Biden's America Last Program


Beloved Misanthrope
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Illegal immigrant suspected in Maryland mom Rachel Morin's murder faces maximum penalty if convicted

Rachel Morin's suspected killer Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez will face life without parole in Maryland if convicted

Rachel Morin's suspected killer will face Maryland's maximum penalty of life imprisonment without parole if convicted of her murder, Harford County prosecutors said in a notice to the court.

Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, 23, faces a half-dozen charges, including first-degree murder, rape, and kidnapping, in connection with Morin's death. Authorities have labeled him a potential serial killer after his alleged involvement in a slew of crimes against women in Central America and the United States.

He is an illegal immigrant suspected not only in Morin's murder, but also a pair of sex assaults in California and the brutal slaying of another woman in his home country of El Salvador.

Translation: He'll be out in 6 months.


PREMO Member
That’s not good enough for the Left, because it doesn’t allow for direct manipulation of the Supreme Court. That’s why Biden and congressional Democrats want what they call an “enforceable” code.

The Supreme Court, however, was created by the Constitution—you know, the one Biden and members of Congress take an oath to support and defend—not by Congress. As a result, Congress’ authority over the Supreme Court is much weaker than over the lower federal courts that it creates.

Congress has no more authority to impose a scheme for manipulating the internal workings of the Supreme Court through such an “enforceable” code than it does to change the protection of judicial independence provided by unlimited terms.

Legislation introduced by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., S. 359, shows what an “enforceable” code looks like. It would allow anyone to file unlimited complaints of “misconduct” over virtually anything that a Supreme Court justice does.

Every complaint would have to be investigated by a group of lower federal court judges—the very same judges whose decisions the Supreme Court reviews. The bill says nothing about how those judges are supposed to discharge their own judicial duties while investigating incoming complaints.

The Left has often characterized Supreme Court decisions, or opinions by individual justices, in terms that could easily be characterized as “misconduct” in such a scheme.

That’s what Biden and the Left mean by an “enforceable” ethics code, a scheme that would allow liberal partisans to formally attack opinions written by justices they dislike not just as legally unsound, but as improper misconduct.

It’s hard to imagine a more direct assault on the judiciary as an institution and on the separation of powers.

This idea to make the Supreme Court the bogeyman by endorsing well-trodden ideas for changing the Supreme Court no doubt came from Biden’s campaign team.

The left-wing fringe of his political base has been clamoring for such things and so perhaps this serves to keep them energized for his candidacy, rather than grumbling about wanting a replacement. But how this would attract political independents who otherwise might not support him is anyone’s guess.

If Biden thinks that this move has no downside, he’s wrong. Adding to the Left’s campaign to demonize Supreme Court justices and decisions that don’t fit the Left’s politics would only further undermine the public’s understanding of how the judiciary works and its perception of the court’s legitimacy.



Well-Known Member
A travesty in the American education system and compliant media: The Supreme Court creates law.
Since we have drifted SO FAR from a constitutional methodology,...its easily misconstrued that the 9 justices hear a case, render a decision...and poof, becomes the law of the land.

FDR knew exactly how the court obstructed his alphabet soup programs and was able to get the congress to recreate agencies the court denied.
Every educated American knows he went two far...whipping up public sentiment against "9 Old Men" and then drafting an option to stuff the court and force the retirement of the elderly judges. Yes...a Democrat again tried to diminish the power of the Court...gee, what a surprise.

AND please recall that the stuffing of the Court idea resurfaced when the empty Lunch bucket was quieted down....UNTIL now.

Can we turn this pattern around and get a fraction of the media to clearly explain what the Court actually does? (Doubtful)


Well-Known Member
A government that hastens a nation's self destruction. How incredibly vacuous to assume willing imported invaders, unvetted, are a way to improve your nation.
"Hey Visigoths & Ostrogoths....and any random Huns that are interested: We welcome you with open arms!" Said no Centurion EVER. (Because that would be considered treason!)
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Well-Known Member
I say we do to him the same thing that is done in Mexico - find an open well at the end of a dirt lane and throw his body in it after cutting is head off and using it for crab bait.
I tried using catfish for bait, the crabs wouldn't come near it, I doubt they like Mexican food either.


