Biden's America Last Program


PREMO Member
đŸ”„ Just when you thought a lost F35 was the week’s defining story, this happened. Yesterday, in a massively-important story completely embargoed by Establishment Media, probably because they haven’t gotten their narrative orders from the White House yet, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas made history by finally doing what the state’s conservatives have long been begging for:

Governor Abbott formally declared a State of Invasion at the border.

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It’s a big deal, maybe even ‘yuge,’ as Trump would say. In a public letter addressed to Joe Biden, Governor Abbott declared the federal government has failed to protect Texas from invasion, so the state invoked Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the Constitution. As Abbott put it, in his historic letter:

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The subtext of Abbott’s letter is literally a declaration of war. Article I, § 10, Clause 3 says that states shall not “engage in war” without the consent of Congress unless actually invaded:

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

For at least a year that I can remember, Texas conservatives have been begging Abbott to invoke Clause I(10)(3). One sees both sides of the timing of making such a career-defining political decision. Abbott took the longer approach, and built up political armor by first sending migrants to blue places like Chicago and New York, which are also now buckling under the strain and more importantly, are complaining loudly and publicly.

It’s hard to understate how big a deal this is. Texas is going to war 
 but against what enemy? In his letter, Abbott smartly identified the cartels. In a tweet yesterday, Abbott showed his move was carefully and long-planned: at the time of the announcement, Texas had already deployed the National Guard and started building containment measures like a border wall.

By moving fast, Texas can’t now be stopped before they begin by an emergency temporary injunction from an Administration-friendly judge. It’s too late. Yesterday Abbott tweeted:

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Texas might be in a war with more enemies than just the cartels, Around 6pm last week, Governor Abbott tweeted that federal agents were removing Texas’ newly-installed razor wire and were actively helping migrants cross the barriers into Texas.

image 17.png

CLIP: Federal agents remove razor wire from the Texas border and help migrants cross the border (1:37).

Establishment Media can’t ignore this history-making story very long. Neither can the Administration, whose lawyers are probably frantically drafting right now. Expect Biden to file one or more emergency lawsuits trying to stop Texas from defending itself. The rhetoric will be hot as mustard. I also expect Woke Media to soon shift to covering Texas’s wartime “human rights abuses.” Oh, the humanity!

It’s a developing story. Stay tuned.



PREMO Member
When news of the ID cards leaked last year, officials with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency defended the program, saying, “For provisionally released noncitizens, the digital modernization will provide ongoing access to important immigration documents through the secure card and connected portal.”

John Fabbricatore, a former ICE official and advisory board member at the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), told Breitbart News that the ultimate goal of the Biden administration is to limit illegal aliens’ face-to-face contact with DHS agents as much as possible.

“It’s a normalization of illegal immigration,” Fabbricatore said.

Lora Ries, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Border Security and Immigration Center, told Breitbart News that House Republicans should act to stop the ID cards, among other things.

“Congress needs to get a handle on the Biden administration turning ICE into another social services agency for illegal aliens and return it to a law enforcement agency that enforces the laws Congress made, including detaining and deporting Biden’s mass illegal alien population,” Ries said.

Through an expansive catch-and-release network at the U.S.-Mexico border, Biden is releasing, on average, more than 60,000 border crossers and illegal aliens into American communities every month. This is a foreign population four times the size of Martha’s Vineyard.



PREMO Member

GOP Governors Demand Biden Disclose Where DHS Is Resettling Illegal Aliens

In a letter to Biden, Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte (R), along with 24 other Republican governors, is urging Biden to divulge the locations of the millions of illegal aliens that have entered American communities since he took office in early 2021.

“Since you have taken office, there have been over 5.8 million illegal crossings at the southern border. In addition, your Customs and Border Protection agency estimates 1.6 million crossers have evaded apprehension,” the governors write:

Even illegal crossings at the northern border have increased exponentially under your administration, in some areas by nearly 850%. In the past two years, 244 people on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the southern border — an all-time record. Absent transparency from your administration, though, we cannot know how many terrorists have evaded capture and are now freely moving about the country. Your administration admitted under oath to Congress that cartels prioritize the southern border as a major corridor and exploit it daily for human and narcotics trafficking. Our country cannot tolerate 100,000 deaths every year from a fentanyl crisis fueled by cartels pouring the fatal drug into our communities, nor can it tolerate the horrors of human trafficking and the lifelong scars it leaves on victims. [Emphasis added]
Though we remain committed to addressing these issues, States cannot afford to respond to a challenge of such magnitude while the federal government continues to turn a blind eye. Analysts estimate the annual net cost of illegal immigration for the United States at the federal, state, and local levels is at least $150.7 billion. States are forced to provide financial, educational, and medical support to migrants entering our country illegally– support that is skyrocketing in cost due to record inflation and the unprecedented influx of migrants into our states. The financial impact on the states is staggering, and it is our hardworking citizens who shoulder that burden. [Emphasis added]

