Biden's America Last Program


PREMO Member

Joe Biden’s DHS Confirms Illegal Aliens Freed into U.S. Will Get Photo ID Cards in 2024

Now, DHS officials are seemingly confirming their plan to issue photo IDs to such border crossers and illegal aliens.

Buried in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) annual report, officials confirmed that they are planning to begin issuing the photo ID cards to border crossers and illegal aliens sometime this fiscal year.

“[The Office of Immigration Program Evaluation] is leading the ICE Secure Docket Card (SDC) project, which offers a uniform, durable card provided to noncitizens upon release, and facilitates reliable access to commonly lost or damaged immigration-related paperwork,” the ICE report details:

The SDC will be integrated with the Unified Immigration Portal that ICE and [Customs and Border Protection] officers and agents use in the field and the ICE Portal to allow noncitizens access to commonly used documents and services. ICE expects the project to ease ICE personnel workload when encountering noncitizens with the card and decrease the burden on noncitizens when interacting with ICE, including the facilitation of remote reporting for certain low-risk populations. ICE anticipates a limited release in two [Enforcement and Removal Operations] field offices in FY 2024. [Emphasis added]

In September, John Fabbricatore, a former ICE official and advisory board member at the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), told Breitbart News that the ultimate goal of the Biden administration is to limit illegal aliens’ face-to-face contact with DHS as much as possible.

“It’s a normalization of illegal immigration,” Fabbricatore said.


PREMO Member

Biden energy efficiency crackdown leaves no appliance in American home untouched

The list of impacted appliances includes gas stoves, dishwashers, air conditioners, refrigerators, light bulbs, washing machines, microwaves, and furnaces, just to name a few. And the push back is growing, raising concerns that consumers will lose choices and pay more for future appliances, especially seniors on fixed incomes and low-income families.

"It started with gas stoves, and now it's virtually everything about our house. And that wakes up a lot of people," said Tim Stewart, the president of the U.S. Oil and Gas Association. He is planning to ride wave of discontent to launch a "Hands off my Home" grassroots effort next year to fight the energy-efficiency crackdown on appliances,

Here's a look at some of the targets of the Biden administration's regulatory offensive:

Shower heads


Gas Stoves

In November 2022, Rocky Mountain Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the elimination of fossil fuels, produced a study concluding that nearly 13% of childhood asthma cases could be linked to the use of gas stoves in the house.

The study, critics point out, didn’t factor into its analysis a much larger study by the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood of a half-million children in 47 countries that found no such association.

The following January, Richard Trumka Jr., commissioner of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, suggested in an interview with Bloomberg that a ban on gas stoves was possible.

The article set off a nationwide controversy, and not long after, the federal government proposed standards that would impact many stoves on the market.

These proposals were on top of efforts at the state level to ban natural gas hookups on new construction. A federal court shot down a Berkley, Calif., ban, throwing the state regulations into uncertainty.

Steve Everley, managing director with FTI consulting, cited a number of polls on a thread on X, which suggest the campaign to remove gas stoves may have backfired, as public support appears to diminish over time.

In January, a YouGov poll found a 50/50 split on the issue. This past November, a Yale poll found that fewer than one-third of Americans wanted an all-electric home.

Air conditioners



PREMO Member

Joe Biden- America’s Agent of Chaos

As President, Biden has supported policies as destructive and progressive as any in American history. Most progressives, like Senator Sanders, are supportive of Biden’s agenda and surprised that the “moderate” President never materialized.

As President, Biden has rarely collaborated with Republicans on bi-partisan legislation as he promised. In his first year, he issued 77 executive orders, more than any of his recent predecessors.

While Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress, Biden worked to pass gargantuan pieces of legislation. The American Rescue Plan cost $1.9 trillion, the Infrastructure bill cost $1.2 trillion and the ludicrously named Inflation Reduction Act cost $1.2 trillion.

Not surprisingly, such an explosion of federal government spending has led to a huge expansion in the federal debt to $33.96 trillion, an increase of $6.2 trillion since Biden took office.

The rapid surge in spending also caused a steady increase in inflation throughout the first two years of Biden’s term, reaching as high as 9.06% in June of 2022. Today, the inflation rate is 3.14%, still much higher than the 1.4% level at the end of the Trump administration.