PREMO Member

Mega migrant caravan from dozens of countries begins marching towards the US amid fears Trump will close the border if he returns to the White House

A major migrant caravan is making its way towards the United States, hoping to reach the southern border before the November election out of fear that if former President Donald Trump wins, he may close the border.

'We are running the risk that permits [to cross the border] might be blocked,' said Miguel Salazar, a migrant from El Salvador.

He said he worried that a new Trump administration might stop granting appointments to migrants through CBP One, the app migrants use to enter the US legally — by getting appointments at U.S. border posts, where they make their cases to officials.

The app only works once migrants reach Mexico City, or states in northern Mexico.

It is unclear exactly how many migrants - from dozens of different countries - are involved in the caravan, but it is estimated to be anywhere from several hundred to 1,500 or more, according to Breitbart.


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Biden and Kamala Both Refuse to Meet Bibi

Benjamin Netanyahu Lands in U.S., Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Absent to Greet Him

In a video that the Israeli Embassy to the U.S. posted, Netanyahu was seen walking down the steps of an airplane and shaking hands with several people waiting at the bottom.

Biden’s absence comes as he tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday. The president’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, released a letter saying Biden had “completed his tenth dose of PAXLOVID” and that his symptoms were “almost resolved completely.”

The Consul General of Israel in New York Ofir Akunis was reported to have been among the people who greeted Netanyahu after his plane had landed, according to the Times of Israel.


PREMO Member

Biden’s Health Insurance Plan Would Grow The Deficit By $335 Billion In 10 Years

Employers Dropping Coverage​

Just before the Independence Day holiday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a detailed estimate requested by two House committee chairmen about the cost of extending the increased Obamacare subsidies. The higher subsidies for Exchange coverage, first included in Democrats’ partisan “stimulus” bill in early 2021, were extended for an additional three years in 2022. As such, the subsidies now expire at the end of 2025 — at the same time as many provisions of the 2017 Trump tax relief package.

CBO found that the increase in Exchange subsidies would lead to a “3.5 million decrease in enrollment in employment-based coverage.” The budget office explained that “the decline in employment-based coverage would be larger under a permanent [subsidy] extension,” because “more employers would change their offers of health insurance if the policy became permanent.” In other words, if you like your plan, tough luck — your employer could cancel it for you.

Also worth noting: CBO concluded that, on net, extending the subsidies would increase the number of insured Americans by 3.4 million — a number smaller than the 3.5 million who will lose employer-based coverage under the proposal. In other words, more new people who already had insurance (albeit through an employer) will receive subsidies than will become newly insured. That’s the definition of inefficient government spending.

Welfare for the Wealthy — and Illegal Immigrants​

The increase in employers “dumping” coverage comes in part because the increase in subsidies passed under President Biden eliminated the income-based cap on subsidy eligibility. From the Exchanges’ launch in 2014 through 2021, only households with incomes under four times the poverty level ($124,800 for a family of four this year) qualified for subsidies.

Eliminating the income cap makes it easier for employers to drop coverage because they know that even their affluent workers could qualify for subsidized policies on the insurance Exchanges. Indeed, the CBO analysis shows just that. The budget office concluded that should the increased subsidies become permanent, the federal government will spend $6.9 billion in the coming decade on insurance subsidies for households with income exceeding 750 percent of the poverty level.

For context, this year that 750 percent-of-poverty threshold stands at $112,950 for an individual, and $234,000. As someone who recently has had years with income below that level, there is no reason households this affluent should qualify for “low-income” subsidies for health coverage.

Another beneficiary of Biden’s proposals is illegal immigrants. The CBO analysis also put a cost estimate on the regulatory action taken by the administration to allow Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients to qualify for subsidies. Unless undone by a future administration (and/or struck down by courts), that policy will cost $9 billion in the coming decade, plus an additional $1.6 billion in interest costs.



