Biden's America Last Program


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I Don't Remember This Many Russian Invasions, Terrorists, or Pirates When Trump Was POTUS

In my last, "Trump Derangement Syndrome Meltdown of the Week Column," the winner was an Opinion article that posited that a Trump victory next year would throw the world order into chaos.

My first thought was, "Does this guy have internet?"

A quick glance around the international news indicates that chaos is present everywhere during the Biden presidency. The only thing that is better worldwide since he got into office is the COVID-19 pandemic situation, and that's because it ran its natural course. It's also the one thing that the Biden administration wishes weren't better. They've been working, um, feverishly to launch a pandemic panic comeback tour for next year's election.

When they want something to be bad, it's good; when they want something to be good, it's awful.

Welcome to the Biden way.


PREMO Member

Biden is breaking the border on purpose — he wants mass amnesty

One of Biden’s first acts as president was to send Congress an amnesty bill covering nearly every illegal immigrant here and opening the door for aliens deported under Trump to return. The White House blames the border crisis on Republicans for blocking it, but even Speaker Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t touch it.

Biden has given up on that amnesty, and if he couldn’t cajole Congress to pass it, perhaps he’s decided to break the immigration system, force members to legalize all those who have entered illegally and start from scratch.

Honestly, it’s the only explanation that makes sense.


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Conservative Writer Sean Davis Explains Why the Left Wants to Remove the Civil War Reconciliation Memorial Monument From Arlington National Cemetery (VIDEO)

According to Davis, it’s because the left wants to erase history in order to recast the nation’s future.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

SEAN DAVIS, CEO, “THE FEDERALIST”: Well, I think they’re trying to do two things here. One, we know they want to destroy the Constitution and in order to do that, they have to deconstruct our founding. They have to cast in a racist light all of the founders and part of this Confederate War Memorial attack is about erasing the founders so they can erase the Constitution.
But it also deals with them trying to erase their enemy, which is why the Reconciliation Monument is their target. It’s not just enough to erase the past, they also want to erase their enemy, and this idea that you can ever truly reconcile with a foe even when you fought a war against, and it is a really awful concept, something that Jim Webb, former Navy Secretary and Vietnam veteran said, it’s an attempt to erase the generosity of the past due to the bitterness of the current age, and it’s an awful thing we should reject.


Well-Known Member

Biden is breaking the border on purpose — he wants mass amnesty

One of Biden’s first acts as president was to send Congress an amnesty bill covering nearly every illegal immigrant here and opening the door for aliens deported under Trump to return. The White House blames the border crisis on Republicans for blocking it, but even Speaker Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t touch it.

Biden has given up on that amnesty, and if he couldn’t cajole Congress to pass it, perhaps he’s decided to break the immigration system, force members to legalize all those who have entered illegally and start from scratch.

Honestly, it’s the only explanation that makes sense.

This I am starting to believe. Biden gets reelected, Congress goes back to the dems because stupid people think they are saving the democracy or something. Biden tries again knowing he's not going to last another 4 yrs and know people will forget what he did after a year. Democrats get new voters who adore them for allowing them. Of course blacks get kicked further to the curb but they don't care they got more voters.


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THOUSANDS of Military-Age Men From India, Middle East and Africa Invade Eagle Pass and Lukeville

Meanwhile, in Lukeville, Arizona…

Illegal aliens from all over the world invaded the Tucson sector of Arizona on Wednesday.

Border Patrol agents are outnumbered in Lukeville.

“Hundreds of illegal immigrants here in Lukeville, AZ now marching towards an outdoor processing area set up by Border Patrol. 500+ came through a breach in the border wall hours ago. There are only a handful of agents here to handle this huge group as Border Patrol remains stretched thin,” Fox News reporter Bill Melugin said.



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THOUSANDS of Military-Age Men From India, Middle East and Africa Invade Eagle Pass and Lukeville

Meanwhile, in Lukeville, Arizona…

Illegal aliens from all over the world invaded the Tucson sector of Arizona on Wednesday.

Border Patrol agents are outnumbered in Lukeville.

“Hundreds of illegal immigrants here in Lukeville, AZ now marching towards an outdoor processing area set up by Border Patrol. 500+ came through a breach in the border wall hours ago. There are only a handful of agents here to handle this huge group as Border Patrol remains stretched thin,” Fox News reporter Bill Melugin said.

I guess not enough Americans to staff US-based scam call centers.


