Biden's America Last Program


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Gigi and Bella Hadid's Palestinian-American father Mohamed brands Joe Biden a 'Zionist war criminal' and vows to 'hunt them down like the Nazis' in latest anti-Israel rant

  • Mohamed Hadid has been a fierce critic of the western world's support of Israel
  • Hadid stepped in to defend his model daughters, who have supported Palestine

Gigi and Bella Hadid's real estate mogul father has called president Joe Biden a 'Zionist war criminal' who will be 'hunted down like the Nazis.'
'This is Biden's war on the Palestinian people. He will be in the court with the rest of the Zionist Criminals. We will hunt them down like they did the Nazis,' Mohamed, 75, wrote on Sunday - in his latest scathing post against Israel and the US.

The Palestinian-American has been a fierce critic of the western world's support of Israel following Hamas' October 7 terrorist attacks against the Jewish state.

Hadid, a resident of Los Angeles, wrote his message Sunday on a video of economist Jeffrey D. Sachs explaining his belief that the US is the driving force behind the war in Gaza.

The same day Hadid also shared a video of a woman saying: 'F*** Israel until the end of time.'

In a different message, the millionaire wrote: 'we don't need to ask for a ceasefire. We are indigenous to the land. We demand an end to the occupation and an end to colonialism.


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'Biden's DEI rules are worse than HAMAS': Top microchip makers are postponing US expansion and instead expanding in dangerous Israel and Russia because American grants come with so many 'equity' caveats

  • Companies including Samsung and Intel are backing out of using the US as a hub to build semiconductor microchip makers
  • An opinion piece in The Hill points the finger at the diversity, equity and inclusion necessary in government subsidies as the main reason for the exodus
  • The subsidies are paid for by the CHIPS and Science Act, a $280 billion bill to fund semiconductor chip manufacturing and boost competitiveness with China

Top microchip makers are postponing their expansion into the U.S. and setting up shop in Israel and Russia due to equity caveats that are required for them to receive grants from the U.S. government.

The Biden administration promised earlier this year that they would be handing out $39 billion in grants to encourage semiconductor manufacturing in the U.S.

Shortly after the announcement however, Intel announced they would be holding off on their Columbus factory, while Samsung also delayed their facility in Texas.

Despite the billions in subsidies, two experts believe the tech companies' decision to back out of building manufacturing facilities in the U.S. stems from the diversity, equity and inclusion policy.

In an opinion piece for The Hill, CEO of Strive Asset Management Matt Cole and head of research at the company, Chris Nicholson, say the subsidies are so 'loaded with DEI that it can't move.'


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Federal Judge Dismisses States’ Challenge to Biden’s Parole Program for Immigrants

The immigrant must also pass a background check and present themselves at a Port of Entry, rather than entering the United States illegally.

In his ruling, Mr. Tipton said that the number of people illegally entering the United States from the four countries has “dramatically decreased” by “as much as 44 percent” since the program was implemented.

“This case is dismissed without prejudice. The Court denies all requested relief and will enter a final judgment by separate order,” he added.

Some 234,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans had entered the United States through the program as of November last year, according to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) statistics.


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Oakland Residents COPE After Taco Bell SHUTSDOWN Indoor Dining Locations Due To OUT OF CONTROL CRIME​



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Hungary Summons U.S. Ambassador over ‘Lies’ From Biden About Orbán Seeking a ‘Dictatorship’

A diplomatic rift broke out between Budapest and Washington this week following comments from President Joe Biden, who claimed during a campaign stop in Philadelphia on Friday that Prime Minister Orbán “stated flatly he doesn’t think democracy works and is looking for dictatorship”.

Responding to the incendiary rhetoric, Hungarian Foreign Affairs Minister Péter Szijjártó said on Tuesday that the Orbán government has summoned the U.S. ambassador for an explanation for Biden’s comments.

“We are not obliged to take lies from anyone, even if that person is the President of the United States,” Minister Szijjártó said on Tuesday afternoon. “Since such a lie has been said in connection with the Hungarian prime minister, we summoned the ambassador of the United States to the ministry, who was here today.”


PREMO Member

Biden Undermines Law by Invoking This to Create National Monuments

The American Forest Resource Council has rightly challenged this executive overreach by calling on the Supreme Court to review the Antiquities Act.

