Biden's America Last Program


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Energy Industry Fears White House Will Declare COVID-Like 'Climate Emergency'

A number of legacy media outlets, including the Los Angeles Times, have floated proposals such as purposefully implementing an "occasional blackout" to "help solve climate change." A Guardian article published last week calls on the Biden administration to "declare a climate emergency" and states that it "must do so now."

Mr. Stewart recently said the LA Times article and similar reports are part of a "propaganda war" that's designed to "condition the public to think people it is their duty to the State to be miserable, cold, and hungry."

"It wasn’t too long ago that even posing a question like this would be considered preposterous even from Democrats," he said. "After all—one of the defining problems of Third World countries is the lack of reliable energy infrastructure and supply."

Amid relatively high temperatures across the East Coast last week, the White House sent out what it described as the "first-ever" heat wave hazard alert for people working outside.

The National Weather Service's forecast map for July 27, 2023. (

The National Weather Service's forecast map for July 27, 2023. (

“President Biden has asked the Department of Labor (DOL) to issue the first-ever Hazard Alert for heat, and DOL will also ramp up enforcement to protect workers from extreme heat,” a White House fact sheet released on July 27 states. “For years, heat has been the number one cause of weather-related deaths in America."

At the time, Mr. Biden’s announcement came as about 40 percent of the U.S. population was under heat advisories, according to the National Weather Service. As of July 30, the hot weather was mostly relegated to the southeastern United States, the agency stated.

The largest power grid operator in the country also issued an emergency alert, which ended on July 28, because of high demand.


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I laugh every morning at Today. Rainstorms in the Midwest, 30 million people effected. What would we do without the media telling us its going to rain today, you might get wet.


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Biden admin confirms it's withholding key funds for schools with hunting courses, GOP call it 'shameful'

The Department of Education explained in a statement that its funding decisions were based on the plain text interpretation of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA), which Congress passed and President Biden signed last year after a string of mass shootings. The agency's interpretation means funding for shooting sport activities earmarked under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 will be blocked across the country.

"This prohibition applies to all ESEA funds," a Department of Education spokesperson told Fox News Digital. "The prohibition went into effect immediately on June 25, 2022 and applies to all existing and future awards under all ESEA programs, including [21st Century Community Learning Centers]. The Department is administering the bipartisan law as written by Congress."

Overall, the administration's decision to withhold funds for such programs may impact thousands of schools and millions of American students.


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Mystery group buying land near Air Force base sues farmers: Rep.

In an interview with NewsNation, Garamendi said he’s been in contact with the families of farmers who handed over their land to Flannery saying they didn’t want to sell in the first place. Since no California laws require them to sell, the land was bargained for by both parties at a much higher price. But now, Flannery is suing those families for $510 million, accusing them of conspiring together to inflate the value of the land.

“It’s a suit designed to force the farmers to lawyer up, spend tens of thousands of dollars on lawyering and maybe at the end of the day, bankrupt themselves,” Garamendi said. “In fact, that has happened to at least one family that I know of and I’ve heard rumors that another family simply said we can’t afford the lawyers.”

NewsNation reviewed a copy of the lawsuit. Attorneys for Flannery say they believe “this is a simple case about a group of wealthy landowners who saw an opportunity to conspire, collude, price fix and illegally overcharge Flannery.”

But, Garamendi says there was no viable, economic reason to justify spending several times more than what the land is worth in the first place.

The suit comes as companies with ties to China have been ramping up efforts to buy American farmland in recent years.

Public records show “Flannery Associates” has invested more than $800 million on more than 50,000 acres of land surrounding the Travis Air Force Base since 2018.

Legal representation for Flannery says the group is controlled by U.S. citizens, with 97% of its capital coming from U.S.-based investors. But after eight months of investigation, federal officials can’t confirm or deny this to be true and have not been able to determine exactly who is backing the company.


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Biden Team Throws a Fit Trying to Spin Fitch Downgrading US Credit Rating

The Biden team is doing their best to spin.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen blasted the downgrade in a statement that called it “arbitrary and based on outdated data.”

Unfortunately, their failure to properly govern is not “arbitrary.” And because they’ve spent like drunken sailors, we now have so much more debt to deal with because they think that they will never be called on it.

Yellen doesn’t see how they reached this decision. But this is the same person who kept telling us that inflation was “transitory”. She’s even tried to blame the American people for it, saying it was their fault for their “splurging.” Talk about projection; look in the mirror, that’s all on the head of the Biden administration. They keep sticking their head in the sand when it comes to having reality on spending and debt.

Naturally, the Biden team did all they could to try to blame it on…wait for it… former President Donald Trump, because they’re trying to deflect.

A “senior Biden administration official” called it “a bizarre and baseless decision for Fitch to make now.”

“It simply defies common sense to take this downgrade as a result of what was really a mess caused by the last administration and reckless actions by congressional Republicans,” the official said.

Yes, how dare those Republicans ask for the Democrats to adhere to a debt limit and curb spending! How dare that rascally Trump make Biden spend so much and so recklessly?

