do you believe the Biden Administration is intentionally letting gas prices rise to make Americans use less fossil fuels?”

Most, 53 percent, said “yes,” they believe the Biden administration is allowing it to happen purposely to force Americans to use less fossil fuel. Another 39.6 percent, however, do not believe that is the case, and 7.4 percent are unsure.

Opinions are divided along party lines. Over three-quarters of Republicans, 77.3 percent, and 56.5 percent of independents believe the Biden administration is deliberately allowing gas prices to rise for those purposes. Most Democrats, 68.7 percent, disagree and do not believe the administration is doing so.

If you look at all the vehicle ads on TV they are all for electric vehicles.


PREMO Member

5 Days After SCOTUS Overturns Roe, Biden Hits His Lowest Approval Ever

Biden’s plunge to his lowest point yet came five days after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which Democrats have hoped would catalyze a resurgence of support for Democrats.

Biden, in a desperate effort to boost his flagging support, resorted to another hyperventilated, hyperbolic attack on conservatives.

“Folks, let’s get one thing straight: The ultra-MAGA agenda has always been about taking away women’s rights, in every single state,” he tweeted.



PREMO Member
For our online July I&I/TIPP Poll, taken from July 6-9, we asked 1,643 adults across America to consider the following statement: "President Biden has said that record-high gasoline and electricity prices are necessary for meeting his goal of eliminating fossil fuels in the U.S. to fight climate change."

Respondents were then asked to respond to a question with five choices: "Would you say you:

  1. Agree with Biden's climate change policy, even if it means higher energy prices.
  2. Disagree with Biden's policy, and want more energy produced to decrease prices.
  3. Don't think global climate change should be a U.S. policy priority.
  4. I don't believe in climate change.
  5. Not sure.
The answer that came back loud and clear will not be comforting to either President Biden or his Democratic Party advisers: Just 32% of those answering the poll, which has a margin of error of +/-2.5 percentage points, said they support Biden's climate change policy even if it means higher energy prices.

But a far larger majority of 57% answered in the negative. They either said they disagreed with his policies and want more and cheaper energy (41%), or don't think climate change should be a U.S. policy priority (10%), or don't even believe that the climate is changing (6%).

This is a significant repudiation of the Biden administration's "Green Agenda," which is now being blamed by many for the recent surge in energy prices and inflation, not to mention a growing sense of insecurity in global food and oil markets.

The split would be even wider if not for one group: Democrats. Just 30% say they disagree with Biden's climate change policies, while 58% say they agree.



Well-Known Member
  1. Agree with Biden's climate change policy, even if it means higher energy prices.

Well folks if it just meant higher energy prices that wouldn't be so good, but not as drastic as the facts.
The fact is it mean higher prices for everything from food to clothing to tires to shipping to---well for everything got damned thing we purchase or use.
It means inflation ,which drives the need for pay raises which drives more inflation.
It's a cycle even the most stupid Conservative understands and even the most brilliant liberal does not.


PREMO Member
To hear Washington Post columnist Perry Bacon tell it, Joe Biden’s low approval ratings aren’t due to his ludicrous policies, his failed leadership, or his cockamamie worldview.

Joe Biden isn’t very popular because of the way the mainstream media is covering him.

The lack of self-awareness notwithstanding, Bacon blames the media because its “flawed coverage model of politics and government is bad for more than just Biden — it results in a distorted national discourse that weakens our democracy. The media needs to find a different way to cover Washington.”

Get that? Biden’s unpopularity is a structural problem with the media that has nothing to do with politics or policy.

It all started during the withdrawal fiasco from Afghanistan.

Biden’s poll numbers plunged, closely tracking the media hysteria. As The Post’s Dana Milbank wrote in December, data analysis showed a marked increase in negativity in media coverage of Biden that started last August. After the withdrawal, the media lumped other events into its “Biden is struggling” narrative: infighting among Democrats over the party’s agenda, Democrats’ weak performances in the New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial races, rising inflation, and the surge of the delta and omicron variants. Biden’s role in these issues was often exaggerated — there are many causes of inflation besides Biden’s policies; presidents can’t stop the emergence of coronavirus variants. This anti-Biden coverage pattern remains in place.



Well-Known Member
To hear Washington Post columnist Perry Bacon tell it, Joe Biden’s low approval ratings aren’t due to his ludicrous policies, his failed leadership, or his cockamamie worldview.

Joe Biden isn’t very popular because of the way the mainstream media is covering him.

The lack of self-awareness notwithstanding, Bacon blames the media because its “flawed coverage model of politics and government is bad for more than just Biden — it results in a distorted national discourse that weakens our democracy. The media needs to find a different way to cover Washington.”

Get that? Biden’s unpopularity is a structural problem with the media that has nothing to do with politics or policy.

It all started during the withdrawal fiasco from Afghanistan.

After ignoring for 6 months what the hell has been going on in the country the media had to report it to save their image. Got to improve on it.