Bush haters rejoice...


New Member

A few more cents. I think some people need to get beyond the borders of their county. We do not have the best education and health care. At least not accessible health and education to all. All Canadians recieve free health care. Most europeans go to "University", provided by the state. I personally support the troops, as I am a veteran, but I do not support the conflict in Iraq. That is total occupation of a soverign nation by the United States. Support the troops, not the conflict. Bush admitted tonight that they knew that Saddam did not have WMD. It was a choice to go into that country. I hear people say that it was in our national interest. What interest? Oil maybe? Saddam thought the US was coming for him and was on the run. All we honestly needed to do was to keep him believing that. He was harmless to us, think about that really. Yes, he was an idiot, but do you really think he would have taken a direct attack against us? Probably not. And I think we need to look at the economy. We had a great economy under Clinton. No thanks to the first Bush, but, Reagan did have some help with it. Some of Reagans policies allowed Clinton to move forward, even fixing some of Bush 1's screw ups. I think that we just need to look at what is better for us. We need to bring our boys and gals home, limit our presence in the middle east, I mean, I think every country knows that the US can get anywhere in a matter of hours. That is power enough. We need to focus on our domestic front and quit getting all up in every other country's business. Lets get back to diplomacy and using the UN and NATO. There is a way to spread democracy and peace throughout the world without forcing it on anyone or ramming it down their throats. I mean, don't some of you get peeved when the Jehovah Witnesses come knocking on your door sometimes?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
Did I not here the President, George dumbya say tonight that, "Well, Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction, but he might have tried to make them if sanctions were lifted." Now, if that is not FLIPFLOPPING I don't know what is. :confused: Now, all you dumbya fans have to concede that he said it (on all the news channels) and that he lied. :spank: Well, I just had to put my two cents in.

Just a sermon, not a thought
You should get a complete refund on your two cents.

The intelligence had been the same for years. Everyone knew this and it is confirmed by making a comparison of a Joint Resolution passed by Congress that was signed into law in 1998 and the Joint Resolution that gave this President his current authority to use military force (see the first two attached files).

The issues in these bills is identical for about two-thirds of these two acts. They declared that there had not been the required compliance from Iraq to do as the coalition of the world (the UN) had directed. Congress went farther in the second act by adding a half-dozen or so additional declarations concerning the threat that Iraq was to our security due to their involvement with international terrorism.

This administration continued the diplomatic effort for over eight more months after obtaining Congressional authority to use force. These efforts culminated in UN Security Council Resolution 1441 of November 2002 that established a specific timetable for Iraq to meet the demands that the UN had placed upon them (see third attachment). This was Iraq’s “last chance” to comply or they would face dire consequences. Iraq chose to continue their deception and did not fully do as had been demanded within the allocated timeframe.

For me this clearly demonstrates that additional diplomatic efforts would also be futile and we were then at the point where we had exhausted our peaceable means. At this point our choices were few; we could either act to make them comply or allow Iraq to continue disregarding the conditions imposed upon them and leave this threat in place.

Of interest should be the comments made by prominent Democratic politicians concerning WMDs and the threat that Iraq posed to our national security (fourth attachment), at that time and with the information we had in hand it was clear to all that action needed to be taken. Failing to act would be contrary to the government’s requirement to provide for the common defense and, in my mind, would have been criminally negligent and grounds for impeachment.

I believe that the report stating that WMDs do not exist is premature as I find it dubious that every rock has been turned over and every inch of Iraq, to include river beds and subterranean storage, has been searched. After all they had over twelve years to stash the items we knew they possessed and a big area to use.


  • One Hundred Fifth Congress.doc
    44.5 KB · Views: 107
  • One Hundred Seventh Congress.doc
    36.5 KB · Views: 116
  • 1441.doc
    35 KB · Views: 69
  • WMD QUOTES.doc
    24.5 KB · Views: 52


Hessian said:
Philosophical roots diverge....

This is why I am more & more convinced we must return to our constitutional roots..not the creation of activist judges, or the enormous bulging of federal agencies...not the millions of suckling piglets who demand food, housing, jobs, medical care, education, and senior care...then blame the rich (for not paying "their fair share") when they don't get more programs. They are little more than ignorant leaches who take and do not contribute. But what is worse: they vote (sometimes twice :confused: )

If you would leave your cute little subdivision and see the real world with real problems, (your biggest problem must be getting the Home Owners Association to cut the grass along the service road :killingme ) you would see that America could be better, and greater, like the superpower that it is.
Plus with all the money we waste on a war that the President lied to us about we could have had a National Healthcare System in place. :whistle:


You gotta be kidding me/You must be brainwashed

Ken King said:
You should get a complete refund on your two cents.