The Biden official tried to downplay the effect it might have, saying he didn’t think it would cause any big increase in rates. So naturally, given how they are wrong on everything, expect increases in rates.

Biden’s re-election campaign spokesman Kevin Munoz even tried calling this a “Trump downgrade” and blaming the “extreme MAGA Republican” agenda.


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Wyoming Coach Criticizes Biden Plan To Cut Money For Shooting Programs

Hunter education, archery and shooting-related school programs amount to “training in the use of a dangerous weapon,” so money for them should be cut, say federal officials.

That worries Brad Smith, who coaches the Cheyenne East High School clay target shooting team.

Although his team doesn’t get any money from the school district, it is promoted through the school, and losing that support would hurt, he told Cowboy State Daily.

“It does worry me,” he said about the proposal to cut federal money for shooting sports. “Our school district, Laramie County School District 1, has been 100% supportive. Although they don’t financially support us, they are completely supportive by letting us use the East High name.”


PREMO Member
🔥 The Hill ran an embarrassing but completely unsurprising story yesterday headlined, “Fitch downgrades US credit rating over rising debt, repeated standoffs.”

The story is not surprising because half the Congresspeople have low credit scores these days. So what do you expect when you put them in charge of the country?

For context, Fitch is only one of the three main credit rating agencies (which are different from credit reporting agencies, which rate individuals). Besides Fitch, the other two are Moody’s and Standard & Poor. It’s only one of them so far. Still, its big news Fitch downgraded the U.S. for the first time ever, from the best rating, AAA, to second best, AA+. As far as its reasons, the agency cited politicization of the budget, a record-setting level of debt, and no plan to deal with an aging population.

In other words, Fitch is appalled how fast the U.S. government is spending money. They’re spending money like it belongs to someone else or something.

The implications of the downgrade are potentially enormous. The lowered credit rating signals higher risk, which means U.S. treasuries will have to pay higher interest rates, making borrowing more difficult and expensive. The change could cause banks to go under as their bond assets are re-valued lower. And it could cause the dollar to lose value against other currencies.

Thanks Joe Biden!

Is it too late to take the Congressional credit card away? Or won’t that work, since they can just print more bills? I suspect Biden is going to keep on printing money. After all, he has a Proxy War to pay for.

You can keep on printing money until you can’t. But the good news is at that point, it’s all over fast. And pretty much everyone knows it, which makes us wonder how much longer Wall Street will allow this disastrous regime to continue.



Well-Known Member
🔥 The Hill ran an embarrassing but completely unsurprising story yesterday headlined, “Fitch downgrades US credit rating over rising debt, repeated standoffs.”

The story is not surprising because half the Congresspeople have low credit scores these days. So what do you expect when you put them in charge of the country?

For context, Fitch is only one of the three main credit rating agencies (which are different from credit reporting agencies, which rate individuals). Besides Fitch, the other two are Moody’s and Standard & Poor. It’s only one of them so far. Still, its big news Fitch downgraded the U.S. for the first time ever, from the best rating, AAA, to second best, AA+. As far as its reasons, the agency cited politicization of the budget, a record-setting level of debt, and no plan to deal with an aging population.

In other words, Fitch is appalled how fast the U.S. government is spending money. They’re spending money like it belongs to someone else or something.

The implications of the downgrade are potentially enormous. The lowered credit rating signals higher risk, which means U.S. treasuries will have to pay higher interest rates, making borrowing more difficult and expensive. The change could cause banks to go under as their bond assets are re-valued lower. And it could cause the dollar to lose value against other currencies.

Thanks Joe Biden!

Is it too late to take the Congressional credit card away? Or won’t that work, since they can just print more bills? I suspect Biden is going to keep on printing money. After all, he has a Proxy War to pay for.

You can keep on printing money until you can’t. But the good news is at that point, it’s all over fast. And pretty much everyone knows it, which makes us wonder how much longer Wall Street will allow this disastrous regime to continue.

How can anyone give a good credit rating to an entity that just prints more money when they are broke.


Well-Known Member
Chinese tech teams are spending every day, of every week of every month trying to implement a way to shut down our grid.

A lab in California (Prestige) was just discovered trying to see if mice can spread covid...yup, it is Chinese owned.

China just brokered a deal to patch up the Saudi-Iran hate-fest...

Funny how these little tidbits don't seem to make the mainstream news.
What do we know? Biden wants us MORE electrically dependent for heat/cooking/travel/communication...just in time for the Chinese to pull the plug.

Watch Taiwan folks...if we respond to China's invasion,...THAT is what we will face: Disease & electrical shut down.
Sleepy Joe is allowing this to happen "on his watch."


PREMO Member

Wipe That Smile Off Your Face, Peasant: Biden Regime Pressured Facebook to Ban Jokes

Yet it does seem as if there was pushback from Facebook to the regime’s authoritarian initiative. The Facebook vice president said in an internal email, “There is likely a significant gap between what the WH would like us to remove and what we are comfortable removing. The WH has previously indicated that it thinks humor should be removed if it is premised on the vaccine having side effects, so we expect it would similarly want to see humor about vaccine hesitancy removed.”

