Biden's America Last Program


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Rapper ARRESTED At Grammys After REFUSING To ENDORSE Joe Biden Regime DESPITE Bill Maher BEGGING Him​



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🔥 We can thank James O’Keefe for breaking the story on the shady NGO’s bussing migrants into sketchy, secret facilities that refuse to let reporters in and call the cops on them. Yesterday Wisconsin Representative Tom Tiffany (R-Wi.) — citing O’Keefe’s video — tried for himself to inspect a converted Ramada Inn in Arizona, pursuant to his Congressional oversight authority, but was shut down cold.

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CLIP: ‘The manager is not here,’ man tells U.S. Congressman trying to inspect Ramada Inn converted to illegal alien processing facility. (5:36)

And, of course, they called the cops on him. In the video, you can see Congressman Tiffany suggested, several times, he intends to call for public hearings in the Judiciary Committee (at least) and potentially subpoenas. Let’s hope so. Somebody needs to shine a light on these cockroaches. I’m not being racist! I treat all pestilential insects as equals.



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REPORT: Former Obama Adviser Susan Rice is the ‘Central’ Figure in the Biden Administration’s Approach to the Border

For months, people have been openly wondering who is the real power behind the throne in the Biden administration? Who is really running the country?

We now know who is calling the shots when it comes to their policy on the border. Word is that former Obama security adviser Susan Rice is calling the tune on border issues.

Additionally, members of Biden’s team must have been looking at polling on immigration and the border, because they have formed a circular firing squad over the issues.

Axios reported:

Infighting broke out among those on Biden’s team.
  • Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice emerged as a central — and controversial — coordinator of the administration’s approach to the border.
  • Some officials found her needlessly combative and disagreed with her policy-wise. But even many of her critics credit her with taking on more responsibility on the border at a time when most other top Biden officials were shying away from it.
  • There was — and still is — deep animosity toward Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra for what was seen as his reluctance to find more space in child migrant shelters, which are overseen by HHS, according to several sources familiar with the dynamics.
  • Rice referred to Becerra as a “bitch-ass” and privately called him an “idiot,” according to multiple sources.
  • During one meeting when Biden was tearing into Becerra, Rice passed Mayorkas a note that read: “Don’t save him,” according to two people familiar with the meeting.
Rice also clashed repeatedly with Sherwood-Randall and had tension with Vice President Harris, according to people familiar with the dynamics.

Infighting like this is not a good sign for Biden’s campaign. People start pointing fingers like this when they’re losing.


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At least two migrants charged over brutal Times Square cops beating are identified as members of barbaric Venezuelan super-gang Tren de Aragua whose gangsters are hiding among refugees to cross US-Mexico border

  • Wilson Juarez, 21, and Kelvin Servita-Arocha, 19, have been identified by officials as allegedly belonging to the notorious Tren de Aragua gang from Venezuela
  • The two are among eight individuals who allegedly attacked two NYPD officers in Times Square last month
  • Juarez and Arocha were picked up by agents inside a Bronx apartment after cops executed a warrant for another migrant wanted in connection with the attack

At leas two of the those charged with the brutal beating of two cops in Times Square have been identified as alleged members of a notorious Venezuelan gang.

Wilson Juarez, 21, and Kelvin Servita-Arocha, 19, have been charged in the attack that happened last month.

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have since confirmed that the two men allegedly belong to the Tren de Aragua gang.

Spokeswoman Marie Ferguson told the New York Post, 'Both noncitizens have been identified as members of the Tren de Aragua transnational criminal organization.'

Juarez and Arocha were picked up by agents inside a Bronx apartment after cops executed a warrant for another migrant wanted in connection with the attack.


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Biden Admin Wants More Black Veterans Declared Mentally Disabled In The Name Of ‘Equity’

Black veterans currently receive disability payments for mental health conditions at nearly twice the rate of whites. But the Biden administration’s Equity Assessment and Action Steps for Mental Health Compensation Benefits, released Wednesday, said that to attain “equity,” that number needs to be even higher.