The intelligence had been the same for years. Everyone knew this and it is confirmed by making a comparison of a Joint Resolution passed by Congress that was signed into law in 1998 and the Joint Resolution that gave this President his current authority to use military force (see the first two attached files).

The issues in these bills is identical for about two-thirds of these two acts. They declared that there had not been the required compliance from Iraq to do as the coalition of the world (the UN) had directed. Congress went farther in the second act by adding a half-dozen or so additional declarations concerning the threat that Iraq was to our security due to their involvement with international terrorism.

This administration continued the diplomatic effort for over eight more months after obtaining Congressional authority to use force. These efforts culminated in UN Security Council Resolution 1441 of November 2002 that established a specific timetable for Iraq to meet the demands that the UN had placed upon them (see third attachment). This was Iraq’s “last chance” to comply or they would face dire consequences. Iraq chose to continue their deception and did not fully do as had been demanded within the allocated timeframe.

For me this clearly demonstrates that additional diplomatic efforts would also be futile and we were then at the point where we had exhausted our peaceable means. At this point our choices were few; we could either act to make them comply or allow Iraq to continue disregarding the conditions imposed upon them and leave this threat in place.

Of interest should be the comments made by prominent Democratic politicians concerning WMDs and the threat that Iraq posed to our national security (fourth attachment), at that time and with the information we had in hand it was clear to all that action needed to be taken. Failing to act would be contrary to the government’s requirement to provide for the common defense and, in my mind, would have been criminally negligent and grounds for impeachment.

I believe that the report stating that WMDs do not exist is premature as I find it dubious that every rock has been turned over and every inch of Iraq, to include river beds and subterranean storage, has been searched. After all they had over twelve years to stash the items we knew they possessed and a big area to use.

Your kidding right? :confused: Bush admitted he was wrong!!!! Get over it. The Duelfer Report found no formal plan by Saddam to resume WMD productions. It also showed that Saddam not only had no Weapons of Mass Destruction and had not made any since 1991, but he had no means of making any either, while Bush defended his decision to invade Iraq and lie to the American Public!!!!!!

Bush is the true Flipflopper of this campaign. Now he say we went to war because Saddam was abusing a U.N. oil-for-food program. Please get real. You can't justify the war after the fact. This is just another example that Bush likes to sway his position on issues when they don't pan out to his liking.

Bush also wanted to cut funding to the Pell Grant Program. The Pell Grant Program helps students, by providing money to them that they don't have to pay back so they can afford to go to school. But since he changes his mind so much he decided that was a bad idea and increased funding for the program. No figure, it must be easy to change your mind when your supporters pressure you to. :spank:


Kerry... The Right Choice, The Right Time (Plus he doesn't lie)

I don't know how American Troops can support President Bush after he admitted to misleading the American Public into a war that was over nothing. We lost well over 1000 American lives. These American's could have been at home with their families, living productive lives. Instead Bush has sent them to their death beds over a non-existent issue. Now he is trying make up another reason why we had to go to war. Bush has said that "Saddam was systematically gaming the system, using the U.N. oil-for-food program to try to influence countries and companies in an effort to undermine sanctions" this goes on to say that "Saddam would continue production of WMD after we lifted sanctions". My question is why would Bush lift the sanctions on Iraq? Your telling me we didn't have to go war if we didn't lift sanctions? I think we should have stuck with the sanctions.... :getdown: :lol:


New Member
UrbanPancake said:

If you would leave your cute little subdivision and see the real world with real problems, (your biggest problem must be getting the Home Owners Association to cut the grass along the service road :killingme ) you would see that America could be better, and greater, like the superpower that it is.
Plus with all the money we waste on a war that the President lied to us about we could have had a National Healthcare System in place. :whistle:
National Healthcare?? That is just we need, let politicians make our medical decisions. John Kerry promotes Canadian health care to U.S. voters, in the hope we too can have "free" medical care. My understanding of the Canadian medical system is that it is badly injured and bleeding citizens' hard-earned tax dollars. Canada currently spends the most of all industrialized nations, yet ranks among the lowest on such indicators as access to physicians, quality of medical equipment, and key health outcomes.