In particular, the governors want to know all information related to illegal aliens arriving at the border, where they are relocated in the U.S. interior, how exactly the federal government is processing their asylum claims, and whether they are being successfully deported if their asylum claims are found to be invalid.

“Without such information, we cannot fulfill our fundamental duties to protect our citizens while providing our communities with appropriate services,” they write.


PREMO Member

Footage shows teen driver appear to deliberately hit and kill retired police chief Andreas Probst

A retired California police chief appeared to be deliberately mowed down and killed while riding his bike in Las Vegas by a laughing teenage driver whose pal can be heard saying “Yeah, hit his ass,” video of the incident shows.

Andreas Probst, 64, was killed after he was deliberately struck while out for a morning bike ride around 6 a.m. on Aug. 14, according to Las Vegas police.

The unidentified 17-year-old driver of the Hyundai was arrested by police soon afterward, The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported.

The teen has since been charged with murder, after police discovered a video posted to social media that allegedly showed him deliberately hitting the man.

This weekend, the shocking footage went viral online, showing the driver asking his pals “ready?” as the passenger films, laughing.

“Yeah, hit his ass,” he tells the driver before plowing into the retiree.


PREMO Member

Biden Officials Cut Razor Wire On Southern Border: ‘Opening The Floodgates To Illegal Immigrants’

“Texas installed razor wire in Eagle Pass to stop illegal crossings,” the governor wrote on Twitter. “Today the Biden Admin CUT that wire, opening the floodgates to illegal immigrants.”

“I immediately deployed more Texas National Guard to repel illegal crossings & install more razor wire,” he added.

NewsNation reported that 4,000 illegal aliens stormed the area on Wednesday and that at one point the line stretched five miles long and went into Mexico.

The Democratic mayor of Eagle Pass, Mayor Rolando Salinas, issued a local disaster declaration to provide additional resources to help deal with the crisis.

“There has been a situation the last couple of days where we have gotten an influx of immigrants crossing through Eagle Pass. And it has taken a toll on our local resources,” said Salinas. “I’ve been getting a lot of calls from our constituents, and they get worried — they see a lot of a lot of people in our community.”


Well-Known Member
đŸ”„ Just when you thought a lost F35 was the week’s defining story, this happened. Yesterday, in a massively-important story completely embargoed by Establishment Media, probably because they haven’t gotten their narrative orders from the White House yet, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas made history by finally doing what the state’s conservatives have long been begging for:

Governor Abbott formally declared a State of Invasion at the border.

image 11.png
It’s a big deal, maybe even ‘yuge,’ as Trump would say. In a public letter addressed to Joe Biden, Governor Abbott declared the federal government has failed to protect Texas from invasion, so the state invoked Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the Constitution. As Abbott put it, in his historic letter:

image 10.png
The subtext of Abbott’s letter is literally a declaration of war. Article I, § 10, Clause 3 says that states shall not “engage in war” without the consent of Congress unless actually invaded:

For at least a year that I can remember, Texas conservatives have been begging Abbott to invoke Clause I(10)(3). One sees both sides of the timing of making such a career-defining political decision. Abbott took the longer approach, and built up political armor by first sending migrants to blue places like Chicago and New York, which are also now buckling under the strain and more importantly, are complaining loudly and publicly.

It’s hard to understate how big a deal this is. Texas is going to war 
 but against what enemy? In his letter, Abbott smartly identified the cartels. In a tweet yesterday, Abbott showed his move was carefully and long-planned: at the time of the announcement, Texas had already deployed the National Guard and started building containment measures like a border wall.

By moving fast, Texas can’t now be stopped before they begin by an emergency temporary injunction from an Administration-friendly judge. It’s too late. Yesterday Abbott tweeted:

image 12.png
Texas might be in a war with more enemies than just the cartels, Around 6pm last week, Governor Abbott tweeted that federal agents were removing Texas’ newly-installed razor wire and were actively helping migrants cross the barriers into Texas.

image 17.png
CLIP: Federal agents remove razor wire from the Texas border and help migrants cross the border (1:37).

