Biden's America Last Program


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ICE Arrests 8 Suspected Terrorists Released by Biden Admin

On June 11, Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin tweeted that a “federal source” confirmed ICE, working with the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, recently arrested eight Tajikistan nationals who entered America illegally and had suspected ISIS ties. The Tajikistanis were spread across the country, in New York City, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. The best — or worst — part? They were previously “vetted” by the Biden administration’s border security and released into our country. Just how many potential terrorists are being welcomed into America (and given taxpayer-funded freebies) by our own government?

Melugin added, “I'm told all 8 crossed the southern border illegally, received ‘full vetting’, and had no initial derogatory information that flagged.” Well, that’s reassuring. Maybe the Biden administration needs a better vetting process. Of course, with the massive flood of illegals rushing here thanks to Biden’s catastrophic border policies, no doubt vetting isn’t what it should be. In fact, vetting for Chinese illegal aliens was specifically reduced under Biden; perhaps it was reduced for other nationalities too?

“I'm told derogatory info/potential national security concerns flagged later on - apparently after release into the US,” Melugin went on. “Source was unable to say when and where they crossed illegally into the US. All are now in ICE custody pending removal proceedings and an active federal investigation.” Apparently the New York Post first reported this disturbing news and the allegation that at least one of the arrested Tajikistanis was discussing bombs when caught on an FBI wiretap.


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Russian NUCLEAR SUB & Navy Group Skim FLORIDA, US On HIGH ALERT, New Cuban Missile Crisis Feared​



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Joe Biden Protects More than 860K Migrants from Deportation with ‘Temporary’ Amnesty

Data published by the Congressional Research Service reveals that TPS on Biden’s watch is protecting from deportation about 864,000 foreign nationals today who would otherwise be illegal aliens and eligible for deportation.

The Congressional Research Service reports:

There are currently 16 countries under TPS designations. As of March 31, 2024, approximately 863,880 foreign nationals from the following countries who were in the United States were protected by TPS: Afghanistan, Burma, Cameroon, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Yemen. In addition, certain Palestinians, Liberians, and residents of Hong Kong living in the United States currently maintain relief under Deferred Enforced Departure. [Emphasis added]

TPS’s wide expansion under Biden has been primarily driven by the nearly 345,000 Venezuelans who have taken advantage of the quasi-amnesty program, as well as more than 200,000 Haitians, over 180,000 El Salvadorans, more than 54,000 Hondurans, and more than 50,000 Ukrainians.

Most significantly, most foreign nationals on TPS reside in a handful of states: nearly 300,000 in Florida, almost 94,000 in Texas, 67,840 in New York, and 67,800 in California.


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Biden to give hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants who are married to US citizens protection from deportation, work permits and path to citizenship in the biggest immigration shakeup in decades

President Joe Biden is planning to announce a sweeping new policy Tuesday that would lift the threat of deportation for hundreds of thousands of people married to U.S. citizens, an aggressive election-year action on immigration that had been sought by many Democrats.

Biden will announce the new program at a White House event to celebrate the Obama-era 'dreamers' directive that offered deportation protections for young undocumented immigrants, according to three people briefed on the White House plans.

The policy will allow roughly 490,000 spouses of U.S. citizens an opportunity to apply for a 'parole in place' program, which would shield them from deportations and offer them work permits if they have lived in the country for at least 10 years, according to two of the people briefed.

They all spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the announcement publicly.

The White House on Monday declined to comment on the announcement.

Joe Biden’s Migrants Grab White-Collar Jobs from U.S. Grads

The Post article — which was posted a few days before Biden is expected to amnesty another 1 million migrants — offers sympathetic profiles of two young American graduates who remain unemployed — and a profile of an Indian graduate who landed a U.S. job at a banking-related firm in Texas.

The winning foreign graduate is just one of the hundreds of thousands of foreigners who are being imported by Biden and his deputies to take white-collar jobs via little-known work permit programs. In this case, the Indian enrolled in a U.S. university to get up to four years of work permits via the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program:

Priyank Saxena applied for more than 500 jobs before he finally landed one, at a financial technology firm in San Antonio. Newly armed with an [May 2024] MBA from Rice University, he’d hoped to break into Big Tech or project management. But Saxena kept striking out: Even an internship at Dell Technologies wasn’t enough to get him in the door. He ended up going back to fintech, where he’d worked for six years before business school.

Since 2019, roughly 75 percent of all additional jobs have gone to Biden’s flood of roughly 10 million new migrants, including inexperienced OPT contract workers, blue-collar illegal aliens, and legal immigrants. The inflow delivers roughly one migrant for each American birth. The inflated supply of workers ensures lower salaries, less corporate investment in productivity-raising, high-tech workplaces, higher housing costs — and higher stock values on Wall Street.

Worse, many U.S. information technology jobs are sent to India once the Indian workers are fully trained in U.S. jobs.

“As bad as things are right now for college graduates, for Americans who’ve been recently laid off and are looking to find another job … it’s only going to get worse,” said Kevin Lynn, founder of U.S. Tech Workers, which advocates for U.S. professionals.