I think America's health care system already includes too much Canadian-style bureaucratic delay and inefficiency. Fixing those flaws would seem to be a much more promising prospect than a further move down the road Canada has followed to high costs and low quality of health care.


Join the Freedom Movement and become a Democrat!!! The Truth will set you Free!!!

Hmmmm..... I watched the news last and low and behold Bush has flip flopped again. Now he admits there were no WMD. Now he is trying to find another reason why we went to war. I don't know why someone who lies to the American Public, and to the American Troops should be allowed to stay in office?! The Deulfer report found no formal plan by Saddam to resume WMD production, but surmissed that Saddam intended to do so if U.N. sanctions were lifted. Why would we lift the sanctions? I think its safe to say that if we didn't lift the sanctions we would have a been a safer country. We wouldn't have lost millions of dollars in a needless war with someone who had no intentions of going to war with the US. If anything the WMD that Saddam was planning on creating (if sanctions were lifted) were going to be used against Iran, not the US. It seems to me that Iran had more of an interest in getting Saddam of office then we did? Am I right?

Come to the right side, at the right time, at the right place.... Vote John Kerry on November 2nd. A true leader with Domestic Issues at the Forefront, and Global Diplomacy on the top of the list.
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T.Rally said:
National Healthcare?? That is just we need, let politicians make our medical decisions. John Kerry promotes Canadian health care to U.S. voters, in the hope we too can have "free" medical care. My understanding of the Canadian medical system is that it is badly injured and bleeding citizens' hard-earned tax dollars. Canada currently spends the most of all industrialized nations, yet ranks among the lowest on such indicators as access to physicians, quality of medical equipment, and key health outcomes.

I think America's health care system already includes too much Canadian-style bureaucratic delay and inefficiency. Fixing those flaws would seem to be a much more promising prospect than a further move down the road Canada has followed to high costs and low quality of health care.

Excuse me.... Right now most Americans let HMO's decide there medical fate? Politicians wouldn't make the decisions, your Doctor would make the Decisions. (Of course some people like letting the money hungry Insurance Providers make all the Decisions for them). :confused:


New Member
Pete said:
Hiya Sparx :howdy: GO GO AFL CIO

You would like to think it's me wouldn't you? I think maybe my post a few days ago got to another good democrat who couldn't watch the disgaceful abuse any liberal minded poster gets on this board.

This is exactly the kind of drawn out arguement I don't have time for at work and don't fill my home time with. (although I do go volunteer a good portion of my time on more usefull venues of political education.)

But hey,

:howdy: :patriot:


Thank you. I'm trying to work it. But it's hard when you get bombarded with Right-Wing stupidity at every angle. I'm just tired of seeing all of the support to George Dubbya in St. Mary's county when his policies don't even help the families that live here.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
UrbanPancake said:
Excuse me.... Right now most Americans let HMO's decide there medical fate? Politicians wouldn't make the decisions, your Doctor would make the Decisions. (Of course some people like letting the money hungry Insurance Providers make all the Decisions for them). :confused:
I sure wouldn't want to be a doctor under a national healthcare system.
And as soon as people start saying that, you'll see the quality of our doctors start to go down.


Sorry about that chief.
What amazes me is how anyone in this country can support dumbya. I understand SOMD, uneducated redneck racist godfearing backwater that it still is, but how any american can support anyone who has screwed things up so badly is beyond me. You go ahead and argue with the regulars, I've pretty much given up, have to work for a living.


Football season!
jlabsher said:
What amazes me is how anyone in this country can support dumbya. I understand SOMD, uneducated redneck racist godfearing backwater that it still is, but how any american can support anyone who has screwed things up so badly is beyond me. You go ahead and argue with the regulars, I've pretty much given up, have to work for a living.


New Member
UrbanPancake said:
Excuse me.... Right now most Americans let HMO's decide there medical fate? Politicians wouldn't make the decisions, your Doctor would make the Decisions. (Of course some people like letting the money hungry Insurance Providers make all the Decisions for them). :confused:

They do? I'm not buying into that. The point you fail to grasp is that I chose what doctor I will see. I make all my decisions regarding mine and my families health. My doctor can make recommendations but overall it my decision. I'm not willing to give that up so that you can pay for my healthcare.

Americans must understand that health care is the primary cause of increased government spending. It is the greatest threat of increased government intrusion into our lives.

John Kerry has attacked Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), the only redeeming feature of the horrible Medicare Prescription Drug bill that was signed into law a few months ago. Senator Kerry said that, if elected, his policy would have the government provide health care to “people with no money.”

