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Larry Gude said:What if stem cell research leads to immortality?
Where did this come from? I don't see HOW it could/would do that, and what does this have to do with anything?
Larry Gude said:What if stem cell research leads to immortality?
sugarmama said:Where did this come from? I don't see HOW it could/would do that, and what does this have to do with anything?
vraiblonde said:Once you say it's okay to use embryos that "would have been destroyed anyway" it's not that far a stretch to actually grow human embryos specifically for the purpose of experimentation and research.
And what's the difference between a week old fetus and a 2 month old fetus? Then a 6 month old fetus? How about a full gestation pre-born infant?
That's how the case was made for partial-birth abortion.
sugarmama said:Where did this come from? I don't see HOW it could/would do that, and what does this have to do with anything?
Larry Gude said:...not?
What's the whole point of stem cell research? To fix things. On humans.
Straw dog. Nobody has been cured of anything because of stem cell therapy. It's not like this isn't already being researched - all we're talking about now is whether our tax dollars shoudl pay for it. I say 'no'.sugarmama said:So, you'd rather your child die from a disease that he/she could be cured of if they simply received stem cell therapy?
citysherry said:Because embryo stem cells are not "hard wired" yet and the thought is that they could be cultivated to grow human organs....if your heart is starting to fail, have a lab grow you another one. This is only speculative.
sugarmama said:I am fully AGAINST partial-birth abortion. I even have a little bit of a problem with early abortion. BUT, it's legal, and if it's going to be done, then why not use those cells for something GOOD?
I disagree with growing human embryos specifically for the purpose of experimentation and research. There'd have to be some sort of LAW outlawing this. Like everything else out there, there'd need to be boundaries.
Are you serious?sugarmama said:I get that, but I'm pretty sure no (or at least, not many) 90 or 100-year-old man is going to want to have a new heart grown for him so he can live longer, even though he can probably barely walk.
vraiblonde said:Straw dog. Nobody has been cured of anything because of stem cell therapy.
vraiblonde said:It's not like this isn't already being researched - all we're talking about now is whether our tax dollars shoudl pay for it. I say 'no'.
So what you're asking is, would I let doctors turn my sick child into a guinea pig for doctors to experiment on. The answer again is 'no'.
And just like everything else that was supposed to have "boundaries", those boundaries get pushed until they become non-existent. Happens all the time.sugarmama said:Like everything else out there, there'd need to be boundaries.
sugarmama said:To fix things (diseases) that would kill them prematurely (for lack of a better word). That same person who is cured of whatever disease they had would still (hopefully) die from old age.
Name one.sugarmama said:Not true.
vraiblonde said:Are you serious?
vraiblonde said:Name one.
sugarmama said:I get that, but I'm pretty sure no (or at least, not many) 90 or 100-year-old man is going to want to have a new heart grown for him so he can live longer, even though he can probably barely walk.
Larry Gude said:...a business associates 90 year father in law just had a pacemaker put in because they told him it would give him 5 more years. He was dead in 60 days. The operation pretty much did him in and they told him that was a distinct possibility. The son, also a doc, is furious with the docs who, as he sees it, talked his dad into a bad idea.
How do you think researchers make their money? They get grants either from private parties or from the government. If there's more money for research, more scientists will jump on the bandwagon. That's what they do for a living.Kerad said:I also do not think that some federal funding would instantly cause a huge demand for these blastocysts beyond what is already available. Just because there is additional cash...
sugarmama said:As I said in a previous post, I don't agree with "growing oblivious non-volunteers to harvest their parts."
sugarmama said:I agree with using what we have (as in, already aborted fetuses, unused cells in petri dishes, etc.).