Kerad said:
Nothing is being killed. That point has been made many times.
While I agree that nothing is being killed, the point has most definitely not been made many times.
The point has been
brought up many times, but this point is, in fact, still
the source of contention around which the entire debate is formed.
I completely disagree with Bush on this issue (and a great many issues) - HOWEVER: I do not think that he vetoed the bill to be a jerk. He didn't veto it because he's evil, or because he enjoys watching people squirm, or because he's veto-happy. He didn't veto the bill because he's mean.
He didn't veto the bill for any other reason than because he believes signing the bill is condoning and authorizing the murder of babies.
So, we disagree with that.
Like I said, I don't believe that any human beings are being destroyed here, however, a complete dismissal of opposing viewpoints by referring to an unfounded authoritative declaration is pointless and counterproductive.