Biden's America Last Program


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The More Things Change

Actually, Democrat power brokers Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama forced him out with the help of the megadonor class (remember when Dems said those people were bad?). And this was after three weeks of obstinate resistance from Biden, which follows years of both government officials and their media eunuchs covering up his mental deterioration. One wonders what dirt they had on him or what threats they used to force him to capitulate.

As for Biden, he is a career criminal who possesses not an ounce of actual patriotism and makes every move based solely on Machiavellian calculations of how it can benefit him and his degenerate family. In 2020, the Democrats allowed him to be president on the devil's bargain that he would do whatever his leftist handlers told him to do. To that end, he didn't disappoint. His perfect replacement, the California Cackler hand puppet, just transferred from Pelosi's weak hand to the dominant hand.

But wait, look! USSS Director Kim Cheatle resigned! A bipartisan effort! Accountability!

Rest assured, not a single person has been "held accountable." Cheadle is off not to prison or social exile but to retirement with full government benefits or possibly back to a corporation to run its security as she did for Pepsi. While there may be some interim director, another Democrat big donor yes-man will eventually fill the slot. Whichever agent in charge made the call to leave that sloped, dangerous, Everest-like rooftop unsecured is still presumably doing the same job he did on July 13. Meanwhile, Alejandro Mayorkas and Merrick Garland are sitting pretty, accountable to nothing and to nobody.

But wait, look! The media is now reporting on Biden's senility! Finally, they're doing their jobs again!

Not even close. The same media that told us last month that Biden was sharp as a tack was also fretting that a Kamala candidacy would be a disaster because of the uncharted depths of her sheer stupidity. Criticisms that were "ageist" when people said them about Biden are fine to say about Trump. And any criticism lobbed at Harris will once again be attacked as racist and sexist. Prepare to swoon over the coming weeks about how she has the mind of Socrates, the integrity of Lincoln, and the feisty pep of a street brawler.

But wait, look! The Democrats are saving democracy!

The Democrats have previously tried to save democracy by attempting to pack the Supreme Court, abolish the Electoral College, expand the Senate, wage lawfare, use Big Tech to silence dissent, ban voter ID, rule by executive fiat, coerce the citizenry with violent mobs, and jail or assassinate their opponents. Their latest attempt to save democracy involves engineering a palace coup to forcibly remove a sitting president who won all fifty states during their primaries and replacing him with a sleep-your-way-to-the-top DEI candidate for whom nobody voted and who utterly lacks the mental capacity to run a nation.


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Beyond Schoolhouse Rock – Understanding U.S. Government, 2024 Edition​

July 25, 2024 | Sundance | 219 Comments
Some people struggle to understand the relationships of the IC silo operation in Washington DC. That struggle is completely understandable, because the modern functioning doesn’t come as an outcome of any constitutional or legislative framework. The modern functioning was created by the Intelligence Community (IC).

To share an example and provide an accurate elevator speech, CTH assembles non-pretending metaphors. Here’s the State Department and CIA joint silo operation. All of our foreign allies and enemies know and understand this metaphor. I have discussed it with several and many smile in affirmation:

The U.S State Dept and CIA operation is like a restaurant.

The Dept of State is the front of the restaurant, with the Secretary as the Maitre D’.

The CIA is the back of the restaurant, the kitchen. The Director is the Chef.

The menus at the front, as well as the specific seating/tables available, are dependent on the status of each guest. Each table gets a different menu.

The Chef has the opportunity to kill the diner. The diners know this and those who understand the nature of the business model consider the Chef the most powerful person in the establishment.

The consulates are the wait staff. USAID are the food runners. The Dept of Defense are the bus boys.

Ukraine is a big tipper.


PREMO Member
President Joe Biden called himself "the first president this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world" in a speech on Wednesday night. Less than an hour before Biden spoke those words, the U.S. military had announced that it was bombing Yemen again.

"In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed two Iranian-backed Houthi missiles on launchers in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen," the U.S. military command responsible for the Middle East and Central Asia declared shortly before Biden's speech began. "It was determined these weapons presented an imminent threat to U.S., coalition forces, and merchant vessels in the region."

After completing the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, Biden took credit for ending "the longest war in American history," what he called a "forever war." Yet the Biden administration has extended other U.S. forever wars—and introduced U.S. forces into new ones.

When Biden first ordered airstrikes on Yemen's Houthi movement in January, it was the first direct U.S. attack on the Houthis ever, and the first airstrike on Yemen by any force in two years. The U.S. had previously brokered a truce between the Houthi government in Sanaa and the rival Saudi-backed government in Aden.



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3 Suspected Palestinian Terror Suspects Caught After Illegally Crossing Border into California

Border Patrol agents took three suspected Palestinian terrorists into custody earlier this month after they illegally crossed the border from Mexico into California, the New York Post reported. One of the men reportedly had a “salacious photo” of a masked man holding an AK-47 rifle, the article states.