To combat the skyrocketing increase in inflation, the Federal Reserve increased interest rates 11 times, to the highest levels since 2001. This effectively boosted mortgage rates outside of the price range of many families trying to buy a home and enjoy the American dream. In just one year, mortgage payments soared 19% for homebuyers.

Without question, President Joe Biden’s economic policies created financial chaos for American families. The impact of “Bidenomics” has been incredibly negative, which is a major reason Biden’s poll numbers are so horrific. A recent Monmouth University poll showed Biden’s approval rating at a record low 34% level.


PREMO Member

Sporting Goods Store Employees Fired for Trying to Stop a Thief From Stealing a Pistol

This is yet another story in which a major company punishes employees for trying to protect it from entitled thugs who think they have the right to take what they want.

Michelle Sutton, along with two other unidentified workers at the Academy Sports + Outdoors in Metairie, Louisiana, said that the shoplifting incident happened Dec. 16.
The sales associates said that they thought they were about to make a sale and were showing a customer a pistol, when he took off with the firearm.
Sutton, who was working as a team lead at the store, said once she received word on her radio, she immediately dropped what she was doing and jumped into action.
"I just took off," Sutton told local TV news station WGNO. "I knew I needed some form of way to help the police."

Four days later, Sutton said the store fired her and the two other employees for trying to stop the thief. “Sutton said that they were let go due to Academy Sports + Outdoors policy on loss prevention, which states that employees are not allowed to chase or physically restrain a fleeing person suspected of theft,” according to the report.


PREMO Member

More than 302,000 illegal migrants crossed into the US in December setting the record for most entries in HISTORY as Biden grapples with the fallout of his administration's policies

  • The border has been a political headache for Joe Biden for months
  • New number marks the first time migrant encounters have exceeded 300,000
  • Republicans - and some Democrats - have repeatedly hammered Biden for not doing enough to stop border crossings

A record number of migrants crossed the U.S. southern border in December, according to a new report, topping the highest amount ever recorded as President Joe Biden continues to grapple with the crisis.

There were 300,000 encounters in the last month of 2023, U.S. Custom and Border Patrol sources told Fox News. Between Dec. 1 and December 31, more than 302,000 migrants were documented attempting to cross the U.S. southern border.

It is the highest total for a single month ever recorded in history and it marks the first time migrant encounters have reached over 300,000.


PREMO Member

Biden Border Crisis: Guinea Illegal Immigrants Using Fake Passports, Posing as Minors to Enter U.S.

Fox News obtained an internal notice from the Tucson Sector that illegal immigrants from Guinea, a coastal country in Africa, have used fake passports and posed as minors to cross the border.

From the alert:

Reporting obtained through custodial interviews with Guinean migrants with the suspected fraudulant/altered passports indicate the following:

  • Officials from the Guinean government may be advising people obtaining new passports they can change their age for them to have a better chance of entering the United States as minors. (most encounters are from adults claiming to be UACs)
  • Another migrant claimed an illicit group stole many blank passport books from the ministry in Conakry and has been selling and issuing the passports without the proper procedures.
  • It’s suspected that Guinean passports issued in Conakry after June of 2023 are most likely fraudulent or altered.

Conakry is Guinea’s capital. Border patrol agents estimate 170 people from Guinea crossed the border at the Tucson sector on Saturday.



Well-Known Member

Sporting Goods Store Employees Fired for Trying to Stop a Thief From Stealing a Pistol

This is yet another story in which a major company punishes employees for trying to protect it from entitled thugs who think they have the right to take what they want.

Four days later, Sutton said the store fired her and the two other employees for trying to stop the thief. “Sutton said that they were let go due to Academy Sports + Outdoors policy on loss prevention, which states that employees are not allowed to chase or physically restrain a fleeing person suspected of theft,” according to the report.

Did the guy get away with the gun .? If he murders someone then the family sues the store for not having better security. The store thinks they are saving money firing 3 employees when the get sued for millions for lax security.


Well-Known Member

More than 302,000 illegal migrants crossed into the US in December setting the record for most entries in HISTORY as Biden grapples with the fallout of his administration's policies

  • The border has been a political headache for Joe Biden for months
  • New number marks the first time migrant encounters have exceeded 300,000
  • Republicans - and some Democrats - have repeatedly hammered Biden for not doing enough to stop border crossings

A record number of migrants crossed the U.S. southern border in December, according to a new report, topping the highest amount ever recorded as President Joe Biden continues to grapple with the crisis.

