Larry Gude
Strung Out
It takes time. The biggest thing to remember is wherever you are looking is where you go. Ever wonder how a bike rider hits a tree when there was ample space to miss it? They get out of control, start getting it back and are looking for obstacles and see a tree and stare at it thinking "Don't hit that" and guess what.......right to what you are looking at.
No. I know EXACTLY how to hit something; look at it.

I learnt, day one, on the dirt bike it goes where you look, ruts, turns, etc. The thing is, dirt biking has given me tunnel vision. I don't need to look all that far ahead or to either side very much. And there is no such thing as too much lean or turn on a dirt bike. I've drug my handle bars before.

And, dirt biking is real, real fast from zero to 40 or so and things happen quick but, things are gonna happen a WHOLE lot quicker at 70 or 80, right?