Larry Gude
Strung Out
Do you think better or aux lighting might help? Motorcycles are infamous for having crappy lighting (though I don't know enough about the 'Busa to say it's true or not) Few companies out there make aux HID driving lights that will turn night into day for you.,
Part of the problem comes back to the bike style. I am happy around town but, on the highway, crotch rockets just ain't working for me. So, I'm not as relaxed as I should be which just accentuates the sense of unease. I wrote earlier in this tread that on my first night ride I was actually happily surprised at how well I could see.
So, highway, at night, the speed, the varying blind spots from headlights coming, going, passing, etc, plus I noticed I had a little trouble 'feeling' the road last night with my eyes, which is not a problem in the day so, I had to trust real feel more which meant a sense of even less seeing which was a little unsettling so, naturally, I just started going faster to get away from cars and trucks which I do during the day anyway. More speed, adding up to a bad scene.