“A higher percentage of Black Veterans currently receive disability compensation benefits than white Veterans for mental health conditions (21.7% vs. 12.7%),” the assessment said. “On average, Black Veterans also apply for disability compensation at higher rates and receive slightly higher disability ratings from VA than white Veterans. However, Black Veterans have lower grant rates than white Veterans for mental health conditions (70.3% vs. 76.0%). … In response to these new findings, VA will [be] taking immediate and aggressive action to eliminate this gap and ensure that Black Veterans get the benefits they deserve.”

The justification uses a tortured logic in which, although there is a large discrepancy in blacks’ favor when it comes to actually being granted government disability checks, the Biden administration sliced the numbers until they found a secondary metric in which blacks were slightly behind: The percentage who apply for disability but are deemed ineligible.

The “grant rate” means the portion of people who sought a disability rating who had it granted by the VA, as opposed to the VA saying that the evidence did not support a finding of disability. The Biden administration contends that the “grant rate” needs to be equal by race — even though that would make the percentage of each race actually receiving checks even more unequal.

The move appears to put pressure on evaluators to either look the other way at fraud and rubber-stamp unjustified disability ratings for blacks, or deny benefits to potentially suicidal whites. It also puts the Biden administration in conflict with science, with the result of ostensibly objective medical evaluations being swayed for political reasons.

Ironically, the six-point discrepancy in grant rate, used to justify more equity policies, was likely caused by an existing VA “equity” policy that encouraged blacks to apply for disability. “In recent years, VA has worked to engage Black Veteran [sic] to encourage them to file for the benefits they’ve earned,” the VA said. People who have to be persuaded that they are disabled are likely to have borderline cases more prone to be rejected, causing the “grant rate” to go down for their group.


About half of veterans seek disability within a year of leaving service, while half wait longer. The VA said there was a racial “gap” in the second category, with whites about 2% ahead of blacks, but that there was no racial “gap” in the first category, when blacks were about 2% ahead of whites.

Rather than try to ameliorate the disparity in which blacks are more likely than whites to get disability if they apply within a year of leaving the service, it will lean into it by “doing direct outreach to encourage Black Veterans to file for disability compensation benefits within the first year of discharge,” VA said.

The argument that VA assessors reject certain blacks’ applications out of racism, while readily granting other blacks’ applications, is a more convoluted one than the simple explanation that assessors make decisions based on whether the evidence supports it.

Black people are overrepresented among VA employees by double their portion of the population. They make up a quarter of the VA’s workforce, giving the VA the fourth-highest rate of black employees out of 19 Cabinet agencies, a Daily Wire review of Office of Personnel Management data showed. Nonetheless, the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) released a Benefits Equity Assurance Plan in conjunction with the study that said it will seek to hire more blacks by recruiting employees at HBCUs.

Progressives ANY Gap is #becauseracism


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Eagle-eyed residents reveal sophisticated migrant smuggling operation at northern US border

But experts say migrants who make it to Mexico and have the money for a $350 one-way plane ticket from Mexico City or Cancun to Montreal or Toronto in Canada have caught on to the fact that they’re less likely to be caught along the northern US border.

The US-Canadian border is nearly three times as long as the border with Mexico, and ports of entry are often understaffed as CBP directs most of its resources to the migrant surge at the southern border.

Feeley told The Post he has been hunting in the area since he was a teenager, with his favorite vantage point a tree stand about 18 feet above the ground on the property of a local farm.

The elevated perch not only provides a bird’s-eye view of any approaching white-tailed deer but also the area around the Canadian border, which sits just 250 yards from his lookout.

He said that in the past, it was not unusual for him to go an entire day of hunting without encountering another person. But that all changed around three years ago.

Feeley recalled being in his tree stand one morning when a startled group of deer unexpectedly ran by — followed by two men “of Mexican descent” with backpacks and walking sticks, one of whom was poring over the screen of his smartphone.


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‘Extortion Attempt:’ Joe Biden Hopes to Cut Deportations amid Migrant Crime Wave

Biden’s White House is threatening to cut deportations of even the most violent illegal alien convicts unless Congress approves billions in funding that passes through DHS before getting handed to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) helping facilitate illegal immigration.