The vast, million-plus population of foreign white-collar workers — including roughly 600,000 mid-skill H-1B workers — is largely ignored by the national media, whose reporters prefer to focus on the interests of migrants.

Also, the media’s selected reporters and editors are eagerly distracted from the white-collar outsourcing programs by staged drama, such as President Barack Obama’s DACA amnesty, and Biden’s expected “Parole in Place” amnesty for the spouses of U.S. citizens.


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Secret Service Agent Robbed at Gunpoint in California During Biden’s Trip

A person robbed a Secret Service agent at gunpoint in Orange County, CA, on Saturday.

The agent was in California for President Joe Biden’s quick trip for a lavish fundraiser. From Scripps News:

The incident occurred around 9:30 p.m. on Saturday near a residential community in Orange County as the agent was returning from a work assignment. The agent had his bag stolen at gunpoint, according to a release from the Tustin Police Department.

During the incident, the agent fired his government-issued weapon, the United States Secret Service said.
The police department and Secret Service both said in separate statements they do not know if the suspect was injured as a result of the incident.
The Secret Service agent’s identity is not revealed in the press release.


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As a Woman, I Deeply Resent Being Put at Risk From the Democrats’ Imported Monsters

After nearly a year of tracking, police arrested 23-year-old Victor Martinez Hernandez. He strolled into our country back in January 2023 after murdering a young woman in his home in El Salvador. Once here, Hernandez kept on doing his thing. "Once in our country, and likely emboldened by his anonymity, he brutally attacked a nine-year-old girl and her mother during a home invasion in March of 2023 in Los Angeles," said Harford County Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler at a presser announcing the arrest. "And as everyone I believe is aware, that was our first DNA match linking Rachel's case to the one in Los Angeles."

Gahler went on to express my — and so many women’s — concerns: "We are 1,800 miles [away from] the southern border," Gahler said. "And American citizens are not safe because of [the Biden administration's] failed immigration policies."

Morin’s murder was not an isolated event. "This is the second time in two years that an innocent Harford County woman has lost her life to a criminal in our country illegally," the sheriff noted. "In both cases, they are suspects from El Salvador with ties to criminal gangs. This should not be happening."

It shouldn’t be happening, but it is. There are many such cases. To name but a few recent examples:

Feb. 22, 2024, Athens, Ga.: Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student, went for a run on campus. Venezuelan Jose Antonio Ibarra kidnapped her and bludgeoned her to death.

Dec. 5, 2023, Jackson County, Texas: Rafael Govea Romero, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, broke into 16-year-old Lizbeth Medina’s apartment, which she shared with her mother. There, he stabbed the girl to death and left her bloody body in the bathtub for her mother to find that evening.

July 18, 2018, Brooklyn, Iowa: Cristhian Bahena Rivera, another illegal immigrant from Mexico, followed 20-year-old Mollie Cecilia Tibbetts, who was going for a run, in his car before waylaying and murdering her. He left her body in a cornfield.

July 27, 2022, Frederick, Md.: An unnamed 17-year-old, who sublet part of the home of 20-year-old Kayla Hamilton from another illegal alien, raped her and then strangled her to death with a phone-charging cord. He had entered the country illegally the year before, despite his affiliation with MS-13 in his homeland of El Salvador.

Kayla’s mother, Tammy Nobles, is suing the Biden Dept. of Homeland Security for $100 million for allowing the murderer into the country as an unaccompanied minor child. She says the DHS had only to look at the teen’s tattoos to realize he was in a gang.


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After This Failed Program, Does Anything *Work* in Joe Biden's America?

Now, there will always be someone in the DC orbit who will say that all is well, like Alan Davidson, head of the Commerce Department’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration, who said the pace of BEAD is fine. The Washington Times added that Mr. Davidson even told Congress that this program would remain in the planning and development phase for at least two years. Nothing will be shovel-ready until 2025-2026. Still, US Senators have wondered about all the extraneous provisions in the law regarding the funding requirements:

  • Preference for hiring union workers, who are scarce in some rural areas.
  • Requiring providers to prioritize “certain segments of the workforce, such as individuals with past criminal records,” when building broadband networks.
  • Requiring eligible entities to “account not only for current [climate-related] risks but also for how the frequency, severity, and nature of these extreme events may plausibly evolve as our climate continues to change over the coming decades.”
Lawmakers also protested provisions in the BEAD program giving preference to government-owned networks, which critics say put taxpayers at risk and have sustained financial losses around the country.
“Time and time again, such networks have squandered public dollars and left taxpayers holding the bag,” the National Taxpayers Union said in a letter to Sen. John Thune, South Dakota Republican.

And yes, there’s DEI nonsense in a bill trying to boost internet access for the rural poor. It’s no wonder why Biden isn’t touting this on this already thin sheet of legislative accomplishments. It’s in purgatory. Does anything in Biden’s America work? Planes are nearly crashing in airports nationwide; trains are derailing, there are no EV charging stations, and now no Internet.



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'I Represent 1.8 Million Angry People—Angry At You': Risch Goes Beast Mode On Tracy Stone-Manning​