PREMO Member

CENTCOM Commander: Current U.S. Strategy of Limited Strikes on Houthis is Failing

We have been reporting on attempts by the Yemen-based Houthi rebels to disrupt shipping and freedom of navigation in the Red Sea:

We have also reported on some of the U.S. naval operations designed to thwart the Houthi attacks through the use of limited strikes against Houthi terrorist targets:

These particular strikes were “successful” according to the then-Biden Administration:

From the Wall Street Journal: U.S. Launches Effort to Stop Russia From Arming Houthis With Antiship Missiles: A U.S. commander sent confidential letter warning that U.S. is failing to deter Red Sea attacks on shipping:

U.S. intelligence agencies are warning that Russia might arm Houthi militants in Yemen with advanced antiship missiles in retaliation for the Biden administration’s support for Ukrainian strikes inside Russia with U.S. weapons.
The new intelligence comes as the top U.S. Middle East commander recently advised in a classified letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin that military operations in the region are “failing” to deter Houthi attacks on shipping in the Red Sea and that a broader approach is needed, according to U.S. officials.

That classified letter was sent by Gen. Erik Kurilla, the head of U.S. Central Command, and provided some blunt advice, turning heads in the Biden Administration:

Kurilla called in his letter to Austin for a stepped-up “whole of government” effort against the Houthis, employing economic, diplomatic and potentially stronger military pressure to discourage attacks on ships in the Red Sea and a narrow strait known as Bab el-Mandeb, off Yemen’s coast, officials said. At least 30 ships have been damaged, and two have sunk.
Many people found the tone of the memo to be a bit shocking,” a defense official said. It said essentially that “U.S. service members will die if we continue going this way.”[emphasis added]

And, while the “White House has authorized the military to conduct strikes against Houthi missiles and drones about to be launched and taken other limited steps,” “some Central Command officials say their forces have been unable to prevent the Houthis from regularly threatening commercial shipping in the Red Sea and Bab el-Mandeb because they haven’t had the approval to carry out a broader range of strikes.”


PREMO Member

GM Is, Like, 'About That Second Electric Truck Plant and Stuff...'

General Motors had kind of a biggish announcement this morning, which should anger progressives and the Green grifters.

So, pretty encouraging for normal people hoping to see manufacturing claw their way free of the madness.

General Motors said Tuesday it is again slowing its plans for all-electric vehicles by further delaying a second U.S. electric truck plant and the Buick brand’s first EV.
The six-month delay in retooling the electric truck plant in Michigan, until mid-2026, also means GM will not achieve a prior target of having North American production capacity of 1 million EVs by 2025.

CEO Mary Barra's business argle-bargle had some interesting nuances to it.

...The changes add new questions about the Detroit automaker’s plans for future battery cell plants other than two current joint venture facilities with LG Energy Solution in North America. GM previously announced plans for four of the multibillion-dollar plants in the U.S. by 2026.
Barra on Tuesday
said the company would grow cell production in a “meaningful cadence.”

That very much sounds to me like "when the evident demand is determined to be sustainable enough to make the investment worth our while." Then again, I'm not a business major - I only play one here at HotAir.


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White House GETS BARRICADED As Biden To Address Nation Amid Calls He Be REMOVED | TimcastNews​



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U.S. intercepts Russian, Chinese bombers off Alaskan coast

Two Russian Tu-95s and two Chinese H-6s entered what is known as the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone, North American Aerospace Defense Command said in a statement Wednesday night.

The aircraft were "detected, tracked and intercepted," NORAD said. They remained in the Alaska ADIZ and did not enter U.S. airspace.

The bombers were intercepted by U.S. F-16 and F-35 fighter jets, along with Canadian CF-18s and other support aircraft, a U.S. defense official confirmed to CBS News.

The official said that this marks the first time ever that Russian and Chinese aircraft have jointly entered the Alaska ADIZ, and the first time Chinese H-6s have encroached off Alaska.