bush needs to keep money on earth


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by lfquade
You are complaining about the taxpayer paying for my grandma but I don't here you complaining about all the welfare people who suck up your taxes...:rolleyes:

We can complain about those too...
there's lots of things to complain about. Welfare is yet another one of those social programs we all can't stand.

Just like Medicare is a social program.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by mainman
Maybe that plan isn't working anymore and it's time to get out into the work force...:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

:yeahthat: I'd give my left tit to be Susie home maker. But guess what? No can do!!!!! Fargin TAXES!!!!!!! Someone's gotta pay for the "I've fallen and can't get up buttons". :banghead:

Sure I could quit my job, divorce my husband, and go on government assistance, but what would that teach my kids? :confused: You wanna know? Sure ya do. It would teach my kids that they are not responsible for their own lives, and in essence have no real say in their adult lives. They would forever be dependent on other's rather than themselves.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by libragirl
ok yeah they have that but i bet the pay sucks so either way someone is screwed right

Yeah, probably me, cause I bet you can't make a latte for shiznet. :burning:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by libragirl

Does it really not make sense to you?
She wants to divert money from the space program to pay for her health insurance bills, healthcare bills, etc.

That money that she wants to divert is taxpayer money.

We are all taxpayers. Hence, part of that is my money.

Thus, it would follow that she wants to divert "taxpayer money", part of which is "my money" to pay for "her" healthcare bills.


Maybe you understand algebra.

If A = B and B = C, then it would logically follow that A = C. Does that help at all?


Originally posted by Christy
:yeahthat: I'd give my left tit to be Susie home maker. But guess what? No can do!!!!! Fargin TAXES!!!!!!! Someone's gotta pay for the "I've fallen and can't get up buttons". :banghead:

Sure I could quit my job, divorce my husband, and go on government assistance, but what would that teach my kids? :confused: You wanna know? Sure ya do. It would teach my kids that they are not responsible for their own lives, and in essence have no real say in their adult lives. They would forever be dependent on other's rather than themselves.
the life line isnt something to joke about when older ppl live on there own. i just hope you never need one


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by libragirl
thats why we all pay taxes to help out everyone not just one person

Very good. That is a lovely example of a Communist's point of view. :smile:


Originally posted by cariblue
Doesn't that just pizz ya' off? You work your azz off so you can pay taxes to take care of some freeloader, and then you can't even get a decent latte.
dont you realize our taxes pay for all the ppl on welfare i dont know who your calling a freeloader but im not one


Set Trippin
Originally posted by libragirl
the life line isnt something to joke about when older ppl live on there own. i just hope you never need one
Who is responsible for the choices you have made in your life?


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by libragirl
the life line isnt something to joke about when older ppl live on there own. i just hope you never need one

Hey dingus maximus, my lifeline is my family, as am I may families lifeline. I'm fully prepared to be wiping my parents behinds, and footin the bill for their enourmous medical bills when that day comes. It's called RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!! My kids are learning that same RESPONSIBILITY!!!!! It's the least I can do for them bringing me into this world and spending 18 some odd years footing the bill for me. :duh:


Originally posted by Christy
Hey dingus maximus, my lifeline is my family, as am I may families lifeline. I'm fully prepared to be wiping my parents behinds, and footin the bill for their enourmous medical bills when that day comes. It's called RESPONSIBILITY!!!!!! My kids are learning that same RESPONSIBILITY!!!!! It's the least I can do for them bringing me into this world and spending 18 some odd years footing the bill for me. :duh:
and i will do the same for my parents i cant help if my family isnt here and is to old to want to move here to be taken care of. she does have family with her there but whats the point of going on with this.....
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b*tch rocket
Originally posted by cariblue
Doesn't that just pizz ya' off? You work your azz off so you can pay taxes to take care of some freeloader, and then you can't even get a decent latte.

Hells yeah! :jet: You know it DAWG!!!! Blasted, I'm writing my congressman, I've now decided, someone needs to pay for my effin latte. Wonder if they can start a program for gov't latte's like they did for gov't cheese? :confused:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'

caught up now...

um... I can't think of anything else to say... Some people are just unteachable. Should we give up?


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by libragirl
and i will do the same for my parents i cant help if my family isnt here and is to old to want to move here to be taken care of. she does have family with her there but whats the point of going on with this.....

Ever thought of making a bit of a sacrifice and moving you're azz to where your family may need you? :confused:


Set Trippin
Originally posted by libragirl
did i say i dont help her?? that wasnt the point of the conversation way back when
This tread has close to 2800 views, will you sport a boner like archi? :confused: