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Well-Known Member
Imagine being so stupid that when you take a dump your fecal matter has a higher IQ.

Says the person who can't read the constitution clearly and is mad because they don't understand the issue clearly.

Continue to support an insurrectionist over our founding documents.

The funny thing is if you dump Trump and nominate Haley you guys win in a landslide.

Instead you will continue to turn your back on the rule of law and your country and back a consumate loser.
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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Says the person who can't read the constitution clearly and is mad because they don't understand the issue clearly.

Continue to support an insurrectionist over our founding documents.

The funny thing is if you dump Trump and nominate Haley you guys win in a landslide.

Instead you will continue to turn your back on the rule of law and your country and back a consumate loser.
:killingme :loser:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
That is wrong the lower Colorado court found him responsible for the insurrection on January 6th

In November, a trial court in Denver found that the events on Jan. 6 satisfy the definition of insurrection, and concluded that Trump engaged in insurrection through incitement. Judge Sarah B. Wallace ultimately determined that the language of Section 3 is unclear as to whether it covered the presidency and the former president, and ordered Griswold to list Trump on the GOP presidential primary ballot.

The justices rejected claims from Trump's lawyers that the breach of the Capitol by his supporters on Jan. 6 was not an insurrection and instead concluded that the record in the case "amply established that the events of January 6 constituted a concerted and public use of force or threat of force by a group of people to hinder or prevent the U.S. government from taking the actions necessary to accomplish the peaceful transfer of power in this country."

The Colorado Supreme Court agreed to review the district court's ruling, and held arguments in the case earlier this month. The justices weighed whether the events of Jan. 6 could be considered an "insurrection," and, if so, one that Trump "engaged in." They also considered whether the president is an "officer of the United States" under Section 3.

In their ruling, the four justices in the majority acknowledged that "we travel in uncharted territory, and that this case presents several issues of first impression."

"We do not reach these conclusions lightly. We are mindful of the magnitude and weight of the questions now before us," the majority wrote. "We are likewise mindful of our solemn duty to apply the law, without fear or favor, and without being swayed by public reaction to the decisions that the law mandates we reach."
What a ****ing "maroon".
Just because you can't understand normal thinking, doesn't mean nobody else can.


Well-Known Member
You mean the Trump appointed conservatives that read the constitution and interpreted it correctly?

Or the republicans who read the constitution and brought the lawsuit?

Or the constitution that explicitly states those that engage in insurrection should not be allowed to run for office.?
Tubby why does Dementia Joe refuse his solemn oath?
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Millions of illegals that drain resources knowing they someday will vote.


Well-Known Member
What a ****ing "maroon".
Just because you can't understand normal thinking, doesn't mean nobody else can.

"In November, a trial court in Denver found that the events on Jan. 6 satisfy the definition of insurrection, and concluded that Trump engaged in insurrection through incitement"

Learn to read


Well-Known Member
Tubby why does Dementia Joe refuse his solemn oath?
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Millions of illegals that drain resources knowing they someday will vote.

What the F are you talking about and why can't you ever defend your stance before jumping on to some talking point Fox news told you to be angry about?


Well-Known Member
Trump supporters reacting not at all like deplorables

A report compiled by Advance Democracy, a non-partisan non-profit organization, said there was “significant violent rhetoric” against the justices and Democrats on social media, according to NBC News.

Some of the worst of it was posted on fringe websites, including one post that said “behead judges” and “slam dunk a judge’s baby into the trash can”.

Another post on The Donald, a pro-Trump forum where a Trump supporter once publicly bragged about his involvement with the January 6 insurrection and was arrested as a result, said “this ends when we kill these ****ers”.


PREMO Member
Trump supporters reacting not at all like deplorables

A report compiled by Advance Democracy, a non-partisan non-profit organization, said there was “significant violent rhetoric” against the justices and Democrats on social media, according to NBC News.

Some of the worst of it was posted on fringe websites, including one post that said “behead judges” and “slam dunk a judge’s baby into the trash can”.

Another post on The Donald, a pro-Trump forum where a Trump supporter once publicly bragged about his involvement with the January 6 insurrection and was arrested as a result, said “this ends when we kill these ****ers”.
Do you really want to go there after all your left wing ####bag family and friends have been sending threats or even attacking, attempted assasination of conservatives for the last 65 years?

:killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme :killingme


PREMO Member
Am I supposed to believe that a court can find a man guilty of a crime WITHOUT charging him with one or without being able to defend himself or be represented in court? That it’s acceptable to declare a man guilty?

Am I missing something?
If thats the standard "I declare all Democrats to be Terrorists and they should be executed forthwith."


Well-Known Member
If thats the standard "I declare all Democrats to be Terrorists and they should be executed forthwith."
I guess the comparable case would be to have a COURT declare Biden treasonous - which is a crime - and subsequently rule on his eligibility to run. Or for accepting bribes. Or pedophilia - heck, why bother with actual evidence?


Well-Known Member
I guess the comparable case would be to have a COURT declare Biden treasonous - which is a crime - and subsequently rule on his eligibility to run. Or for accepting bribes. Or pedophilia - heck, why bother with actual evidence?