A source within U.S. Customs and Border Protection told Breitbart Texas they could not confirm the report but said it is “highly likely.” Information on Special Interest Aliens (SIA) is generally not disseminated outside of the sector originating the report to be sent to higher headquarters.

Another source told Breitbart that San Diego Sector agents are apprehending so many SIAs that the report is “highly probable.”

The source believes the SIAs are being routed to crossing points in California after Del Rio Sector agents began performing extra background screenings in coordination with the FBI. The source said he believes California sectors are not currently performing this level of vetting.


PREMO Member

The Biden-Harris plan to wreck the Supreme Court is the REAL threat to America’s democratic system

Democrats just revealed their true, sick political nature with their cynical push to remake the Supreme Court.

Indeed, they showed just how far they’re willing to go to take down Donald Trump and win an election.

And that they are the real threat to democracy and America’s political system.

The plan, rolled out by President Biden and Veep Kamala Harris, would impose 18-year term limits on justices, essentially, a plan to pack the court with liberals.

They’d subject justices to a code of conduct you can bet will be used similarly against justices they dislike.

Plus, they want more limits on presidential immunity after the Supreme Court reminded them that, under the Constitution, presidents cannot be charged with crimes for official actions they take while in office.

That could help promote their strategy of using lawfare against political foes.

Make no mistake: This would be a radical upturning of an institution that has served the nation well for decades.

Dems aim to undermine the court’s legitimacy and overturn its decisions — all to frame Trump and win an election.

Their sock puppets in the media laid the groundwork for a code of conduct with their perverted attack on the conservative justices — Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, in particular.

But it’s all theater. It’s part of the Dems’ fantasyland claim that “democracy is at stake” and the end of America as we know it is nigh.


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 How often have you heard media gassing about ‘democratic norms and institutions’? But whenever they don’t like the democratic norms and institutions, they just change and undermine them, which I believe is technically called “Calvin Ball.” The New York Times ran the story yesterday headlined, “Warning of ‘Extreme’ Agenda, Biden Calls for Supreme Court Overhaul.” Biden’s overhaul seeks to pack the extreme, far-right Court into a U-haul.

image 12.png

In a fiery, teleprompter-fueled speech in Austin, President Cabbage outlines his “proposals”:

  • 18-year term limits;
  • A ‘code of conduct;’
  • Disclosures of gifts;
  • Conflict of interest rules; and
  • “Paring back“ the recent immunity ruling.

Standing in Democrats’ way is Article III of the Constitution:


Note that Article III only lets Congress dabble in the “inferior courts.” Not the Supreme Court. In this lawyer’s humble opinion, Biden’s proposals would require a Constitutional Amendment. Any laws passed by Congress (Article II) would be reviewed by the Supreme Court (Article III), which would probably strike them down as an unconstitutional violation of the separation of powers.

In the Times’ article, Notre Dame law professor Richard W. Garnett more or less agreed with me, and diplomatically noted, “We don’t really have completely clear rules about the extent to which Congress is able to regulate the internal practices of the court.” No such rules exist. Garnett added, “The things about retirement ages and term limits are complicated by the Constitution’s text. I think things like disclosure rules might be in a different category.”

When Garnett said Joe’s proposals were “complicated by the Constitution’s text,” he meant prohibited by the Constitution. Lawyers, am I right?

Democrats need a Constitutional Amendment, which isn’t likely to happen. As much fun as a Constitutional Convention of the States would be, Democrats wouldn’t risk it. It would be great if they did, but might have a few other suggestions for a Convention, like abolishing the income tax, and they don’t have enough states anyway.

So what gives? Why bother? The suggestions themselves are a way to attack the Court. They are intended to gin up controversy, which I always thought was a weird expression, since the last thing you need in a controversy is more mixed drinks. But they are trying to smear the Court, for refusing to go along with Joe’s “commonsense reforms.”

Wash, rinse, and repeat. In 1937, Franklin D. Roosevelt infamously announced his so-called “court-packing” plan, which would have required all nine Justices to squeeze into a single office the size of a Toyota Prius. Merely announcing the packing plan did the trick, especially since several of the Justices were quite prosperously sized. The cowed Justices threw in the judicial towels and started rubber-stamping Roosevelt’s socialist New Deal, paving the way for the mess in which we currently find ourselves.

Democrats have been trying to pack up the Court ever since Biden took office. In 2021, euphoric media reported Biden’s Supreme Court Review Commission, which was widely predicted to recommend a brand-new court-packing scheme. Fortunately, the buck stopped at a dementia-addled root vegetable, so it went nowhere.

Biden’s latest broadside is ‘Plan B.’ They wish to intimidate the Court before the election cases start rolling in: Stay out of it.



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‘Bidenbucks’ Plan Uses Native American School Children In Voter Registration Scheme

Think the Biden administration isn’t using taxpayer-funded federal agencies to carry out a get-out-the-vote effort for Democrats? Take a look at what President Joe Biden’s constitutionally suspect executive order is doing at the U.S. Department of the Interior.

Email communications and other documents obtained by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project through thousands of Freedom of Information Act requests show the Interior Department’s Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) feverishly scheming to use students in bureau-operated Native American K-12 schools to carry voter registration cards home to their parents. The agency oversees 183 schools on more than 60 Indian reservations in 23 states, according to BIE’s website. Some 46,000 students attend the schools.

Records also expose Biden’s secretary of the Interior, Deb Haaland, who “made history when she became the first Native American to serve as a cabinet secretary,” arguably stepping over the Hatch Act line that bars executive branch officials from engaging in overtly political activities on the job.

“What’s happening now is absolute corruption. A very red line was crossed by this administration,” Mike Howell, executive director of Heritage’s Oversight Project, told me on The Federalist Radio Hour podcast. “We’ve taken for granted in the United States of America that the president isn’t allowed to use the executive branch to ensure his own reelection. … The voters get to decide who the president is.”


PREMO Member

US Unemployment Rate Climbs to Highest Since October 2021

The U.S. economy created fewer jobs than expected while the unemployment rate increased, signaling that the labor market could be going through a rapid deceleration at a time when the Federal Reserve could soon be cutting interest rates.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there were 114,000 new jobs in July, down from 179,000 in June. This fell short of the consensus estimate of 175,000.
The unemployment rate rose to 4.3 percent, up from 4.1 percent, and higher than economists’ expectations of 4.1 percent. This represents the highest jobless rate since October 2021.

Average hourly earnings eased to a smaller-than-expected pace of 3.6 percent year-over-year. On a monthly basis, average hourly earnings edged up 0.2 percent.


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Biden-Harris wasted $8.5 billion in taxpayer money to lose 15,000 jobs at Intel

Well, ladies and gentlemen: the chips are down — literally and figuratively.

Two years ago, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris touted their “Chips Act” to bring the semiconductor industry back home from Taiwan, China and Singapore.

The price tag on the bill: a cool $280 billion of corporate handouts. It was arguably the largest corporate welfare bill in American history.

Intel, Micron, Global Foundries, Polar Semiconductor, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Samsung, BAE Systems, and Microchip Technology have been the direct beneficiaries of the law.

This was supposed to be one of the “Crown Jewels” of the Biden-Harris admin. A massive job creator that would allow America to take back its technological


PREMO Member

Taliban Gets $239 Mil in U.S. Afghanistan Aid after State Dept. Fails to Vet Awardees

Investigators found that the State Department failed to comply with its own counterterrorism partner vetting requirements in Afghanistan before awarding at least 29 grants to various local entities. The agency has a system to identify whether prospective awardees have a record of ethical business practices and is supposed to conduct a risk assessment to determine if programming funds may benefit terrorists or terrorist-affiliates before distributing American taxpayer dollars. In the more than two dozen cases examined, the agency did not bother and failed to keep proper records. “Because DRL and INL could not demonstrate their compliance with State’s partner vetting requirements, there is an increased risk that terrorist and terrorist affiliated individuals and entities may have illegally benefited from State spending in Afghanistan,” the SIGAR report says. “As State continues to spend U.S. taxpayer funds on programs intended to benefit the Afghan people, it is critical that State knows who is actually benefitting from this assistance in order to prevent the aid from being diverted to the Taliban or other sanctioned parties, and to enable policymakers and other oversight authorities to better scrutinize the risks posed by State’s spending.”

The watchdog found issues with 29 awards distributed by DRL and INL. For instance, DRL failed to properly screen the recipients of seven awards totaling about $12 million, investigators found. INL did not provide any supporting documentation for 19 of its 22 awards totaling about $295 million so there is no way to determine if they complied with the vetting requirements. The State Department acknowledged that not all its bureaus have complied with document retention requirements, which makes it conveniently impossible to fully assess the magnitude of its transgressions. The explanation offered for INL not retaining records is “employee turnover and the dissolution of the Afghanistan-Pakistan office,” according to the report. SIGAR points out that, given the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, it is critical that U.S. government activities adhere to the laws, regulations, and policies intended to prevent certain transactions with terrorists.


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Reporter INSTANTLY DESTROYS WOKE JUDGE Blaming TRUMP For Illegal Immigrant Killing 12 Year Old Girl!​



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Stellantis warns union of potentially thousands of job cuts at plant outside Detroit

The job cuts would be at the Stellantis Warren Truck Plant, which builds an older version of the Ram 1500 pickup called the Tradesman, sold mainly to commercial businesses. The company came out with a new version of the truck in 2018, and for the 2025 model year there’s a new Tradesman.

It’s likely that job cuts will be lower than that because of early retirement offers that are underway already, and due to seniority bumping rights, said Stellantis spokeswoman Jodi Tinson.

Stellantis is shifting production of the new Tradesman to the Sterling Heights Assembly Plant in Sterling Heights, Michigan. So the company will lay off one shift of workers at the Warren facility.

Tinson says the layoffs could begin as soon as Oct. 8.