PREMO Member

Delta passenger accuses airline of transporting a plane full of migrants from Phoenix to New York City

  • Ashley St Clair, a right-wing commentator, made the claims on Tuesday on X
  • NYC has received more than 160,000 migrants in less than two years
  • The mayor has said the crisis will cost the city $4billion across three years



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Interior Department Transgender Policy Threatens Employees Who Won’t Play Along With Fake Pronouns

According to documents published on X by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project, the department sent out guidelines establishing “gender identity” as a protected class under its federal policy. “Gender identity,” according to the Interior Department, is defined as “an individual’s internal sense of being male, female, another gender, no gender, of multiple genders, or fluid in gender.”

“The document states ‘it is not DOI’s intent to be overly protective,'” the Oversight Project reported, “but then goes on to establish policies governing confidentiality and privacy, dress and appearance, names and pronouns, inclusive language, restrooms and related facilities, workplace assignments and duties, recordkeeping, sick and medical leave, and hiring process.”

“An employee’s transition should be treated with as much sensitivity and confidentiality as any other private or highly personal life experiences,” the department memo reads. “Transitioning employees often want as little publicity about their transition as possible.”



Just sneakin' around....
The obvious answer to that is to go the opposite extreme. Create a pronoun that's long and impossible to pronounce, and demand you be called that or face charges.


..if momma ain't happy...
Gender fluid, no gender, or any of the other foolish designations = "I'll f*#k anything that moves".

What a depraved nation we've become.


PREMO Member

Dem Rep. Moulton: Border, Israel, and Ukraine Are Important, But We Need Citizenship for DACA Kids

Moulton said, “Well, look, this is incredibly important, not just for our allies’ national security, but for our own. And we’ve been making this argument for months that, if Putin isn’t stopped in Ukraine, he’ll go into Europe. That means U.S. and NATO troops are on the line. We’ve got to stand up for our allies in the Middle East, including Israel and making sure there’s not a wider regional war. We’ve got to do something about immigration policy, because clearly, it’s failing across America. So, these are all things that are important. Ironically, John, they would actually make it through if they were passed individually. Usually, you combine things like this because you can’t get them separately. But we could get them separately, and we all recognize they’re important.”

He added, “I think the problem is the Speaker of the House, who’s catering to the extremists in his caucus, knows that each one of these would pass individually with Democratic support. And so, he’s not doing the right thing and just bringing them up for a vote. He’s trying to tie them all together, and get — and therefore extract more conservative demands. If you think about it, Ukraine funding is supported by the majority of Democrats, but a lot of Republicans would join too. The vast majority of Democrats and Republicans support funding for Israel. The border security issue, a border deal is not that hard to imagine. You need to tighten border security, but you have to do that hand in hand with providing a pathway to citizenship for kids like DACA kids, who came here with their parents through no fault of their own, and are essentially living as aliens in their own country. The majority of Americans, Republicans and Democrats alike, know that we need to give them a pathway to citizenship. But extremist Republicans are trying to hold this all hostage. That’s what’s going on here. And the question is whether Speaker Johnson is willing to vote with his extremist colleagues [or] do the right thing for the country and our allies.”


PREMO Member

Who Is Actually Running Biden's Potemkin Presidency?

A December 22 news story in The Hill, a liberal media outlet that focuses on Congress, provides a huge hint that, despite the appearances and official claims to the contrary, Joe Biden isn't the man in charge of the White House, that his is a Potemkin Presidency.

The headline proclaims, "Biden Kept at Distance from McConnell in Border Talks." Then the lede of the news story says Biden "has kept a distance from Senate negotiations on a border deal critical to securing congressional aid to Ukraine, even as GOP lawmakers repeatedly called for him to enter the talks."

Catch the subtle difference there? The headline is passive, while the lede is active. The lede clearly suggests Biden himself is why he has not been involved in the much-ballyhooed negotiations between his administration, Senate Democrats, and Senate Republicans seeking an end-of-the-year deal on stopping the rising flood of illegal immigrants crossing into the U.S. at its Southern border with Mexico.

But the headline can be read as saying Biden is holding back from the talks at somebody else's insistence, that his is a passive role. Should it be read as passive? The hint comes a few paragraphs deeper into The Hill's copy:

"The border talks are a sensitive issue for a White House that is under pressure to show action at the border, but does not want to anger progressive Democrats demanding a cease-fire in Gaza who also fear a return of Trump-era asylum and deportation policies."

So, it's clear that Biden administration officials don't "want to anger progressive Democrats ..." by taking strong actions to close the Southern border and stop the massive influx of illegal immigrants. But the next graph provides some crucial specificity:

"And some Democratic senators are worried that if Biden got into a room with McConnell or other Senate GOP negotiators, he might end up cutting a deal on border and asylum policy that will enrage their party’s base."

