bush needs to keep money on earth


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
Nobody's taxes are helping my daughter. Why should my taxes pay for a "I've fallen and can't get up" button? :rolleyes:

And you think your daughter is the only one? :rolleyes: You don't pay for anything for my grandma,get over it...:cussing:


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
Could someone please translate that into english?

What part of, You don't pay taxes for my grandma, don't you understand? Would you like that in crayon next time so you can understand?


Originally posted by cariblue
Yes, I do think my daughter is the only one. My taxes don't pay squat for her, neither do yours. However, my taxes do pay for granny's medicare, so you get over it. Who has the legitemate gripe?
wheres the money at then????


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
Yes, I do think my daughter is the only one. My taxes don't pay squat for her, neither do yours. However, my taxes do pay for granny's medicare, so you get over it. Who has the legitemate gripe?

Does your tax money cover people in other states or just people in Maryland??:confused:


we are not getting anywhere on this issue except backa nd forth at each other can we please talk like adults now and find a way to make it better for everyone maybe bush could use some advise


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
It's paying for your granny's meds, dumbass. I don't see one red cent of that for my daughters meds.

How old is your daughter? And what med's does she have to take? If you don't mind answering.


Originally posted by cariblue
It's paying for your granny's meds, dumbass. I don't see one red cent of that for my daughters meds.
why cant you get help with you daughter? i dont know whats wrong but im just asking . is there no funding or what is the issue with that? if you dont want to answer thats ok .


Originally posted by cariblue
Oh, I see. You think it's just my tax dollars. Who cares? It all goes to the same place. Jesus freakin' christ. I hope you're in my shoes some day. I wanna' see the day when the money comes out of your pocket to take care of your own, in addition to taking care of somebody's stupid little "button", that woudn't even exist if it weren't for NASA.
she doesnt read we do take care of our own but funding is need edfor me you your daughter grandmothers etc. cant you se that and the life line isnt a stupid button have a liitle respect please


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
Oh, I see. You think it's just my tax dollars. Who cares? It all goes to the same place. Jesus freakin' christ. I hope you're in my shoes some day. I wanna' see the day when the money comes out of your pocket to take care of your own, in addition to taking care of somebody's stupid little "button", that woudn't even exist if it weren't for NASA.

I'm in your shoes now, so why are you still griping? WHY are you stuck on the "button" shyt? :confused:


Originally posted by cariblue
I don't want your money. I want you to have your money. I want you to spend your money wisely so you can take care of your family, like I take care of mine. You're right, it is bigger than the little button. It's about people taking responsiblity for themeselves and their family.
see thats better. i do spend my money wisely but in the end its never enough for anyone


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
I don't want your money. I want you to have your money. I want you to spend your money wisely so you can take care of your family, like I take care of mine. You're right, it is bigger than the little button. It's about people taking responsiblity for themeselves and their family.

Amen.. We are all trying to do that, but your daughter should have coverage to help with some of her med's and I know I'd like some coverage to help with mine too. Maybe oneday it will happen.


good night all

i hope we all go away thinking tonight. and tomorrow will be a better day for all of us good night all:cool:


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
She does have coverage, and I pay for that coverage. I don't count on the government to pay for it. You see, that's what burns my azz. I pay for insurance to cover meds, and you want uncle sam (my tax dollars) to pay for yours.

I don't have any coverage, cause I'm not offered any where I work. So I suffer w/ out med's and not going to the doctor. So it burns your azz if I had to use your $$ to help w/ med's that I need but can't afford? Even tho that's all the help I would get? It wouldn't burn my azz if it was necessary and not just people using and abusing my tax money


Originally posted by cariblue
She does have coverage, and I pay for that coverage. I don't count on the government to pay for it. You see, that's what burns my azz. I pay for insurance to cover meds, and you want uncle sam (my tax dollars) to pay for yours.
no i dont want your money but no one seems to understand that we all need more coverage. where i work we dont have insurance and it costs alot to get it so when i go to the doctor or dentist whatever i pay out of my pocket which hurts me . i dont want a hand out just some guidence on what bush can really do for us all. theres ppl out there who are worse off than i am and need it more but dont we all need it.its not about sucking it from others or having it handed to me i believe that bush can do more and i dont know what he can do or will do in the future. hey maybe in space there is a cure for cancer who knows ??? well thats all for tonight


New Member
Originally posted by mainman
Maybe you should seek a better job...

A better job has nothing to do with it. A lot of big companies offer insurance but want an arm and a leg for it, so some of us can't afford it.


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
That was my thought, too. Why would anyone stay with a company that doesn't offer health benefits?

Well, for me I can't quit my job. Or get a better one.


Set Trippin
I do not pay an arm and a leg, that is my point... What exactly is an arm and a leg? I believe I pay $17.00 a week for coverage and my company foots the rest...