There were 300,000 encounters in the last month of 2023, U.S. Custom and Border Patrol sources told Fox News. Between Dec. 1 and December 31, more than 302,000 migrants were documented attempting to cross the U.S. southern border.

It is the highest total for a single month ever recorded in history and it marks the first time migrant encounters have reached over 300,000.

But his people wouldn't let him come to an agreement with republicans on a funding bill that could help.


Well-Known Member

Joe Biden’s DHS Confirms Illegal Aliens Freed into U.S. Will Get Photo ID Cards in 2024

Now, DHS officials are seemingly confirming their plan to issue photo IDs to such border crossers and illegal aliens.

Buried in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) annual report, officials confirmed that they are planning to begin issuing the photo ID cards to border crossers and illegal aliens sometime this fiscal year.

“[The Office of Immigration Program Evaluation] is leading the ICE Secure Docket Card (SDC) project, which offers a uniform, durable card provided to noncitizens upon release, and facilitates reliable access to commonly lost or damaged immigration-related paperwork,” the ICE report details:

In September, John Fabbricatore, a former ICE official and advisory board member at the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), told Breitbart News that the ultimate goal of the Biden administration is to limit illegal aliens’ face-to-face contact with DHS as much as possible.

“It’s a normalization of illegal immigration,” Fabbricatore said.

The govt still can't figure out Real ID that they keep delaying it but can give illegals photo ID's. You can't make this up.


PREMO Member

America’s new arrivals now stage ‘bogus robberies’ to cheat the system

By Olivia Murray

The fact that the hordes of new arrivals know all the loopholes and legal angles to scam our immigration laws and maximize benefits on our welfare system, while the working American does not, is really quite astounding, and tells me that there have to be a number of lawyers involved, telling these people what they can do to cheat American citizens out of a country.


According to prosecutors, the pseudo robbery plots “involved a ‘robber’ threatening a store clerk with an apparent firearm before snatching cash from the register in front of a store’s surveillance camera.” These “victims” would then be eligible to qualify for a special visa (“U visa”), which if approved, provides the alien with:

• temporary immigration status including work authorization;
• temporary immigration status for qualifying family members of the victim; and
• the possibility of lawful permanent resident status.

So how much was this scheme allegedly raking in? From The New York Times:

Based on surveillance footage, cellular phone records and interviews with a cooperating witness, the F.B.I. concluded that purported victims each paid $10,000 to be ‘robbed’ in exchange for immigration ‘papers’ and that store owners received $1,500 to $2,000 for providing venues for fake crimes.

How do convenience store workers come up with $10k in extra cash? Isn’t that a minimum wage job? (In Massachusetts, minimum wage is only $15.) Could it be that these people are exploiting every other aspect of our socialist welfare system? Maximizing the loopholes and while we foot the bill? I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised.


PREMO Member

Biden administration asks Supreme Court to allow Border Patrol to cut or move razor wire at Texas border

Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar said in a court filing that Border Patrol agents have authority under federal law to access private land at the border and that Texas has no basis to thwart them from carrying out their duties. The Biden administration says the wire prevents agents from reaching migrants who have already crossed over the border into the U.S.

The case arose when the administration of Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott, a Republican, installed the razor wire near the Rio Grande river at Eagle Pass, Texas, as part of an operation to address illegal immigration that has brought the state into conflict with the Biden administration.

When Border Patrol agents cut through some of the razor wire, Texas sued, claiming the agents had trespassed and damaged state property.

A federal judge declined to impose an injunction against the federal government, but the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last month ruled in favor of Texas, saying agents could not cut or move the wire unless there was a medical emergency.


PREMO Member

Second administration official resigns in protest of Biden’s support for Israeli war in Gaza

  • A Department of Education policy adviser resigned in protest of the U.S. Administration's support for Israel's war in Gaza and its handling of the conflict's consequences.
  • Tariq Habash, a Palestinian-origin official, became the second person to quit the Biden administration over their actions on the war.
  • The Education Department is addressing concerns over antisemitism and Islamophobia on college campuses and has opened civil rights inquiries at several schools.


Well-Known Member
The govt still can't figure out Real ID that they keep delaying it but can give illegals photo ID's. You can't make this up.
That's because Real ID act is/was sponsored by Rs who want people to have a real ID. Giving Illegals IDs is sponsored by Ds who want to invalidate the actual purpose of an ID. It's a state sponsored fake-id.