Council President Travis Joseph says many Americans are “concerned about implications of presidents having unfettered authority to indefinitely suspend or cancel the operation of federal law through the Antiquities Act proclamation.”

One such case challenges Biden’s 2021 expansion of the Bears Ears National Monument, led by Utah alongside individual recreationists and mining interests. The plaintiffs argue that the Antiquities Act doesn’t permit arbitrary and excessive expansions that infringe upon local interests and rights. The case is headed to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals after being dismissed by the U.S. District Court of Utah last August.

Americans reliant on farming, logging, mining, and energy extraction have felt the brunt of the damage inflicted by these presidential decrees. Consider, for example, Biden’s recent designation of nearly 1 million acres in Arizona to create the Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument.

This land has some of our country’s richest uranium deposits. While current mining operations continue, Biden’s decision makes future uranium mining operations impossible. This not only disregards local economic interests, but also exacerbates our dependence on Russian uranium to keep our nuclear power plants running.

In addition to national security risks, Biden’s decision displaced cattle that were grazing on the land. Ranchers lost nearly 40,000 acres of grazing area.

Other ranchers should be concerned, too. Public land leases to cattle ranchers support more than 10,000 jobs and $1.5 billion in total economic activity. The president of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Todd Wilkinson, says: “Washington politicians are trampling local communities, land managers, farmers and ranchers with the stroke of a pen.”


Beloved Misanthrope


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Joe Biden wants to raid Americans’ retirement accounts

By Civis Americanus

Before anybody can claim that I am circulating a conspiracy theory, or citing an unreliable “news” source, I am going to quote President Biden’s State of the Union address and his own website ( as the sources of this information. I will then encourage readers to circulate this information as widely as possible via social media, letters to the editor, and talk radio to educate the public between now and Election Day.
The State of the Union address says in part, “Under my plan nobody earning less than $400,000 will pay an additional penny in federal taxes. ... It’s time to raise the corporate minimum tax to at least 21% so every big corporation finally begins to pay their fair share.”
The site adds, and emphasis is mine,

Corporations received an enormous tax break in 2017. While their profits soared, their investment in their workers and the economy did not. Their shareholders and top executives reaped the benefits, without the promised trickle down to workers, consumers, or communities. The President’s Budget would set the corporate tax rate at 28 percent, still well below the 35 percent rate that prevailed prior to the 2017 tax law. In addition, the Budget would raise the Inflation Reduction Act’s corporate minimum tax rate on billion-dollar corporations that the President signed into law from 15 percent to 21 percent, ensuring the biggest corporations pay more of their fair share. These policies are complemented by other proposals to incentivize job creation and investment in the United States to help ensure broadly shared prosperity.

We Have Met the Corporations, and They Are Us​

Biden must really agree with Barack Obama’s position that most people who live outside deep-blue Democrat strongholds like New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, and so on as bitter, small-town people who cling to guns and religion. He seems to add his own belief that they are too uneducated and/or stupid to recognize that “the corporations” are not shadowy monoliths run by cigar-smoking capitalists, but rather the property of every single American who owns stock or mutual funds, including in retirement accounts. Roth IRAs are in particular supposed to be absolutely inviolable with respect to taxes. Once we fund them with annual deposits, or rollovers from ordinary IRAs upon which we pay income tax, the Internal Revenue Service has no further claim on them.

Investments get their growth and income from dividends and capital gains, both of which come from corporate profits. A tax increase on corporate profits is therefore a tax on every single American with investments, regardless of his income. It is in fact a regressive tax on lower earners.

Consider for example a single person with, to keep matters simple, no ordinary income who gets less than $47,000 a year from capital gains and qualified dividends. He would pay no tax at all on this income. Somebody who makes more than $47,000 pays a marginal tax rate of 15% on this kind of income.

Now suppose the person’s share of a corporation’s profits is $10,000 prior to payment of any corporate and individual taxes. The current maximum corporate tax rate is 21%, so each person pays $2,100, regardless of his tax bracket, before he sees even a penny. The lower-income person keeps the remaining $7,900. The higher-income person pays 15% on the $7,900 in dividends and capital gains for another $1,185 and keeps $6,715. The difference in favor of the lower-income person is the $1,185 paid by the higher earner.

