Biden's America Last Program


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Biden’s RADICAL judicial nominee just busted lying under oath–Sen. Kennedy brought damning receipts…

Sometimes, you witness a takedown so epic, it leaves everyone watching in utter amazement. That’s exactly what happened to Joe Biden’s radical left-wing judicial nominee, Karla Campbell. She’s a hare-brained left-wing attorney from Nashville and Biden’s Marxist pick for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, and her judicial dreams might have just imploded. After being caught lying under oath, her hopes of becoming the left’s next activist judge may be over.

The controversy swirls around a radical left-wing extremist hate group known as “Workers Dignity,” who are known for advocating the abolition of all military and police forces. It turns out, Ms. Campbell had been a legal advisor for this unhinged group. When Senator Chuck Grassley questioned her, she flat-out lied, denying any involvement. Not the wisest move, because up next was Senator John Kennedy, armed with irrefutable evidence proving her very close and cozy ties to the group. The look on her face was absolutely priceless.

The exchange between Hawley and Karla Campbell was so incredibly awkward, that all she could do was close her eyes, or look to her Democrat Senate buddies for help. Either way, she and everyone else, knew her goose was cooked.



PREMO Member

Get Ready for the Islamist Summer In American Cities, Fed By A Sense of Impunity From Consequences

Anti-Israel activists, particularly in big cities, are getting more aggressive by the day, as they realize the majority of Americans are not with them, and Israel has the determination to keep fighting. Protesters are becoming hoodlums.

But it’s worse than that. I’ve often written and spoken about the Red-Green Alliane, the marxists/anarchists joining with the Islamists.

Islamism seems to have taken control of the movement. Islamist figures are now openly glorified in the protests. At a recent protest in New York City, protesters held up a photo of Yahya Sinwar, the psycopathic leader of Hamas in Gaza who was responsible for October 7 and now is in hiding, reportedly deep underground in Gaza surrounded by hostages as human shields.

Cheering For An AntiFA / TransTifa / Pro Palestine Rioting Summer ... especially the DNC Convention

this is NOT 2016 - 2020 Please show Normies exactly who you are and support


PREMO Member

Report: Biden Flying Illegal Aliens, Deported Under Trump, Back to U.S.

Biden’s DHS is carrying out the little-known program, according to the Washington Free Beacon, where illegal aliens from Cameroon who were deported by the Trump administration are now being flown back into the United States despite having been found to have invalid asylum claims.

The Free Beacon‘s Joseph Simonson reports:

The Biden administration is flying previously deported Cameroonians whose asylum claims were determined to be invalid back into the United States, according to interviews with Immigration and Customs Enforcement staff and internal agency memos reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. [Emphasis added]
The program, which has not been announced to the public, appears to be a response to a February 2022 Human Rights Watch report about dozens of Cameroonians deported between 2019 and 2021 and then allegedly mistreated by their government. An estimated 80 to 90 Cameroonians were deported during that period of time. [Emphasis added]
But now some are arriving back in the United States under a program with little precedent, both current and former ICE officials say. All of the individuals deported under the previous administration were found not to have valid asylum claims in the United States. [Emphasis added]

Though such a program is unusual, it is not unprecedented for Biden’s DHS.


PREMO Member

National Security: Biden’s Weaponized Migration Policy

Background: In September 2015 President Obama announced UN Agenda 2030 as the “U.S. Global Development Policy and Agenda 2030” creating a seismic shift away from development policy serving U.S. national interests. Instead of assistance policies focused on creating conditions where it was no longer needed, with recipients accountable for achieving results within their borders, U.S. assistance was committed to serve UN-defined objectives particularly Strategic Development Goal10.7, “Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well managed migration policies.”

President Biden has been fully committed to that objective. Reflecting considerable preplanning, in his first month in office he revoked Trump era guidance aimed at securing the U.S. border and enforcing U.S. immigration laws. Biden actively transformed U.S. policy from managing immigration to opening borders to mass relocation of populations from less developed nations to the U.S., with costs borne by U.S. taxpayers. Mass migration was facilitated by three Biden Executive Orders issued in his first month in office that enhanced pathways for migration and broadened exercise of discretion in the asylum system (E.O.14010), encouraged mass migration, enhanced access to public services at taxpayer expense, and reduced the numbers refused entry (E.O.14012), and expanded refugee resettlement programs (E.O.14013).

Under cover of Executive Orders President Biden and his appointees have abandoned any pretense of U.S. territorial sovereignty and replaced managed immigration with open borders. They deliberately and explosively expanded U.S.-facilitated mass migration to the US, expending billions of taxpayer dollars to accomplish it. Officials responsible for the security of the U.S. border and enforcement of immigration law have intentionally circumvented laws intended to limit, control, and regulate immigration and assure U.S. security.

National Security Impacts: Under Biden’s policies encounters with PRC illegals (~ 145K) reported by Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) are up sharply. Over 86% were unaccompanied adults of military age. That is the size of 9 U.S. Army Divisions, approximately 1/3 the manpower of our active-duty Army. We don't know where they are, since they were intentionally released into the interior on their own recognizance. The CBP does not tabulate encounter statistics for any Islamic state, but from reports of illegals detained who are on terror watch lists, we know they occur and thus must be lumped into the “Other” statistical category. During Biden’s tenure that category includes over 651K individuals, with 80% similarly unaccompanied adults almost entirely caught, released, and not tracked. Russian illegals are tabulated and there were 120K of them since FY 21, with 54% unaccompanied adults.

Further examination of CBP public data shows that during each year of the Biden administration they intercepted about 3 shipments of explosives, 50 shipments of long guns and other weapons, 1200 shipments of handguns, and 300 shipments of ammunition that were inbound to the U.S. Although no data is published to estimate the number of undetected shipments, without doubt, like drug shipments, significant quantities of arms and munitions enter the U.S. illegally every year. Explosives loss and theft data published by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms are available only for the first two years of the Biden administration but show approximately 80 incidents of lost explosives and 3-4 incidents of explosives theft per year.


PREMO Member
🔥 CNN ran another encouraging tidal story Wednesday, headlined “Judge delays ban on noncompete agreements for small number of employers.” Following what can only be described as a terrific recent trend, another federal court has enjoined a Biden executive agency rule for lack of authority. Yesterday a Texas federal court issued a limited injunction against the FTC’s controversial new rule banning employee non-compete agreements. The court held the FTC lacked the rulemaking authority to issue the nationwide ban.

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Judge Ada Brown, a Trump appointee, carefully limited her ruling to just the plaintiffs who brought the suit, a medium-sized software firm. But in doing so, she necessarily found those plaintiffs were likely to prevail on the merits, a threshold ruling that usually sounds the death knell for challenged government actions.

Non-compete agreements are a common part of my commercial litigation practice. There are good arguments about whether they should be legal on both sides. But Judge Brown’s decision has nothing to do with whether non-competes are good, bad, legal, or illegal. The only question was whether the FTC has authority by itself to toss them out, or whether the people’s elected representatives in Congress must do that.

If the recent trifecta of rulings from the Supreme Court on down suggests anything, it is that yet another tide is turning, a tsunami of pent-up backlash against lawless Executive Agency overreach. The overreach may not have started during the pandemic. But the pandemic ripped off the rubber mask of executive branch overreach, revealing the hideous monster lurking underneath. But now, as the Scooby Doo crowd would say, “it was just old man Biden the whole time!”

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I hope you enjoyed today’s tidal report. We aren’t done yet, not by a long shot, and there will still be setbacks and lost battles to come. But we sure do have much to be grateful for this week, as this unpredictable, historic year continues delivering its astonishing developments.



PREMO Member

How Did 250,000 Jobs Suddenly Vanish This Year?

Did the economy create 206,000 jobs last month? That’s what the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday. But don’t believe it. Under President Joe Biden, the BLS has been consistently inflating monthly job growth numbers.

It makes great public relations, because the press reports only on the initial estimate, and rarely follows up on the subsequent downgrades. But it does help explain why nobody believes Biden’s – and the mainstream media’s – propaganda about how great the labor market is doing.

Last month, for example, BLS said that the economy created 272,000 jobs, which the media branded as “whopping,” “robust,” “vigorous,” and a “blowout.” Economists had expected 190,000 new jobs in May.

But on Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics admitted that it had overestimated job gains in May by 20%, with the new figure just barely above economists’ expectations. The change barely got a mention in the press.

Likewise, April’s job gain, which the BLS initially claimed was 175,000, is now just 108,000. That’s a 38% downgrade.

January’s 353,000 new jobs – which reportedly “blew economists’ expectations out of the water” – was almost 100,000 jobs too high. February’s initial estimate has since been cut by almost 40,000. (See the chart below.)


Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics I&I Chart

As a result, a quarter million “new” jobs have vanished into thin air so far this year.
This isn’t a new phenomenon. Last year and the year before, the BLS repeatedly announced downward revisions in the number of jobs created.
Why? One big reason is the statistical models the BLS uses to fill in gaps in its survey of businesses have been misfiring. Here’s how Bloomberg explains it:

A chunk of the potential overestimation of payrolls stems from adjustments the agency makes to the monthly employment report to account for the net amount of businesses opening and going under, Wong and Knapp say. Because the BLS only surveys existing establishments, it uses a so-called birth-death model to estimate those flows.
‘The labor market saw a turning point sometime in the second half of 2023,’ Wong said. ‘Business closures surged, while new business formations slowed sharply.’

As a result, the BLS overestimated job growth by about 60,000 each month last year.


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‘Biden’s Hurricane Hoax’: Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick calls out POTUS over using storm to score points

No low was evidently too low for President Joe Biden and his allies as he suffered one of the worst political weeks of his decades-long career. In the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, which left nearly 2 million Texans without power amid dangerously high temperatures, the choice between leadership and scoring “political points” had the resident-in-chief evidently opting for the latter.



PREMO Member

Biden Floods Ohio Town with 20,000 Haitian Migrants: Ten to a Bedroom

The town situated just west of the state capitol in Columbus has been a target of Haitian immigrants at least since 2014, and in the ensuing years, some ten thousand had moved to the Rust Belt town. But in the last four years alone, that population has ballooned to more than 20,000. The influx is causing serious pressures to mount on the town.

Ohio’s Republican U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance put the blame for the mounting problems squarely on the Biden administration, which is causing small towns all across the country to suffer just like Springfield.

“This self-imposed disaster is crushing the job prospects of our citizens, making it more difficult for Ohio families to find homes and draining social service programs funded by American taxpayers,” Vance told the media. “People who are here illegally should be sent back to their home countries as soon as possible, and individuals here on temporary status should not expect to stay indefinitely.”

The explosion of immigrants — many of whom do not speak English — has placed serious burdens on the town. Town services are being stretched thin, and costs for translating services, housing, and legal services have become a major expense.

For a few years, longtime residents were unbothered by the growing Haitian community, but over time, clashes have begun to occur as Haitians have become more obtrusive by driving illegally, piling into apartments and homes by the dozens, filling local schools with children who need special care in education and language services, and increasingly becoming a focus for government spending.