So, it's not just left-wing Democratic Party activists who are worried that Biden might agree to such a deal, it's two or more Democratic senators. And they have solid grounds for such worries, according to one of them who told The Hill:

“'A totally legitimate concern is if you’re not reasonably close [to a deal], there’s no reason to put him in a room … He could be dragged anywhere,' said one Democratic senator who requested anonymity to talk about the leeriness fellow Democrats feel about making Biden the point person in the talks."

Wait a minute! America's commander-in-chief can "be dragged anywhere," according to a Democratic lawmaker who, intentionally or otherwise, lets slip the disturbing truth about the man Americans put in their Oval Office instead of Donald Trump?

And there's this: Further on in The Hill story, the Senate minority leader describes having great difficulty beginning in October in getting through the White House palace guards to speak directly with Biden. McConnell and Biden have a long history of getting together to make politically significant deals, so it's understandable that the former would be reaching out to the latter.


PREMO Member

Why Prices Are Probably Never Going Back Down

The inflation rate has fallen to a 3.1% annual rate from its recent peak of 9.1% in June 2022, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), one of the government’s official inflation measures. But taking a longer view, how much damage have rapid price increases done? According to the CPI, prices rose 19% between February 2020 and November 2023, as the chart below shows.1


If you’ve read much financial news, you may notice that the chart looks very different from the way inflation is usually depicted on graphs. It’s much more common to show the inflation rate like this:


The first chart, based on the value of the index, shows the level of consumer prices each month. It almost always goes up, except for a few months in 2020 when gas prices plunged because no one was driving during shelter-in-place orders. Showing inflation in this way makes it simple to see the long-term trend, in which prices steadily rise.

The second chart, showing the percentage change in the index over 12 months, makes it easier to gauge how the inflation rate changes each month but can be misleading. At a glance, it can seem like prices started falling after peaking in June 2022, when in reality, they just stopped increasing so fast.

In economics jargon, a drop in the inflation rate is called disinflation, while an outright sustained drop in average prices is called deflation. The official policy of the Federal Reserve is to keep inflation at a 2% annual rate, and to avoid deflation.2


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Biden’s DOJ instructs immigration judges to loosen restrictions on child migrants — there’s just one problem

The issue of trafficking has received much more attention after The New York Times reported on the exploitation of migrant children released to HHS-vetted sponsors who end up working in unsafe slaughterhouses and factories. The NYT found that the U.S. government couldn’t reach 85,000 migrant children released to sponsors by HHS in recent years.

“The administration gives the impression it is concerned about the interests of children in our immigration system, mandating, for example, that ICE attorneys ‘will’ request a 30-day continuance when children fail to appear in court. But I notice that in the same document, the administration writes only that DHS and HHS ‘may’ initiate investigations into potential trafficking, abuse, or neglect,” former ICE Chief of Staff under the Trump administration Jon Feere, who now serves as the director of investigations for the Center for Immigration Studies, told the DCNF.

“Why no command there? And why, exactly, hasn’t ICE launched massive investigations into the worksite abuses of unaccompanied minors uncovered by the New York Times in multiple exposés? There’s no doubt that the Biden administration’s anti-border policies have been a boon for child exploitation, yet ICE hasn’t had a single press conference announcing any arrests of those involved,” Feere added.

DHS, HHS, and the DOJ didn’t immediately respond to the DCNF’s requests for comment.


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Leprosy, Polio, TB, and Malaria: What Do They Have in Common? Illegal Aliens.

That's the first layer; as you'd expect, the Biden Administration seems to have little to say about the sudden re-emergence of these diseases. That's likely because there's an obvious place to start looking for a cause of the problem, that being our wide-open running sore (in this case, literally) of a southern border. The sudden influx of unscreened and likely unvaccinated illegal immigrants arose at the same time as the sudden influx of diseases that the United States had all but eradicated! This is liable to cost the U.S. taxpayers millions, more likely billions, over and above what unchecked, uncontrolled illegal immigration is already costing.

Here's the next layer, and yes, it smells worse; the people who are supposed to be monitoring these kinds of things are, inexplicably, unavailable for comment.

Neither the Centers for Disease Control nor the Department of Homeland Security would discuss the issue with RealClearInvestigations. Legal immigrants are required to receive vaccinations for a host of diseases, but the Department of Homeland Security acknowledged it does not have vaccination records for the millions who have entered the U.S. since the Biden administration relaxed border controls upon taking office in January 2021.