Even more strangely, Facebook’s president of global affairs, Nick Clegg, replied, “I can’t see Mark in a million years being comfortable with removing that — and I wouldn’t recommend it.” Mark Zuckerberg uncomfortable with censorship? What planet were these people on, anyway?

It wasn’t actually that they were revealing themselves to be stalwart defenders of free inquiry. Instead, they were just afraid that removing dissident posts might backfire: “In some of the emails,” the Journal reports, “Facebook executives expressed concern that removing posts in which Americans expressed hesitation about getting vaccinated could actually make them less likely to get a shot.”

One Facebook wonk explained, “There may be risk of pushing them further toward hesitancy by suppressing their speech and making them feel marginalized by large institutions.” Also, “removing such posts could also fuel conspiracy theories about a coverup related to the safety of vaccines.” Can’t have that!

The regime, of course, is insisting that everything was on the up and up. White House spokesditz Karine Jean-Pierre declared, “We have consistently made it clear that we believe social-media companies have a critical responsibility to take account of the effects of their platforms that they have on the American people while making independent decisions about the content of their platforms.” Independent!


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Prepare to flick off your incandescent bulbs for good under new US rules that kicked in this week

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Get ready to say goodbye to the once ubiquitous incandescent light bulb, pioneered by Thomas Edison more than a century ago. You can thank — or blame — new federal energy efficiency regulations that went into full effect Tuesday. Quite possibly without you even noticing.

The Energy Department rules, which date back to the Obama administration, have been whipsawed in the political process for years. Some conservatives and Republican lawmakers long denounced them for interfering with consumer choice and placing undue burdens on business. Under former President Donald Trump, the Energy Department scrapped them in 2019; the Biden administration subsequently revived them.

Yet by the time Aug. 1 rolled around, the critics had gone quiet, possibly because companies and consumers have already started voting for better lighting efficiency with their wallets.

Here’s what you need to know.


PREMO Member

What it really meant when US Treasury securities were just downgraded

When Fitch, the securities ratings agency, downgraded US sovereign debt, it was a huge story in the financial world. The Wall Street Journal’s initial coverage noted that it was:

…clouding the outlook for the $25 trillion global market for Treasurys. Fitch’s rating on the U.S. now stands at “AA+”, or one notch below the top “AAA” grade.
America’s reputation for reliably making good on its IOUs has cast Treasury bonds in an indispensable role in global markets: a safe-haven security offering nearly risk-free returns. Treasurys serve as a critical benchmark for returns on stocks and other bonds, because investors generally demand greater yields on any other securities that they buy.

But instead of blaming overspending by the government for decades for running up the debt to unsustainable levels, Fitch decided to blame January 6th, two and a half years ago, for its ratings downgrade.

They also somehow essentially blamed Republicans for trying to negotiate spending restraints before increasing the debt ceiling. This makes it appear that if Republicans just caved and we had unlimited debt and unlimited spending and high taxes that everything would be OK.


What could go wrong? Fitch, like other ratings agencies, make huge amounts of money rating government debt from the US, states, cities, and agencies like Fannie and Freddie. Never forget that their income goes up if the government borrows more.

There was absolutely no threat that the U.S government was going to default, no matter how many times the public was fed that talking point. Via RedState:

As we previously reported, Fitch Ratings downgraded the U.S. credit rating on Tuesday, citing fiscal concerns, a deterioration in governance, political polarization reflected in part by the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, and repeated down-to-the-wire debt ceiling negotiations that threaten the government’s ability to pay its bills.
Richard Francis, a senior director at Fitch Ratings, explained to Reuters on Wednesday why the rating company considered the events of Jan. 6 as one of its reasons to downgrade U.S. debt:

Why would anyone trust the ratings of Moody's, Standard & Poor's and Fitch when they contributed so much to the economic collapse in 2008 by giving junk mortgages great ratings in 2006 and 2007? You didn't have to be an expert to see that a combination of no-document mortgages, interest-only loans, and over-100% loan-to-value loans were going to be a huge problem.


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The Stunning Lack of Self-Awareness of Biden’s Secretary of State, Antony Blinken

Blinken’s tweet was met with a barrage of comparisons to Joe Biden’s Department of Justice and its multiple indictments of Donald Trump, Biden’s main political opponent, on charges that experts have called weak yet could subject Trump to being handed down a sentence of hundreds of years in prison if convicted.

“Is this a spoof?” asked the Kari Lake War Room account.

“I love that you’re in on the joke,” political commentator Mike Cernovich tweeted.

“You didn’t send this tweet with a straight face,” accused RedState contributor Brandon Morse.

“Welp, any word yet on if Russia has condemned the arrest of the US opposition leader on politically motivated charges?” asked another Twitter user.