Here is what happens if Biden manages to increase the corporate income tax to 28%. Each investor now pays $2,800, regardless of income level, before he sees a penny. The lower-income person keeps the remaining $7,200. The higher-income person pays 15% of this remainder, or $1,080, and keeps $6,120. The difference in favor of the lower-income person is now only $1,080 rather than $1,185, which makes the change a regressive tax. Every single American with even ordinary taxable investment income needs to know this.


PREMO Member

LA battles spate of 'burglary tourists' as marauding gangs from Chile, Ecuador Colombia and Peru jet in on 90-day visas and ransack millionaire mansions before fleeing back to South America

  • The LAPD has launched a task force to combat the threat of 'burglary tourists'
  • Internationals from South America have abused American visa laws to steal
  • Some have been accused of over 30 robberies throughout southern California

The Los Angeles Police Department has launched a task force to try to crack down on 'burglary tourists' who use the US tourism visa system to commit crimes.

Cunning criminals from Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru target wealthy neighborhoods in places with relaxed criminal justice laws to conduct home burglaries - before returning home with the loot while out on bail.

The troubling trend of 'lanzas internacionales' - translated to 'international thieves' - dates back at least two years across America, while the problem has also reared its ugly head in the United Kingdom.


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Tyson Foods FACES BOYCOTT After SHUTTING DOWN Factory With MASS Layoffs Then Moving To Hire Illegals​



PREMO Member

Tyson Foods BOYCOTTED as it sacks 1,300 staff at Iowa pork plant and offers 'job-and-lawyer' packages in bid to hire 42,000 asylum seekers in New York

Campaigners are urging consumers to stop buying Tyson products amid its wave of closures of poultry- and meat-processing plants across Iowa, Virginia, Arkansas, Indiana, and Missouri.

They point to Tyson's efforts to hire thousands of asylum seekers in New York, offering $16.50-an-hour wages and free immigration lawyers, accusing the firm of ditching US-born workers for cheaper migrant labor.

America First Legal, a conservative action group launched by former Trump administration officials, warned Tyson that it could be breaking the law by favoring foreign-born workers over Americans.


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PREMO Member

Tyson Foods BOYCOTTED as it sacks 1,300 staff at Iowa pork plant and offers 'job-and-lawyer' packages in bid to hire 42,000 asylum seekers in New York

Campaigners are urging consumers to stop buying Tyson products amid its wave of closures of poultry- and meat-processing plants across Iowa, Virginia, Arkansas, Indiana, and Missouri.

They point to Tyson's efforts to hire thousands of asylum seekers in New York, offering $16.50-an-hour wages and free immigration lawyers, accusing the firm of ditching US-born workers for cheaper migrant labor.

America First Legal, a conservative action group launched by former Trump administration officials, warned Tyson that it could be breaking the law by favoring foreign-born workers over Americans.
It would be very hard to boycott Tyson Foods. Wiki says they are the 2nd largest meat producer in the world. The wife says they have their hands in so many food companies, you don't know you're buying a Tyson-owned product or not.


PREMO Member

Biden's Bloodbath

The Left is castigating presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump for warning that there would be a "bloodbath" if he's not elected in November. The dishonest media wasted no time taking the comment out of context (he was talking about tariffs on foreign auto imports) and falsely claiming that Trump was cooking up an insurrection—or maybe even WWIII.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

This is what they do, and quite frankly, it bores me to tears. It's as predictable as the sun coming up in the East every morning. I know from reading the comments here at PJ Media that you are also sick of it.

While left-wing media parrots are weeping and gnashing their teeth about Trump using the word "bloodbath," there are very real bloodbaths that the policies of Joe Biden and the Democrats have caused:

Democrats yapping about bloodbaths are complete and utter hypocrites. Nothing Trump has done comes close to the ghastly, ongoing genocide of innocents on the tables of abortion clinics. "Historic" Vice President Kamala Harris recently made a "historic" visit to an abortuary, purportedly to gin up business and normalize these crimes against humanity. Nothing comes close to the despair of families mourning the overdose deaths of their sons and daughters or those who lost loved ones to suicide amid COVID lockdowns and a spiraling economy.

Next time you hear Democrats complaining about Trump, remind them of these numbers and point out that theirs is the party of death. They don't build; they destroy.