In Senator Kerry’s world, it appears, citizens who take responsibility for their own health care—and who put aside something to pay for it—are objects of his contempt. He evidently thinks that they deserve to pay Income tax, Social Security tax, and Medicare tax on every dime they save to meet the health care needs of their families. Better to spend those taxes giving health care to anyone who meets a single qualification—having “no money.” What exactly does "no money" mean? Sounds like he wants to divide America more than unite it.

In Senator Kerry’s world, there are thousands of pages of regulations, rationing, and other limitations on what is actually available. There are price controls on drugs that won’t ever come out of research because they cannot be paid for, and hundreds of forms. There are hundreds of thousands of administrators and cost reviewers, rationing controllers, payment processors, equipment purchasing approvers, medical record collectors, price controllers, physician inspectors, and medical police—all of whom get paid twice a month. Is it me or is this reminisce of Hillary care?


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who understands this. I knew if I wrote it, they would come.....


Now do you somd rednecks understand?
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T.Rally said:
They do? I'm not buying into that. The point you fail to grasp is that I chose what doctor I will see. I make all my decisions regarding mine and my families health. My doctor can make recommendations but overall it my decision. I'm not willing to give that up so that you can pay for my healthcare.

Americans must understand that health care is the primary cause of increased government spending. It is the greatest threat of increased government intrusion into our lives.

John Kerry has attacked Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), the only redeeming feature of the horrible Medicare Prescription Drug bill that was signed into law a few months ago. Senator Kerry said that, if elected, his policy would have the government provide health care to “people with no money.”

In Senator Kerry’s world, it appears, citizens who take responsibility for their own health care—and who put aside something to pay for it—are objects of his contempt. He evidently thinks that they deserve to pay Income tax, Social Security tax, and Medicare tax on every dime they save to meet the health care needs of their families. Better to spend those taxes giving health care to anyone who meets a single qualification—having “no money.” What exactly does "no money" mean? Sounds like he wants to divide America more than unite it.

In Senator Kerry’s world, there are thousands of pages of regulations, rationing, and other limitations on what is actually available. There are price controls on drugs that won’t ever come out of research because they cannot be paid for, and hundreds of forms. There are hundreds of thousands of administrators and cost reviewers, rationing controllers, payment processors, equipment purchasing approvers, medical record collectors, price controllers, physician inspectors, and medical police—all of whom get paid twice a month. Is it me or is this reminisce of Hillary care?

Your NUTS. People with jobs that provide healthcare can still choose to receive there healthcare through this system, but the little people out there who work 2 jobs for minimum wage deserve a great healthcare system that they can afford and depend on. Think about this for one second... would it really hurt you if someone who makes 15000 a year had a healthcare system that was comparable or better to then what you have? :whip:
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Like I said we wouldn't need to raise taxes, just use the money for the war effort. I'm sure dumbya has spent enough on the war to provide enough healthcare for our great citizens.


New Member
UrbanPancake said:
I'm so glad I'm not the only who thinks this. I knew if I wrote it, they would come.....


Now do you somd rednecks understand?

The true nature of the democrats rears it ugly head. When they cannot get people to blindly follow their insidious lies and their spurious accusations they resort to the only device left, name calling. So shallow but yet so typical.


T.Rally said:
In Senator Kerry’s world, there are thousands of pages of regulations, rationing, and other limitations on what is actually available. There are price controls on drugs that won’t ever come out of research because they cannot be paid for, and hundreds of forms. There are hundreds of thousands of administrators and cost reviewers, rationing controllers, payment processors, equipment purchasing approvers, medical record collectors, price controllers, physician inspectors, and medical police—all of whom get paid twice a month. Is it me or is this reminisce of Hillary care?

So you think its ok if every American pays more for prescription drugs that are developed here? You go to Canada and there half the cost, but for some reason American's should pay more for medicine that is created in there own country. That sounds like someone is trying to protect the Big Pharmacuetical Companies. They make more then enough money to fund research, and they get money from the government to do research. Not only do you pay more for medicine, but your tax dollars fund the research for it. You get double dipped. But I guess you don't mind that. :duel:


New Member
sleuth said:
I sure wouldn't want to be a doctor under a national healthcare system.
And as soon as people start saying that, you'll see the quality of our doctors start to go down.

I guess that's why all those Canadians are trying to get to our healthcare system?...haha. Must be why they're all so sick up there in the north huh?