Biden's America Last Program


PREMO Member

US Job Openings Drop to Their Lowest Level Since January 2021

U.S. job openings plunged in July to their lowest level since January 2021, suggesting that the labor market is slowing down and may trigger the Federal Reserve to issue a large rate cut later this month.

July’s job openings, considered a key measure of labor demand, fell by 237,000 to 7.673 million for the month, according to the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics in its Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey issued on Wednesday.
At the same time, data for June was revised lower to show 7.91 million unfilled positions instead of the previously reported 8.184 million, it found.

Economists who had been polled by Reuters and Dow Jones had forecast about 8.1 million job openings for July.

Layoffs also rose to 1.76 million, the most since March 2023, the report found. The number of workers who quit their jobs also rose by a small amount to about 3.3 million.

Total hiring rose in July to 5.5 million, Wednesday’s report said, after it dropped to a four-year low of 5.2 million in June 2024.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
There is no need to Import your disinformation from Russia. :nono:

The Democratic Party is waaaayyyyyyy more than capable of fulfilling ALL of your Disinformation needs, from right here in good ole NY, IL or CA.

Stop shipping their Disinformation jobs overseas! :tantrum


PREMO Member

DEA Allows Increased Vyvanese Production to Tackle Schedule II Drug Shortages

Aw, gee. Thanks, DEA.

The DEA finally eased restrictions for Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine), one drug used to treat conditions like ADHD and narcolepsy.

But there are so many other conditions that need stimulants.

I take Adderall for narcolepsy. I cannot function without Adderall. Literally cannot function.

The federal government has gone haywire regarding controlled substances for ADHD, narcolepsy, and other conditions that need stimulants.

It leaves us in limbo since, at least in Oklahoma, we cannot refill until two days before we run out of the medicine. We can only get 30 days at a time. We can only fill in the state where we reside. We have to call around for 20mg XR, and if no one has it, we have to hope the pharmacy has 60 10mg XR pills.

Vyvanese is an alternative to Adderall if none of the nearby pharmacies don’t have Adderall.

The FDA predicted an increase in the need for Vyvanese in 2024. Now, before anyone says it’s overdiagnosing ADHD, I remind you again: We have no Adderall.

This is a problem with pain reducers as well


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Is Springfield, Ohio, becoming a municipal canary in the immigration coal mine? The formerly sleepy little town is rapidly becoming the definitional example of Biden’s immigration policy. Last week, the Daily Mail ran a story headlined, “Explosion of newcomers boosts shrinking city’s economy - but not everyone's happy.

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In one sense —the official narrative’s sense— Springfield is a Biden immigration success story. Since the 1960’s, Springfield’s population slowly drained from 80,000 down to 60,000. But starting in 2021, something almost magical happened, an unexpected revitalization, an emergency shipment of badly needed workers, a resurgence in the city’s population: 20,000 new residents arrived.

Residents, but not citizens. And they’re not the best imaginable new residents. They arrived from Haiti.

Problems immediately began. There was simply not enough housing in the tiny town to handle so many migrants, even with all the federal grants to local NGO’s. Plus, Haitian customs are quite different from and are largely unappealing to American social mores. Then last year, a relocated Haitian living in Springfield under Biden’s parole program sped into oncoming traffic and caused a school bus wreck.

An 11-year-old boy died in the crash.

After that, a dam of pent-up criticism burst. Ever since, Springfield’s social media and its City Commission meetings have exploded with complaints from local citizens objecting to the Haitian invasion.

One tearful woman told commissioners she couldn’t handle all the migrants squatting in her front yard and threatening her, so she was moving out. Other residents have posted pictures of Haitains allegedly harvesting local ducks and geese from public ponds. Another woman claimed she saw her cat being butchered by hungry illegals.

Video clips from outraged citizens venting at Springfield’s City Commission meetings are flooding social media. Out of many good ones, I selected a local social media influencer who complained about having to come down to the City Commission to tell them to do their jobs. I know just how he felt:

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CLIP: “All y’all need to get out here and do somethin’. We gotta do something, bro. That’s they country. I don’t know what they got going on over there, but they can’t do that over here.” (2:58).

The Daily Mail article attempted to describe the Haitians as hardworking freedom-yearners doing the difficult things Springfielders refuse to do — at those wages. But the article also gave away the seedier side, such as when it explained Springfield’s community health clinic was overwhelmed, in a very Cloward-Piven style, since after 2021 free clinic patients skyrocketed from only 115 to over 1,500.

It’s basically a Haitian healthcare clinic now. The article said the clinic employs four full-time Creole translators, and needs more.

Missing from the current public discussion is that Springfield’s local investment class, which probably includes every single city commissioner, are probably all receiving generous payments from the federal government for leasing previously worthless real estate to Biden’s paroled Haitian illegals. Not just that; for instance, somebody owns the ‘free’ clinic that is surely getting federal money to provide Haitian healthcare. And so on.

Millions of federal dollars are raining down on Springfield’s decision-makers faster than they can catch it all in their money buckets. But they’ll lose everything if they dare even criticize the Haitian invasion. That’s why they are just sitting around in their commission chairs. They aren’t going to say a word, and compliant corporate media will run cover for them.

Not only that, but federal housing subsidies for the Haitians exceed local rent prices, driving up rents, making the housing market more expensive for everybody, and pushing locals out in favor of higher-paying (using our money) illegals.

If they want to take back their previously peaceful city, the locals will have to vote out the current officeholders.

Some good news is that Senator J.D. Vance (R-Oh.), Trump’s VP nominee, has recently been sticking up for Springfield’s newly-endangered housecats, leaving the liberal cat ladies of Ohio feeling quite conflicted. So Springfield’s suffering may not be in vain.