Establishment Media can’t ignore this history-making story very long. Neither can the Administration, whose lawyers are probably frantically drafting right now. Expect Biden to file one or more emergency lawsuits trying to stop Texas from defending itself. The rhetoric will be hot as mustard. I also expect Woke Media to soon shift to covering Texas’s wartime “human rights abuses.” Oh, the humanity!

It’s a developing story. Stay tuned.

Tell them to go home and do not cross the border as you are now our sworn enemy and you will be mowed down if you cross the line.


PREMO Member

It’s No Accident The Southern Border Is Collapsing, It’s Intentional

I don’t think it comes off as a joke but as an almost perfect distillation of globalist liberalism. Louis C.K. cannot fathom why Americans should have a say about who comes into their country and who does not. He clearly has no real allegiance to his country or countrymen, and is actually embarrassed by their prosperity — and presumably his own as well.

There is nothing special about America, according to this view, and no reason the rest of the world should not enjoy her ill-gotten riches. Opening the border is the least we could do for the cause of justice.

Whether it’s a joke or not, the substance of what Louis C.K. articulates is the logical endpoint of leftist ideology. It’s what the mainstream left actually believes — and the Biden administration has been actively working to accomplish at the southern border.

This week, the border began collapsing completely in south Texas. Over five days, about 45,000 people illegally crossed the Rio Grande near the small town of Eagle Pass, Texas, population 28,000. In one especially active 24-hour period, nearly 10,000 people forded the river.

Customs and Border Protection shut down two international bridges to deal with the crisis. The mayor of Eagle Pass, Rolando Salinas, declared an emergency on Wednesday, it seems with good reason. He told The New York Post that the surge of illegal immigrants, most of them single adult men from Venezuela, has swamped the city’s only migrant shelter. Many of them, says Salinas, “don’t want to listen to instructions.” He added, “Not all of them come in peace.”


PREMO Member

Over and over again, under questioning from House Republicans, Garland answered with some variation of “I don’t know” or “I can’t answer that question.”

For decades, Democrats have been using the Department of Justice and the attorney general position to cover for their misdeeds and crimes. Just think about Robert F. Kennedy’s role in protecting his brother, JFK. Or Erik Holder covering for Barack Obama, even admitting that he was Obama’s “wingman.”

It’s hard to believe, but it seems Garland is eclipsing the corruption of Obama’s DOJ. It’s only been three years, but he’s already launched investigations into:

  • Pro-life Catholics
  • Gun owners and dealers
  • Parents attending school board meetings.
In Wednesday’s hearing, Know-Nothing Garland claimed he didn’t know what a traditional Catholic is. He’s clearly not a stupid man — no one reaches that level of corruption without having some level of intelligence — but he plays dumb to a) avoid perjuring himself and b) protect the Biden Crime Family.

If you’re a conservative living in Joe Biden’s America, there’s a very real possibility you could get a knock on your door from the feds. Just ask the J6 protesters who peacefully walked through the Capitol. The feds are still hunting them down and arresting them. And ask the Catholic father who was arrested in a heavily armed FBI raid on his home for the crime of trying to save unborn lives. And ask the father who demanded to know why no action was taken at the school where his daughter was raped why he was treated like a terrorist.


Just sneakin' around....
I actually found something that will cost less in 2024. Just got my Medicare drug update plan. Currently pay $10.40/mo. Going down to $.40/mo. 40 cents a month. :eyebrow: Co-pays dropped too, deductibles up slightly.


PREMO Member

The IRS Really Likes Slippery Definitions

"We do not agree," responded Douglas W. O'Donnell, IRS deputy commissioner for services and enforcement, in an August 14, 2023, memo attached to the report. "In accordance with the Treasury Secretary's directive, the IRS will focus on high-income high-wealth individuals, large corporations and complex partnerships that present a high risk of noncompliance while at the same time not increasing audit rates above historic levels for households making less than $400,000 and small businesses.
However, a static and overly proscriptive definition of high-income taxpayers for purposes of focusing on income levels above which taxpayers have unique and varied opportunities for tax would serve to deprive the IRS of the agility to address emerging issues and trends."

That's a lot of words to say that tax collectors want to continue using the phrase "high-income" in as slippery a way as they please without being pinned to any specific definition. Who is a "high-income earner"? Maybe somebody earning over $400,000, or maybe you if it's your lucky day.

