Biden's America Last Program


Beloved Misanthrope
Where is this money coming from .?


PREMO Member
The Cloward-Piven Strategy: Orchestrating A Crisis So Government Can “Solve”

“Cloward-Piven Strategy”, as it is now called, has become a wide-ranging political strategy whose end game is to replace our capitalist system with a socialist/communist one by overloading the government bureaucracy to such an extent that it drives the country into economic collapse which they will claim proves that the current system(capitalism) is not sustainable. The proponents of this strategy do not care that the only reason why the system had collapsed was because it was artificially overloaded by them, and that if they had simply allowed the system to run its course without interference, it would have operated perfectly well.”

Crashing the US Economy has been the plan since the 1960's .... crash the economy, crash the republic


PREMO Member

Venezuelan Immigrant Brags About Sponging Off American Taxpayers, Urges Support for Times Square Shooter

Sometimes, a story comes along that really burns one's bacon. This is one of those. The subject of the story is one Leonal Moreno, an immigrant (I have been unable to determine whether he is here legally or illegally) from Venezuela and an "influencer" (as if you needed another reason to loathe that word) who openly brags about living off the American taxpayer and shouts to raise support for the Times Square shooter.

In other words, Leonal Moreno is a parasite and an advocate for attempted murder. He says:

"I invite you to find [his] mother and [for] all of us to unite to pay the fines [so] that the young Venezuelan feels that he’s not alone during difficult moments. Remember that up there there’s a God who sees everything [down here]," the Venezuelan TikToker said.
He continued," An entire nation [is] on top of him instead of helping him - remember that the young man is going to be released. And he will be released, do you know why? Because he’s underage."

No. A nation is coming down on this young thug because he opened fire on innocent people, and it's only good luck that no one was killed. Moreno is advocating for the Venezuelan immigrant community to provide aid and comfort to an attempted murderer, probably assuming — correctly, as long as Job Biden is in office — that they can't be deported no matter what they do.

But Moreno isn't done yet:

Moreno’s content focuses around his lifestyle and how he earns an income by begging strangers on the streets and living off of money distributed by the government.
In another video posted February 21st, Moreno expressed his intention behind migrating to the United States, stating, "You came to the United States to work, and I came to vacation, look at the difference. You and I didn’t come with the same purpose. You came to the United States to pay the taxes that you didn’t pay in Venezuela."
The same day, the migrant posted another video, admitting, "I confess that I don’t like to work because it gives me allergies. You work, I don’t, but in the end, neither of us have money. They keep criticizing us because I live off of taxes that you pay monthly."

Yes, you read that correctly, in his own words; Moreno is a parasite and proud of it; that was his purpose in coming to the United States. If the federal government were sane and competent, this little weasel would be given a one-way plane ticket to Caracas, U.S. Marshals should make sure he got on the plane, and a competent president would tell Maduro that we're sending his people back and he should damn well shut up and accept it.


PREMO Member

The Biden Policies That Transformed America’s Borders

WASHINGTON—President Joe Biden took office with a commitment to overturn the previous administration’s immigration policies, calling them “cruel and reckless.” He emphasized that his plan would establish a “fair, orderly, and humane” immigration system while implementing smarter measures to secure the border.
But his administration is now grappling with a historic crisis.

Republicans blame President Biden for eliminating and reversing policies put in place by the Trump administration.

Many people, including those in the liberal media, have also pointed fingers at the Biden administration for the crisis that has now spread to large cities around the country.

Polling suggests that American voters trust former President Donald Trump—the Republican frontrunner in November’s election—more than President Biden on immigration and border-security issues. According to the Pew Research Center, 80 percent of Americans, including 73 percent of Democrats, think the U.S. government has done a bad job of handling the illegal immigrant influx.

The illegal immigrant surge has escalated significantly throughout President Biden’s presidency, shattering record after record. The past six months of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data show it’s getting worse.

As taxpayer expenses pile up, communities nationwide are feeling the strain. And there seems to be no end in sight.

So how did we get here?


PREMO Member
📉 On Friday, Politico reported that Team Biden is strongly considering making snack-food shrinkflation — “fewer chips in the bag,” as Joe said — the magnificent centerpiece of Joe Biden’s belated State of The Union speech on March 7th. I realize that idea sounds more like an SNL sketch than a real plan. It’s literally unbelievable that the leader of the free world would target smaller processed food packages as America’s primary problem.

On the other hand, maybe they haven’t told Joe yet about the border, Ukraine, the Middle East, or Taiwan? I could understand not telling him; it’s a lot for someone in Joe’s condition to handle.

Politico’s article seemed like a trial balloon designed to test-market the shrinkflation concept and debut two new Biden Administration catch phrases, a new, made-up buzzword, “greed-flation” (I am not making that up) and the old standby, “price gouging.”

Greedflation combines two bad things: greed and inflation. It’s a twofer! It is tempting to believe Joe came up with that himself, or maybe during a chat with John Fetterman, because if that’s the caliber of thinking of the people managing Joe, then we are in serious trouble.