RJ Hauman, president of the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), told Breitbart News that the threat from Biden is echoed by the establishment media with claims that DHS needs the billions in funding to enforce federal immigration law.

“This is nothing more than a misleading extortion attempt to prolong a self-inflicted invasion that has been compounded by the gutting of interior enforcement,” Hauman said. “Keep in mind this is an administration that sought to suspend all deportations for 100 days and proposed a mass amnesty on day one — efforts built upon through the issuance of radical policy memos.” [Emphasis added]

The claim, Hauman said, is false — noting that Congress gave DHS more money than the agency requested to fund more detention space for illegal aliens even as Biden had sought to slash detention space by 30 percent.

Likewise, the Senate package supported by Biden and crafted by Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), and Chris Murphy (D-CT), would, among other things, preserve DHS’s parole pipeline for illegal aliens into the United States interior and get work permits much more quickly to those released.


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Hidin’ Biden AWOL as America faces crisis after crisis

In looking at President Biden’s schedule just last week alone, the answer to that basic question is as clear as New Jersey’s swamps: On Tuesday, the 81-year-old delivered brief remarks on the Senate’s passage of a supplemental agreement.

When reporters attempted to ask questions afterward, Biden said he had to run but promised to take questions Wednesday or Thursday.

That never happened, of course, and not because Biden had a stacked itinerary to contend with.

But here’s something more disconcerting: The commander-in-chief received Tuesday’s daily intelligence brief not in the morning but at 2:45 p.m.

Maybe he thinks our enemies like to sleep in on Tuesdays.

Or worse, perhaps it’s the president who needs additional snooze time.

Either way, it’s beyond unacceptable, especially given that the world is increasingly on fire and our border is wide open for terrorists to enter. And they have.

On Wednesday and Thursday, it was lather, rinse and repeat: no events on the schedule while Biden received the daily brief at 1 p.m. and 11:15 a.m., respectively.

And Friday, Biden traveled to East Palestine, Ohio, to deliver remarks more than a year after a toxic train derailment sparked serious health fears among residents.

The president then flew directly to Delaware for yet another long weekend at one of his multimillion-dollar homes.

This exhausting work schedule comes on the heels of special counsel Robert Hur’s devastating report stating that Biden only avoided being charged because he “would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”


The report also shared that Biden couldn’t remember when his time as vice president began or ended and wasn’t even close to remembering what year his son Beau died (2015) despite reportedly broaching the topic himself.

The observation that Biden is too old and too far gone mentally for office is nothing new: A recent ABC News poll shows 86% of Americans think Biden doesn’t have the mental fitness for another term.


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Hohmann: The Second American Civil War Is Starting

What starts in Europe eventually comes here, and civil uprisings are gaining steam across the European continent. France, Belgium, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy and Spain have all seen tremendous civil unrest as people are waking up to the global con being waged against them by power-hungry globalist Luciferians using the climate as a their excuse to drastically curtail freedoms of speech, press, assembly and movement, not to mention privacy invasions.

Farmers have been protesting against globalist climate policies in all of the above countries. And migrant populations have been also getting restless.

In the Netherlands last night, there were migrant riots with a little-reported connection to the United States. You won’t find any of this reported in the mainstream press but keep reading and you will see what I’m talking about on how now is the time to wake up and prepare for what’s coming.

At least four police officers were hurt during a riot that erupted on the streets outside The Hague on Saturday night, February 17, after two rival groups of Eritrean migrants clashed following a political disagreement.

Rioters torched police cars and a bus, and Dutch police officers were forced to use tear gas to regain control of the area.

Dozens of rioters were filmed surrounding the Opera Conference Hall in the Netherlands, as multiple police vans raced to the scene.

Another clip also showed the aftermath. The building had several smashed windows and parked vehicles were set on fire. The street was left looking like a war zone.

According to The Hague Municipality spokesman Robin Middel, a fight broke out between two groups of Eritreans that got “seriously out of hand.”

Police said that during the riots, two officers sustained injuries to their hand and another to her teeth. A fourth was hit by a police car in the chaos.

Now, for the U.S. connection.

Independent journalist Andy Ngo reported on X Saturday night that over 200 Eritrean migrants were holding a sympathy protest in Charlotte, North Carolina, for their brothers overseas and that protest also turned violent.

So, you can add this to the growing list of American cities experiencing migrant violence. And it’s only going to get worse until we start seeing mass deportations. But I don’t hear any politicians talking much about mass deportations, do you? So don’t expect things to improve.

One other city where migrant crime is raging is the nation’s largest, New York City.

Violent illegals have formed gangs and are making their presence known across the Big Apple, and the police are just now starting to form a response. But they’re fighting a losing battle, because the Soros prosecutors working in New York are reportedly letting the criminal migrant gang members back out on the streets as soon as they get arrested.



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America’s Open Border – Intentionality or Incompetence?

There are also an unknown number of euphemistically called “gotaways,” those waltzing into the U.S., not encountering a border agent, then just disappearing somewhere into America’s fruited plains. How many?

CBP reports over 1,000 “known “gotaways” a day. Recently impeached DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas acknowledges 600,000 “gotaways” in 2023. These are the “known” ones. How many are unknown? Likely at least as many as known.

In total, this is more than the 3.9 million population of Los Angeles added to America’s welfare rolls each year. American cities are choking under this invasion.

President Joe Biden has the power to stop this at any time. He reversed all of President Donald Trump’s executive orders for building a wall, remaining in Mexico, asylum seeking, and many other measures which gave America a long overdue semblance of a national border. Most other countries have and manage a national border, without being accused of racism and xenophobia.

Biden could, by executive order, revert to Trump policies at any time, but he has not. Congress has been fiddling while American burns, refusing to hold government officials accountable and continuing to fund government agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security, which are facilitating our open border.

The U.S. Senate proposed a border plan which is just as bad or worse than Biden’s current approach, codifying bad policy into law, forever destroying the America we know. Obviously, the U.S. Senate, in bipartisan fashion, wants an open border. Their proposed legislation was really a smokescreen for additional billions for the Ukraine war money pit and laundering scheme, and fortunately the Senate bill died, but was resurrected for only foreign largess, ignoring Americans and their national border.


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Dozens of Chinese migrants spotted entering US illegally in California border town of Jacumba and say they're here to 'take the money' along with others from Syria and Turkey

Chinese nationals now make up the fastest-growing nationality of illegal border crossers into the US
Over 37,000 Chinese migrants crossed in the 2023 fiscal year - and almost 20,000 have crossed since October, according to US government
Jacumba, California has become crossing hot spot for Chinese nationals

Shocking images and video taken in California this weekend show Chinese migrants lined up at the border town of Jacumba and telling reporters shamelessly how they're here to 'take the money'.

Dozens and dozens, possibly up to hundreds of migrants, crossed the international boundary, according to Griff Jenkins of Fox News, who recorded the footage.

'This is one of the largest groups of Chinese I have ever come across and there were [...] two groups at the same time crossing in Jacumba, CA,' the correspondent tweeted last week.


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Biden Admin to Wipe Out $1.2 Billion Federal Student Loan Debt for 153,000 Borrowers

All borrowers on SAVE receive forgiveness after 20 or 25 years, depending on whether they have loans for graduate school.

“With today’s announcement, we are once again sending a clear message to borrowers who had low balances: if you’ve been paying for a decade, you’ve done your part, and you deserve relief,” U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona said in a statement, pledging that the “historic fight to cancel student debt isn’t over yet.”

The announcement comes as the Biden administration pushes for a second attempt at large-scale federal student loan debt cancellation after the nation’s highest court torpedoed his initial $400 billion plan last summer. After the court’s conservative majority ruled that he overstepped his authority, President Biden tasked the Education Department with crafting a new plan on a more solid legal basis, which in turn requires a more lengthy and complicated process called “negotiated rulemaking.”

According to the Education Department, it has so far canceled over $138 billion in federal student loan debt owed by more than 3.9 million borrowers. That includes $45.6 billion for 930,500 borrowers who are on an IDR plan, $56.7 billion for 793,000 borrowers who work in the public sector, 11.7 billion for 513,000 borrowers with a permanent disability, and $22.5 billion for 1.3 million borrowers who said they have been misled or defrauded by their schools.