You might notice, also, that the IRS promises only to not increase "audit rates above historic levels" for households earning less than $400,000. That's the same commitment found in Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's August 10, 2022, directive to the IRS, and in the IRS's September 8 press release. A promise to maintain the recent rate of audits on those making less than the income cutoff is not the same as "people making less than $400,000 a year will not see a single penny increase in taxes." It's just an assurance that one particular tool for tax extraction won't be relied upon by the thousands of new agents the IRS plans to hire.

Maybe You Should Be Afraid After All

There aren't enough wealthy people to justify all of that attention. It's the millions of middle-class Americans who are juicy targets for a "historic effort to restore fairness in tax compliance."

"The main targets will by necessity be the middle- and upper-middle class because that's where the money is," The Wall Street Journal editorial board cautioned last year when the massive boost in IRS funding was being debated by lawmakers. "The Joint Committee on Taxation, Congress's official tax scorekeeper, says that from 78% to 90% of the money raised from under-reported income would likely come from those making less than $200,000 a year. Only 4% to 9% would come from those making more than $500,000."

High-income earners also have the money to defend themselves with accountants, attorneys, and creative financial arrangements. People with less money are easier targets for tax collectors who want a low-friction payoff for their efforts.

"Syracuse University's Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) released data provided to it by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on audits performed by the agency in fiscal year 2022," Reason's Liz Wolfe reported in January. "Despite the infusion of new funding earmarked for the IRS via last year's Inflation Reduction Act, the agency continued historic trends of hassling primarily low-income taxpayers, with relatively few millionaires and billionaires getting caught up in the audit sweep."

That's the reality of what the IRS does, as opposed to the vague and not-so-binding assurances officials make to the public about what they intend to do.

When it comes to taxes, promises are cheap. But the government's spending habits are extremely expensive, and that's what drives its appetite for revenue.



PREMO Member
Prices are soaring once again. Whether at the gas pump or the grocery store, Americans can expect to be paying more in the checkout line thanks to President Joe Biden’s reckless policies and disregard for the well-being of the U.S.

However, no matter how lousy inflation gets, Democrats will never admit Biden is to blame.

Democrats Demand Joe Biden to be Given Credit For a ‘Successful’ Economy

A “Letter to the Editor” published by the Detroit Free Press demanded that Americans give Biden “credit for fixing U.S. inflation.”

The Left-wing outlet made outlandish claims in regards to the economy, read below:

Over the past three months, inflation has run at only 2.4%, yet 74% of voters say that inflation is getting worse. Most Republican primary voters say that inflation is going up. The last time we experienced a substantial drop in inflation was during the Reagan years. Overall, prices continued to rise then. However, inflation stabilized at around 4%, much higher than the 2.4% we have now. Yet, as this 1984 poll suggests, voters gave Reagan credit for reducing inflation.

Earlier this month, the president touted his so-called success at bringing hope to the economy, claiming the U.S. has seen the “lowest inflation rate” worldwide despite soaring prices.

“I've got news for them. America has the strongest economy in the world right now today. Lowest inflation rate among any major economy, 13.5 million new jobs," Biden said.

However, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s latest report, the unemployment rate rose from 3.5 percent to 3.8 percent in August, the highest level since February 2022. In addition, 736,000 people began looking for jobs last month, the most since January.


PREMO Member

Did Bidenomics kill the American dream? Homes and cars are becoming increasingly unaffordable for the middle class

“Both housing and automobiles have become increasingly less affordable to American households as a direct result of the Fed having to raise interest rates to curb inflation,” Desmond Lachman, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, told the DCNF. “Most people finance their home and auto purchases by taking out loans and those loans have become much more expensive.”

The Biden administration has introduced a number of high-spending bills that have contributed to the national debt, including the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan signed in March 2021 that aimed to relieve the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The president also signed the Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022, which equates to around $750 billion in new spending, with nearly $370 billion of that going towards green initiatives.

The Federal Reserve, in an attempt to slow inflation, has raised the federal funds rate 11 times since 2022, bringing the current rate to a range of 5.25% and 5.50%. Inflation has continued to remain elevated, rising to 3.7% in August from 3.2% in July, far above the 2% target of the Fed.

“Housing is rapidly becoming unaffordable for average Americans owing to what are really two sides of the same coin,” Peter Earle, an economist at the American Institute for Economic Research, told the DCNF. “First, the last few years of inflation have reduced the borrowing power of the dollar. The other side of that, and really the consequent effect, is the rise in asset prices. In most markets home prices have risen between 10 and 15 percent since 2021; more, in some places.”