Now imagine what Saturday Night Live could do with this kind of material — if they were allowed. Sadly, you just can’t get that kind of entertainment in the United States anymore; we’ll have to wait for the next Republican president. But fortunately, you don’t have to wait, an Italian comedy show released its new skit mocking Joe Biden yesterday. It might even be better than SNL.

image 5.png

CLIP: Italians release humiliating Biden parody sketch (1:09).

And if you are still hungry, like there were too few cheese-its in the can, here is another recent Biden skit by the same outfit, which is even more brutal than the first one (2:28).

Enjoy! I’ve heard that laughter is the best medicine when suffering from greedflation. It seemed appropriate that the humor should come at Biden’s expense.



PREMO Member

Higher Labor Costs​

Another reason food prices remain elevated is the higher cost of labor. According to The Wall Street Journal, 22 Democrat-run states lifted the minimum wage for hourly workers in January. Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., vowed in a recent debate that she wanted to raise the federal minimum wage to $50 an hour. American companies, such as fast-food restaurants, have already indicated that they would have no choice but to pass on some of the higher labor costs to consumers by raising food prices.

Thanks to Democrats’ destructive economic policies at the federal and state level, a 2022 survey by found 9 out of 10 Americans were struggling with high food prices, which “has consequences on the health of around 50 percent of the population,” and nearly 75 percent of the population wants to eat healthier but can’t because of finances.

In another study, 63.2 percent of adults reported that household grocery costs increased significantly as of December 2022. To cope with skyrocketing food prices, many Americans either reduced the amount of food they bought or did not buy the kinds of food they wanted. Some relied on charitable organizations, such as food banks, to make ends meet. The rising cost of food is one of the reasons why 1 in 8 retirees plans to return to work in 2024.

Expensive Energy Policy​

Earlier this month, researchers at the Buckeye Institute warned that Americans’ grocery bills will go even higher if a Democrat wins the White House this November because of the Democrats’ almost religious fervor in pursuing “net-zero” emissions policies. Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Accords when he became president and has since pursued “an activist environmental agenda that imposes expensive regulatory requirements to meet aggressive emissions-reduction targets,” including restricting oil and natural gas supplies, the report says. The Inflation Reduction Act (a misleading name) was a climate bill aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent below their 2005 level by the end of this decade. These climate policies have already increased the cost of energy in the United States, as another chart by E.J. Antoni shows.

If Democrats (Biden or otherwise) win the White House this year, they undoubtedly will continue to push the same “net-zero” climate policy with renewed enthusiasm. Energy will become more expensive in America, and higher energy costs mean higher fuel and fertilizer costs for farmers.

Based on Europe’s disastrous experience with a similar climate policy, researchers at the Buckeye Institute estimate that American farmers will see their operation costs rise by at least 34 percent. Farmers will have to pass on their cost increases to consumers by raising food prices. Under this scenario, the grocery bills of an American family of four (with an average $70,000 annual income) will increase 15 percent, or $1,300 per year, from $8,320 to $9,650. Prices of some so-called carbon emission-intensive foods such as cheese and beef could increase by more than 70 percent per pound.



Well-Known Member
I was thinking yesterday about all the positive economy talk Biden touts. Then there's the we added 450,000 jobs last month. Where are these jobs and the people that are doing them. Hmmm, how about the millions of immigrants getting jobs. Its not so much people working multiple jobs its hiring the immigrants.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Wife went to Martin's grocery (Giant owned) last Thursday. She picked up what looked like one large cart's worth of groceries. Nothing really fancy. A lot of fresh produce due to diet. The total was $400 after over $60 in coupon savings.

I'm afraid it's going to get worse before it gets better.


Well-Known Member
$138 Billion dollars Biden bought votes with after the SCOTUS said it was illegal to do so.
And they accuse Trump of wanting to be a dictator.

How is this possible? SCOTUS makes a decision with no way to enforce that decision. The Congress which should have a say is frightened to have that say. So Biden gets away with it.
Pretty much the same way the border is run.

Republicans scream Bloody Murder, but sit on their royal asses cash their pay checks and don't do a Phucking thing about it.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
How is this possible?
If not mistaken SCOTUS determined that Biden couldn't fund the forgiveness via the HEROES Act, but in this round he is attempting to claim he is authorized by the Higher Education Act of 1965 and can get funding through it.


Well-Known Member
If not mistaken SCOTUS determined that Biden couldn't fund the forgiveness via the HEROES Act, but in this round he is attempting to claim he is authorized by the Higher Education Act of 1965 and can get funding through it.
But isn't the House supposed to approve that funding.? Or can he just take money committed to the Department of Education and spend it any way he wants to, and then what happens to the projects the money was really meant for. $ 18 Billion dollars taken from any Department is a piss pot full of money.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
But isn't the House supposed to approve that funding.? Or can he just take money committed to the Department of Education and spend it any way he wants to, and then what happens to the projects the money was really meant for. $ 18 Billion dollars taken from any Department is a piss pot full of money.
Don't know the legalities of what he is trying and money gets moved around all the time. All I know is he is trying to justify it by any means necessary.