Well, no because in Trumps case evidence was presented in the five day trial.

You have to have evidence to back your claims about Biden

Still, the judge concluded Trump's "conduct and words were the factual cause of, and a substantial contributing factor" to the attack on the Capitol. She found that Trump "engaged in an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021 through incitement."

"The court's decision affirms what our clients alleged in this lawsuit: that Donald Trump engaged in insurrection based on his role in January 6th," Bookbinder said in a statement.

Lawyers for the voters argued that Trump engaged in an insurrection by spreading false claims of widespread voter fraud following his defeat in the 2020 presidential election, summoning supporters to a rally in Washington and then urging them to march to the U.S. Capitol, where Congress was meeting to certify the election results.

Thousands of Trump supporters then stormed the Capitol, assaulting police and sending lawmakers running for their lives, in an unsuccessful bid to stop the certification.

Trump's lawyers claimed the former president had no relationship with the far-right extremist groups who played a major role in the attack and that his remarks before the riot were protected by his right to free speech.

The ruling applies only to the Republican presidential primary and general election in Colorado. The state is rated as safely Democratic by nonpartisan political forecasters for the general election.

The decision is the latest setback for the effort to disqualify Trump. Courts in Minnesota and Michigan have rejected efforts to keep him off the Republican primary ballot, but have not ruled on his eligibility for the November 2024 general election.



PREMO Member
Well, no because in Trumps case evidence was presented in the five day trial.

You have to have evidence to back your claims about Biden

The Biden family members and their companies then began “receiving incremental payments over a period of approximately three months,” the committee’s memo from March states. “The recipients of the money included Hallie Biden, companies associated with Hunter Biden and James Biden, and an unknown bank account identified as ‘Biden.’”

The unknown “Biden” account received $70,000 from Robinson Walker, LLC between March and May of 2017, according to subpoenaed bank records obtained by the committee.

Robinson Walker LLC sent Hallie Biden $25,000 on March 20, 2017, according to the memo. One month earlier, she received a $10,000 transfer from Robinson Walker LLC shortly before it received the $3 million payment.

Meanwhile, an account belonging to Hunter Biden received $500,000 during that time frame, while an account belonging to James Biden received $360,000.

The memo also revealed that Walker’s account sent money to Biden family members in 2015 while Joe Biden was still in office.

“On November 5, 2015, Robinson Walker, LLC received a wire from a company (the Committee continues to investigate the identity of the account holder for this company) that had an overseas bank account in the amount of $179,836.86,” the memo adds. That amount appears to have been split between Walker, Gilliar and the Biden family. Hunter Biden’s account received $59,000 on November 2015.



Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Trump supporters reacting not at all like deplorables

A report compiled by Advance Democracy, a non-partisan non-profit organization, said there was “significant violent rhetoric” against the justices and Democrats on social media, according to NBC News.

Some of the worst of it was posted on fringe websites, including one post that said “behead judges” and “slam dunk a judge’s baby into the trash can”.

Another post on The Donald, a pro-Trump forum where a Trump supporter once publicly bragged about his involvement with the January 6 insurrection and was arrested as a result, said “this ends when we kill these ****ers”.
As long as you *******s keep pushing your make believe news trying to make believers of the other low information voters, this rhetoric will continue to grow until a tipping point is reached. I don't want to see that happen to our country, but the dregs such as yourself, REALLY don't want to see it happen, because you my dear little communist instigator, will be overwhelmed by true patriots who believe in the US Constitution and what it stands for. Be very wary of what you wish for and have a very Merry Christmas, ****tard!


Well-Known Member
As long as you *******s keep pushing your make believe news trying to make believers of the other low information voters, this rhetoric will continue to grow until a tipping point is reached. I don't want to see that happen to our country, but the dregs such as yourself, REALLY don't want to see it happen, because you my dear little communist instigator, will be overwhelmed by true patriots who believe in the US Constitution and what it stands for. Be very wary of what you wish for and have a very Merry Christmas, ****tard!

If you did believe in the constitution you would be glad for this ruling.

Why would you want a traitor insurrectionist in the White House?

Doesn't make a lot of sense if you are a true patriot.

This is exactly the scenario our forefathers intended the clause for.


PREMO Member
If you did believe in the constitution you would be glad for this ruling.

Why would you want a traitor insurrectionist in the White House?

Doesn't make a lot of sense if you are a true patriot.

This is exactly the scenario our forefathers intended the clause for.
Every post you make shows you have no concept of what the constitution is or what it's authors intended.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Just so we’re all on the same page -

A single judge in a courtroom presiding over Trump’s eligibility in the primary - RULED that Trump’s behavior on J6 constituted as insurrection - which as I understand it is a CRIME but for which he WAS NOT CHARGED in said court - and this was treated as “evidence” in a higher court?

So - like - I can have a court that is ruling on Biden’s mental fitness per 25th amendment - but somehow RULE that he has taken bribes and is guilty of CRIMES - without due process?

Sound about right?