bush needs to keep money on earth


New Member
Originally posted by mainman
I do not pay an arm and a leg, that is my point... What exactly is an arm and a leg? I believe I pay $17.00 a week for coverage and my company foots the rest...

$17.00 must be nice, try $125 a week.


b*tch rocket
See, I knew if I went away for a little while things would pick up in here. :biggrin:

libra, lfquade, what you fail to come to grips with, is that there are some folks that feel that an individual is responsible for their own needs, their family needs. Shocking as it may be, some folks feel shame and disgust at sucking off the teet of the government. Go figure. :shrug: Why should we take care of our own when the government should take up the cause and do it. Why should we be bothered? :shrug: It's just such a darn pain in the azz coming up with solutions to problems on our own when there are so many brilliant folks in DC that can do that for us, and it costs us nothing but a vote. Jeeze Loise, what a deal. :banana:

Vote Dean woooooo hoooooo! :guitar: :dude:


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by lfquade
I don't have any coverage, cause I'm not offered any where I work. So I suffer w/ out med's and not going to the doctor. So it burns your azz if I had to use your $$ to help w/ med's that I need but can't afford? Even tho that's all the help I would get? It wouldn't burn my azz if it was necessary and not just people using and abusing my tax money

Ever thinking of getting another job? :confused: Last I checked Starbucks had health benefits. :shrug:

And some kickazz coffee to boot. :dude:


Set Trippin
Originally posted by Christy
Ever thinking of getting another job? :confused: Last I checked Starbucks had health benefits. :shrug:

And some kickazz coffee to boot. :dude:
She CAN'T get a better job...read please...:duh:...:biggrin:


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
I'm a b!tch because I don't want my tax dollars to support you? Because I don't want you to be my problem?

WTF? WHAT part of your tax money doesn't pay for me aren't you getting?


New Member
Originally posted by cariblue
The part where you want my tax dollars to take care of your health. That part. [/QUOTEI don't want your tax money trust me, you need it for some med's for your crazyness....:rolleyes:


Originally posted by Christy
Ever thinking of getting another job? :confused: Last I checked Starbucks had health benefits. :shrug:

And some kickazz coffee to boot. :dude:
ok yeah they have that but i bet the pay sucks so either way someone is screwed right


maybe everyone needs to chill out were not getting anywhere with this cant u see that