Biden's America Last Program


PREMO Member

Thousands Of Africans Flying To Central America Before Crossing Illegally Into United States

The 2023 numbers include 15,263 from Mauritania, 13,526 from Senegal, and over 4,000 from Angola and Guinea. These Africans are flying into Central America, many starting in Nicaragua, and then making their way up into America by crossing through Mexico. The influx of Africans is reportedly in part due to some countries in Europe implementing tighter border controls.

It is unclear how exactly all of these migrants are paying for their flights across the Atlantic, as many of them are looking to escape poverty. Some claim they borrow money from friends while others say they sold small businesses. Once they make it to the southern border, many of the illegal migrants are simply released into the United States.

Ira Mehlman, of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, told The Daily Wire that the message has gone out across the world that the American border is open. He said that the Biden administration needed to pursue a policy of deterrence and stop the abuse of the asylum system.


the poor dad
This graph right here should scare every single natural born American citizen to rise up and march in DC. Border crossings meeting or exceeding our birth rate is unacceptable!

Birth Rate vs Encounters.jpg


Well-Known Member
If you read that graph Trump had just about stopped apprehensions, because he had stopped the invasion. Biden took care of that real quick.


PREMO Member

Biden admin to cancel William Penn, remove statue from Philadelphia park

January 7, 2024 | Chris Donaldson | Print Article

William Penn may have founded the state of Pennsylvania but the iconic historic figure could soon find himself canceled by the leftist cultural revolution that has wormed its way into the highest corridors of government.

In a move that would be expected from totalitarian religious zealots like ISIS or the Taliban, President Joe Biden’s National Park Service plans to remove Penn’s statue from Philadelphia’s Welcome Park, a site that has become very unwelcoming to white “colonizers” like Penn under radical Interior Secretary Deb Haaland.

The agency will be seeking input on the “rehabilitation” of Welcome Park, another of the authoritarian left’s Orwellian terms that mask its extremism, in this case, the ongoing cultural cleansing of the nation’s identity.

“The proposed rehabilitation of Welcome Park includes an expanded interpretation of the Native American history of Philadelphia and was developed in consultation with representatives of the indigenous nations of the Haudenosaunee, the Delaware Nation, Delaware Tribe of Indians, the Shawnee Tribe, and the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma.,” the NPS announced in a Friday statement.

“The reimagined Welcome Park maintains certain aspects of the original design such as the street grid, the rivers and the east wall while adding a new planted buffer on three sides, and a ceremonial gathering space with circular benches. The Penn statue and Slate Roof house model will be removed and not reinstalled. In a separate and future effort, new exhibit panels will be installed on the south side wall to replace the Penn timeline,” the federal agency added.

X users reacted to the ongoing left-wing jihad against America’s history and the men who made the country great.



PREMO Member

Four-Time Deported Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Colorado Mother and Her Teenage Son

Jose Guadalupe Menjivar-Alas, a 37-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, was arrested and charged in December with killing 46-year-old Melissa Powell, a mother of three sons, as well as her 16-year-old son, Riordan Powell, in Broomfield, Colorado, on December 12.

Jennie Taer at the Daily Caller broke the news that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency confirmed Menjivar-Alas’s illegal alien status and his repeated illegal re-entry into the United States despite being deported four times.

Menjivar-Alas has had four prior convictions in Boulder County, Colorado, for drunk driving from 2007 to 2019, Taer reports. Only days before the crash that killed Melissa Powell and Riordan Powell, Menjivar-Alas had been given a slap on the wrist by a county judge.

ICE officials told Taer that Menjivar-Alas was deported from the U.S. in June 2009, June 2012, November 2014, and January 2015 before ultimately illegally re-entering, likely via the southern border.

Family and friends have set up a GoFundMe for Melissa Powell’s other two sons, Chris and Halen. Melissa Powell and Riordan Powell “were both a light in many of our lives, and it is hard to even understand and grasp the situation,” the fundraiser’s page reads:

This inconceivable loss has left the Powell family grappling with grief and unforeseen financial burdens as we head into the holiday season. As the family navigates through this difficult time, we are reaching out for support. Anything you can donate would greatly help support Chris and Halen through and past the unexpected expenses, the heartbreak, and strain brought on so suddenly. All of the funds raised will go to Chris and Halen Powell.

According to the Broomfield Police Department, Menjivar-Alas was drunk driving at the time of the crash, going at least 80 mph, weaving in and out of traffic, and crossing double yellow center lines before hitting Melissa Powell and Riordan Powell.

Friggging tag these people if they return a 2nd time they get the death penalty


PREMO Member

We Have an 'Affordability Crisis' and It's Slamming Our Food Budgets

“The reason Biden polls so badly is that there’s a decline in wages and an increase in prices,” former Trump economic advisor Larry Kudlow told the Sun. This is what he calls the “affordability crisis.”

Do you remember how high the price of eggs was at the beginning of 2023? In some places. eggs were $5 a dozen. Milk was averaging $4 a gallon. With wages stagnant, this means that Americans have been losing ground in the battle to stay solvent. If you were comfortable before Biden took office, you're not so anymore.

And if you weren't living comfortably on January 20, 2021, you probably live in fear now.

Note to Biden: fearful people will not vote to keep you in office.

“The food crisis isn’t necessarily all about food. The crisis really is an affordability crisis,” the director of policy at City Harvest, Jerome Nathanial, told the Sun. “People are struggling to afford housing, childcare, medical expenses, transportation, and balancing some of those fixed costs with their grocery bills, and their grocery bills are something they always viewed as a little bit more elastic.”

Mr. Nathanial says City Harvest, which is the largest food distributor to soup kitchens and food banks at New York City, has seen a 71 percent increase since the start of the Covid pandemic in the number of children being served by the food pantries with which it works. Children who don’t get adequate nutrition have poorer health outcomes and a harder time focusing at school, which creates a “feedback cycle” of poverty and hunger that diminishes the likelihood of future economic stability and success, according to the Food Research and Action Center.

Biden can talk about bringing down inflation all he wants. What he's really saying is that he brought down the CPI. That's not the same thing, and the American voter is smart enough to know that.


PREMO Member

Five Things Every Patriot Should Be Furious About

I am finding it increasingly difficult to be friends with these zombie-like power tools who obeisantly sashay into the voting booth and pull the Donkey lever because "RACISM" or some other myth that Snopes refuses to tackle. I believe "Democrat" should be a score on the IQ chart just a tad above "AOC" and a mile below "window licker."

FACT-O-RAMA! Gropey Joe Biden keeps banging his "white supremacy" drum, even though FBI stats prove year after year that black people murder more than twice as many white people, even though white folks outnumber black folks at a rate of more than five to one. But the people pumping Biden full of Adderall and baby blood know that fear, not reality, earns votes for the dementia-gripped Pedophile-in-Chief.

Now that we are into 2024, or as I like to call it, the final battle for the soul of our nation, I want to point out some things We the People need to be cranky about while our 1st Amendment rights still allow us to voice them out loud.

5. Understand thy commie neighbor

As a good, God-embracing American, you need to accept that your 39-year-old, purple-mohawked mollycoddle-in-law is a Marxist dung beetle who not only detests you but abhors The Republic — and everything for which it stands — that you are trying to preserve for your kids and grandchildren. This cat would cut his nuts off for Facebook "likes" and a "get out of responsibility" genderfluid victim card. Yes, he is too stupid to realize his kamikaze-like dedication to ending the nation means that you will someday have no choice but to pull out his septum ring in a gulag as you battle for the last cabbage of the night.

4. Be angry at the double standards

You know doubt already know that Biden's DOJ KGB is rousting MAGA meemaws who strolled through the open doors of the Capitol three years ago. Never mind that the feds ignored the anarchists who threw bottles of urine at police officers and attempted to burn or blind cops who dared to interfere with their Democrat-funded Antifa hissy fits.

This is only the beginning. Antifa, BLM, and the Hamanazis know that the Biden regime sanctions them to commit whatever atrocities they want against you and yours. What happens if the Democrats win in November? As Elvis once presciently declared, "That's when your heartache begins."

We've already seen Jewish businesses attacked in the U.S. We watched helplessly as the McCloskeys were persecuted for holding guns as animals broke into their gated neighborhood and threatened them.

Anti-Israel clowns have successfully impeded New York City's airports, as well as its bridges and tunnels with almost no blowback. This is the same green-lighting behavior that motivated Hitler's Brown Shirts to torch Jewish businesses.

3. Hate the players AND the game

2. The news is lying

How can you tell if your favorite news dude/dudette is trustworthy? Here is a hint: see how many of these Blue Anon conspiracy theories they pushed:

  • Trump/Russia collusion
  • Pee-pee gate
  • Hunter's laptop is Russian flapdoodle
  • Ivermectin is only for horses
  • Masks, lockdowns, and the vaccine will save lives
  • COVID-19 came from a bat salad
  • Unarmed grannies tried to topple the government
  • Biden got 81 million votes and didn't even campaign.
The lying liarheads in the news are your enemy. Be mad at them.

1. RINOs



Power with Control
you will someday have no choice but to pull out his septum ring in a gulag as you battle for the last cabbage of the night.

About snorted cheerios and blueberries onto my laptop...........


PREMO Member

16K Chinese Migrants Apprehended by Border Patrol Since October

Since October 1, 2023, Border Patrol agents apprehended approximately 15,800 Chinese nationals who illegally crossed the border between ports of entry, the report indicates. Official reports from U.S. Customs and Border Protection reveal the apprehension of 9,844 migrants in October and November. This leaves nearly 6,800 who were apprehended since December 1, 2023.

Since President Joe Biden took office on January 21, 2021, the apprehension of Chinese migrants illegally entering the U.S. rose from single digits per month to thousands per month. In February 2021, Biden’s first full month in office, agents apprehended only nine Chinese migrants. That number began to steadily rise to dozens per month in FY21 to hundreds per month in FY22 to thousands per month in FY23 and FY24.

The nearly 6,800 Chinese migrants apprehended since December 1, 2023, more than doubles the annual apprehension rate of any year before the Biden administration in Border Patrol reports dating back to 2007.

The chart below shows the dramatic rise in Chinese migrant apprehensions since the Biden administration began in January 2021.


This report does not include the numbers from the unofficial December and January apprehensions reports reviewed by Breitbart. The report shows the overwhelming majority of these apprehensions are single adults. Border Patrol officials, not authorized to speak to the media, previously disclosed that the majority of these are military-age males.


PREMO Member

The Greatest Islamophobia Hoax in America Exposed

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee falsely claimed that “a man shouted and harassed the victims, then proceeded to shoot them. We have reason to believe this shooting occurred because the victims are Arab.”

In reality, they had been shot by a local resident outside his house who did not say a word.

The three Muslim men were returning home from a party on Saturday night when James J. Eaton, a local resident with a history of mental instability, stumbled out of a white clapboard house on the residential street and without a word fired four shots at the three men.

Eaton had been described as “that hippie guy” and “progressive”, an organic farmer who had posted a meme with a definition of “Amerika” that called it “the worst sense of the United States, ie imperialism, corruption and the global exportation of American culture.”

He appeared to be a Biden supporter

Media outlets, anti-Israel activists and politicians attributed the shootings to the Hamas war. Everyone from Biden and Kamala on down emphasized the “Palestinian” identities of those shot and implied that Eaton had attacked them because he was opposed to the ‘Palestinian’ cause.

In reality, Eaton supported Hamas.

On December 6, Seven Days, a local news outlet known for breaking stories about local politics, revealed that Eaton had tweeted, “the notion that Hamas is ‘evil’ for defending their state from occupation is absurd. They are owed a state. Pay up.”

Responding to an article about a proposed ceasefire, he wrote, “What if someone occupied your country? Wouldn’t you fight them?”

Local politicians were aware of this which is why in December a Burlington City Council resolution from Councilman Ali Dieng, an African Muslim immigrant currently running for mayor, trying to tie the shootings to an attack on Israel failed, and so did a resolution pushing the false claim that the students had been targeted because of their identity.

The latest Islamophobia hoax had fallen apart in Vermont, but still lingered nationally.

Media outlets which had rushed to spread the false claims never retracted or modified them. After a month of pushing the lie that the shootings were a response to Israel’s campaign against Hamas or to the ‘Muslim’ or ‘Palestinian’ identities of the three men, the new information was not reported, acknowledged or in any way addressed by politicians and media reporters.

NBC News, which had run an entire ‘live blog’ about the shootings, pushing anti-Israel and Islamophobia narratives, did not provide an update that would have contradicted its narrative.


PREMO Member

Democrats: We Need Illegals to Do Menial Tasks

I hate to repeat the by-now tired observation that Democrats are racists, but I will anyway.

It’s Friday. The workweek is almost done, and it’s always fun to point out the hypocrisy of Leftists.

The latest example of unintentional humor is Jerry Nadler’s unintentionally hilarious excuse for why the United States needs to import several million illegal immigrants a year: They make great menial laborers. Without illegals, vegetables would rot in the fields.



Well-Known Member

Democrats: We Need Illegals to Do Menial Tasks

I hate to repeat the by-now tired observation that Democrats are racists, but I will anyway.

It’s Friday. The workweek is almost done, and it’s always fun to point out the hypocrisy of Leftists.

The latest example of unintentional humor is Jerry Nadler’s unintentionally hilarious excuse for why the United States needs to import several million illegal immigrants a year: They make great menial laborers. Without illegals, vegetables would rot in the fields.

On another site I called them slaves. Caught a raft for it. I said they are doing the work you don't want to do.


Well-Known Member
If we took them at their word and believed we needed these people to do the menial tasks. How many do we need?
A hundred thousand, 200 thousand, a million?
We have 30 million illegals here now and the number is growing.

By the way 30 million is my estimate. The government claims 11 ton15 million, but they don't really know and they don't seem to care.
1 illegal is one too many. Come here legally or stay the F**k where you are.


Well-Known Member
The government claims 11 ton15 million, but they don't really know and they don't seem to care.
1 illegal is one too many. Come here legally or stay the F**k where you are.
Hell, I remember reading back in the 70s that there was an estimated 12 mil illegals in the country.