The median home price in July was $412,300, and the average mortgage rate was 6.92% compared to 2020, when the median home price was $300,200 with a 3.17% mortgage rate, according to the National Association of Realtors.

Real wages have been significantly degraded by inflation, with the median weekly real earnings for both wage and salary workers declining 7.1% in the second quarter of 2023 from their all-time peak in the second quarter of 2020, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

The price of auto insurance has risen 19.1% year-over-year as of August due to the increasing number of claims, while the price of repairs and auto crime has also risen. The loss ratio for insurance companies, the amount that insurance companies receive in premiums compared to how much they deal out in claims, rose to 78.2% in the second quarter of 2023, as opposed to the 64.7% average before the COVID-19 pandemic.


PREMO Member

The Destruction of the United States Is Intentional. Here's What Will Happen Next.

Bezemenov laid out the Soviet plan in four parts:

  1. Demoralize people until they can’t tell fact from fiction.
  2. Destabilize the target nation’s economy, defense systems, and foreign relations. (Bidenomics is a joke, the military is woke and suffering from a lack of volunteers, and our foreign relations are about to start WWIII.)
  3. Crisis: foment a major event that causes our system to implode (such as seven million immigrants crashing our welfare system and economy, or a sudden lack of gas/energy, as we have seen in Sri Lanka and Nigeria).
  4. Normalization: the government implements socialism to make it all “better.”
Then there’s the Cloward-Piven Strategy.

Cloward and Piven were nutjob professors at Columbia University (remember, Bezmenov mentioned professors as part of the Soviet plan to topple America) who came up with a scheme to bring socialism to the United States and a sense of fairness to the impecunious white trash caucasian debris who celebrate Christmas by smearing Cheese Whiz on celery and believe Little Debbie is a food group.

This four-part skulduggery somewhat mirrors what Bezmenov warned us about. Its steps are:

  • Overload the welfare system (the illegal immigrants are doing that as you read this);
  • Cause panic and chaos;
  • Watch the system get destroyed;
  • Replace it with socialism.
PINKO-RAMA! If you want to know which news outlets are run by fork-tongued commies, look for the ones that refute the damage being purposely wrought upon us by the crush of illegal immigrants coming over the borders.

According to the plan Bezmenov laid out, we are easily halfway through part two of the evil commie scheme to destroy America. Next up, we will have a major crisis. It could be something as calamitous as WWIII, a major power outage, a recession, or something the CIA has cooked up that may not even be real, like an invasion of little huge green men in Las Vegas. Whatever it is, it will be intentional.

MISS CLEO-RAMA! As I write this, there is an “alien fire” near Las Vegas. I should be a psychic!

Looking at the Cloward-Piven playbook, we are well into part three. Once the nation’s financial system is gutted, Biden will likely announce a plan to usher in socialism so that we don’t have to resort to eating our house pets. Anyway you slice it, something devastating — and intentional — is on the not-so-distant horizon, according to both of these strategies.

In my estimation, the fastest way to a crisis is to stop the production and distribution of food. Most people have, at best, seven days’ worth of chow in their pantries and refrigerators — that is if they just got home from Kroger minutes before reading this. In reality, we are about three days away from buck-shotting our marauding neighbors as they try to slit our throats for our last can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew.


PREMO Member

More charges filed against 2 teens held in fatal bicyclist hit-and-run video case in Las Vegas

  • Two teenagers have been charged with murder in connection with the death of Andreas Probst. Jesus Ayala, 18, is accused of driving the vehicle that struck Probst while he was riding his bicycle. Jzamir Keys, 16, was also charged with murder.
  • The incident involved at least three hit-and-run incidents, including striking an additional bicyclist and another car, before hitting Probst. Ayala and Keys were allegedly riding in a stolen vehicle at the time.
  • Clark County District Attorney Steve Wolfson has filed multiple felony and misdemeanor charges against Ayala, including attempted murder, battery with a weapon, leaving the scene of a crash, and possession of a stolen vehicle. Both teenagers are scheduled to appear in court.


PREMO Member

A 95-year-old Korean War veteran said he was given less than two months’ notice to figure out where he was going to live after the nursing home he resided in was sold to become a facility for undocumented migrants.

Veteran Frank Tammaro joined Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., a vocal critic of New York City’s handling of the migrant crisis, at a press conference on Monday to discuss the reported deal.

"The thing I'm annoyed about is how they did it, it was very disgraceful what they did to the people in Island Shores," Tammaro said, referencing the assisted living facility he was in.