Exactly. But the cells in the petri dish are NOT "alive". Once they are implanted into the mother, then they are "alive."
You mentioned in an earlier post something about "embryo farms." Now THAT is barbaric. ABsolutely ridiculously insane. But, if a woman choose to abort her baby, I don't see why those already-dead stem cells can't be used to help someone else? Or, if the cells in the petri dish are never implanted into a mother, why trash them when they can be put to good use? :shrug:
To me, it's similar to being an organ donor. It's simply STUPID to birth babies with the sole intention to have them give up their "parts" and organs. But, if they die (whether a baby or a grown person), why shouldn't they donate their organs, if they're not going to use them? Those donated organs can help SO MANY PEOPLE LIVE!!!!
I honestly don't even get half of what people are arguing about. It's SO simple to me (like most things that people try to complicate--the answer is usually the simplest one). Don't purposely "manufacture" embryos for the purpose of killing them for the stem cells... just as you wouldn't (hopefully) have a baby just to kill it and take it's organs and other parts. But, if a mother has already chosen to abort her baby, why not use (with the "mother"'s permission of course) the stem cells? :shrug: