Bills @ Skins

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Fear not!

All we need is an executive assistant head coach in charge of the rules tasked to quality control in terms of timeouts/kicking situations.

Did any of you football types NOT know that rule??? I just started laughing out loud in part disbelief, part in abject resignation that we would do something so absurdly dumb.



:sigh: as a Redskin fan my entire life - this probably was the biggest game I'd seen them play and it wasn't about making the playoffs, playing in the superbowls or anything. I really wanted them to win this one for something more than a winning game would represent :frown: Its just been a really sad week as a die-hard Redskin fan :frown: and then of all weeks we need to be back and playing on Thursday :banghead: But I did learn something this week about us Redskin fans, we are definately family and I think that's what sets us Skins fans apart :huggy: Go Skins!!! :clap: :clap: and a big :huggy: to my fellow fans :huggy:


Supper's Ready
I stole a beer from you earlier in the thread, Larry. You weren't home, so.... :lol:

Oh well, they blew it again, on to the Giants game (who are already down by a TD after an interception...) not a great week for me so far :confused:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No way...

After this season I think Joe steps down and he should as DoWhat said he Pucked himself and this isnt the first time this year. Step down and either Williams or Saunders takes over. hell.

Burn this thing to the ground; get rid of Portis, Moss, Jansen, Landry, Campbell, Saunders, Williams, Fletcher, Griffin, Samuels, Randl El, absolute fire sale, all the coaches, and get as many draft picks as we can get our hands on and hire some young 40 year old hot shot and tell him to build a team and win or fire him and hire someone else.

Fire sale.


Guest hell.

Burn this thing to the ground; get rid of Portis, Moss, Jansen, Landry, Campbell, Saunders, Williams, Fletcher, Griffin, Samuels, Randl El, absolute fire sale, all the coaches, and get as many draft picks as we can get our hands on and hire some young 40 year old hot shot and tell him to build a team and win or fire him and hire someone else.

Fire sale.

:killingme: :killingme: :killingme: Post of the year!!! :killingme:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's why...

I stole a beer from you earlier in the thread, Larry. You weren't home, so.... :lol:

Oh well, they blew it again, on to the Giants game (who are already down by a TD after an interception...) not a great week for me so far :confused: comes in cases!!!


PREMO Member
But I did learn something this week about us Redskin fans, we are definately family and I think that's what sets us Skins fans apart :huggy: Go Skins!!! :clap: :clap: and a big :huggy: to my fellow fans :huggy:

I'm not going to say what I want to say.


"Typical White Person"
Is there anyone that doesn't think it is time to take Gibss out behind the shed and put him out of his misery?


New Member hell.

Burn this thing to the ground; get rid of Portis, Moss, Jansen, Landry, Campbell, Saunders, Williams, Fletcher, Griffin, Samuels, Randl El, absolute fire sale, all the coaches, and get as many draft picks as we can get our hands on and hire some young 40 year old hot shot and tell him to build a team and win or fire him and hire someone else.

Fire sale.

I can not believe this game....!!!

If the Skins cant win one for a fallen team mate. what in blazes is it gonna take?
Larry's Fire Sale?

And Joe has GOT to go for calling that 2nd time out!
Heard his excuses on the radio interview (98.3)..he said I did not know the rules..
He got altzheimers or *CRS Syndrome?

Skins have got to take a real hard look at WHY they want to play it it obvious is aint about winning......

(OK..lets regroup, bury Sean and play for him THUSRDAY!!!!!)

........I gotta do laundry...grumble...Why?? oh Why????
Well there is always NEXT week!!!!

(*CRS: Can't Remember Sh!t Syndrome.......)

Larry Gude

Strung Out

And Joe has GOT to go for calling that 2nd time out!
Heard his excuses on the radio interview (98.3)..he said I did not know the rules.........)

...Joe came in here with a huge contract and a promise from the owner that he could try things his way. Joe wanted to build a big, giant corporation with a coach for everything and him as CEO who delegated responsibilities. Every single problem had people thrown at it. That's well and good and great, as far as it goes. The thing is, football boils down to plays and decisions and a feel for the game has got to come down to one person.

Joe Gibbs circa first time around would have known more than the refs. Gibbs II is a big, clunky, unwieldy thing we the person who was in charge of informing up the chain of command in terms of time outs can't possible be heard when it counts. Same with our time outs. Same with our clock management. Same with our play calling. Joe built a monster and it's tough to get all those moving parts working together in pressure situations.

I mean, we've got the Sean thing and if you just looked at the game, nothing was different than any other week.