Bush overtime plan: A slap in the in the face to Americans Veterans


This whole article is full of doublespeak. I would wear out a keyboard pointing out every part so I will hit 3 points that are glaring and leave the rest for KK.

Quoted from the article.
In FLSA-covered industries and occupations, 8.3 million white-collar employees there were who earned at least $65,000 in 2000. Approximately 7.4 million were paid a salary, and about 843,000 were paid hourly. Like the Department of Labor, we assume that hourly workers who would be exempt under the new rules if they were paid a salary will be converted to a salary basis by their employers and will therefore be exempt. As the Department of Labor explained in the preamble to the rule

First, of the 8.3M white collar workers, 7.4M were already exempt because they are salaried.

Second, by raising the weekly minimum from $155 a week to $475 a week 1.3 more lower wage workers will qualify for overtime

Third, they assume that hourly workers will be convertet to salary, they have no substative data, just an assumption. If you take a comp and benefits class in college you would know that in setting salary/wage rates is very complex and in setting the new salary the OT paid to that position in the past under the hourly scheme is factred in.
Originally posted by Ehesef
WTF do you need Overtime pay for if you make over $65,000 a year. Thats triple what I make and I'm doing ok considering my age....
First let me state that I have no problem with the bill.

What you make should have no bearing on whether or not you "need" overtime pay. It is all a matter of what you do, and what your agreement was with your employer when you accepted the position. If you sign an agreement that you will take job "A" for 70K and work 40 hours a week, and then the employer makes you work 60 with no extra compensation, then you would need to go to the employer and show them the agreement and say "we need to talk about this." If they won't compensate you for the additional time, you have 2 choices (1) take it (2) leave it. Same if you make 20K or 120K.

I work for the Fed. Govt. and in the Govt. the OT pay is pegged at GS10 step 10 pay, or 1.5x your adjusted hourly rate, whichever is less. What this means is that if your adjusted hourly rate is higher than that of a GS10 step 10, any paid OT you get is actually paid at a discounted rate. My OT rate is a wopping 30 cents an hour more than my hourly rate. In October when I get my step, I will get less per hour OT than I do for regular time. But to me, $ is $. It could be worse. My mom works as an accountant for an excavating firm. She is supposed to have every other Friday off, and work 9-6. I think she has gotten 12 fridays off in the 7 or so years she has been there, and works way more than 9-6 (goes in on weekends, her friday off, holidays, whatever) in order to get the job done. No OT. She knew this going in. Her salary is yearly, not hourly.


Originally posted by huntr1
First let me state that I have no problem with the bill.

What you make should have no bearing on whether or not you "need" overtime pay. It is all a matter of what you do, and what your agreement was with your employer when you accepted the position. If you sign an agreement that you will take job "A" for 70K and work 40 hours a week, and then the employer makes you work 60 with no extra compensation, then you would need to go to the employer and show them the agreement and say "we need to talk about this." If they won't compensate you for the additional time, you have 2 choices (1) take it (2) leave it. Same if you make 20K or 120K.

I work for the Fed. Govt. and in the Govt. the OT pay is pegged at GS10 step 10 pay, or 1.5x your adjusted hourly rate, whichever is less. What this means is that if your adjusted hourly rate is higher than that of a GS10 step 10, any paid OT you get is actually paid at a discounted rate. My OT rate is a wopping 30 cents an hour more than my hourly rate. In October when I get my step, I will get less per hour OT than I do for regular time. But to me, $ is $. It could be worse. My mom works as an accountant for an excavating firm. She is supposed to have every other Friday off, and work 9-6. I think she has gotten 12 fridays off in the 7 or so years she has been there, and works way more than 9-6 (goes in on weekends, her friday off, holidays, whatever) in order to get the job done. No OT. She knew this going in. Her salary is yearly, not hourly.


I don't work for the government but I am on salary and get paid overtime (on an hourly rate) - should I be lucky?:confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Sparx
they can work their existing employees as many hours as they wish with no overtime compensation.
I will suggest to you that the employees that would be exempt from federal overtime laws are professionals with valuable skills, right?

And, as they are professionals with valuable skills, they would be highly desired by employers, right?

And if the employers don't treat these skilled professionals well - work them to death with no compensation, for example - these workers will leave that company and go to a different one, right?

The only people who are ever enslaved by their employer are the low-level workers who have no skills and have to take whatever employment they can get. And it's my understanding that Bush's proposal will still protect these people.

Please correct me on this if I'm wrong. I'm just trying to get an understanding of this issue.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
I will suggest to you that the employees that would be exempt from federal overtime laws are professionals with valuable skills, right?

And, as they are professionals with valuable skills, they would be highly desired by employers, right?

And if the employers don't treat these skilled professionals well - work them to death with no compensation, for example - these workers will leave that company and go to a different one, right?

The only people who are ever enslaved by their employer are the low-level workers who have no skills and have to take whatever employment they can get. And it's my understanding that Bush's proposal will still protect these people.

Please correct me on this if I'm wrong. I'm just trying to get an understanding of this issue.

Forgert it vrai, he only knows how to cut and paste what some left wing spin site feeds him. He is not capable of debating or discussing any point without a web-o-prompter


Originally posted by Pete

Forgert it vrai, he only knows how to cut and paste what some left wing spin site feeds him. He is not capable of debating or discussing any point without a web-o-prompter

Should I take up where he left off????:killingme :killingme

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by huntr1
I work for the Fed. Govt. and in the Govt. the OT pay is pegged at GS10 step 10 pay, or 1.5x your adjusted hourly rate, whichever is less.
Actually, the cap for OT is set at 1 and 1/2 times the GS-10, step 1 pay rate. DOD just changed this so that those who were making more regularly then 1 and 1/2 times the GS-10 step 1 rate will receive their regular rate for additional hours worked. Not sure which agency you are with but you might now be eligible also, but then again DOT has been paying 1 and 1/2 times up to GS-14 for Air Traffic Controllers for years, so it isn't like the government is consistent within the varying agencies.


Not really related but I found out a few months ago that we do not get double time pay here at work for working the holidays. I've always gotten double time for holidays and thought it was a mandatory law or something. Can y'all shed some light on this? Needless to say I was very disappointed as I was always the one volunteering for the past 7 years to work holidays if needed thinking it was double time.:burning:


Originally posted by dems4me
Not really related but I found out a few months ago that we do not get double time pay here at work for working the holidays. I've always gotten double time for holidays and thought it was a mandatory law or something. Can y'all shed some light on this? Needless to say I was very disappointed as I was always the one volunteering for the past 7 years to work holidays if needed thinking it was double time.:burning:
Look up the FLSA online and read it for yourself. Listening to others is what got you mixed up with that unfortunate "Vote Dean" thing wasn't it? Stop listening to others for info, read and decide for yourself.


no, it wasn't listening to others that made me like dean and it wasn't a bandwagon thing. It was trying to get active in backing my beliefs and I liked Deans track record as governor in Vermont. It was listening (not reading) to him that made me dislike him a little and swing to Kerry's camp. Under pressure, he's made a myraid of desperation statements, rants and screams that are rather unintelligible that I couldn't still back him. I'm at work now and don't have the time and just wanted a quick yes or no answer - thats all. :frown:


Originally posted by dems4me
no, it wasn't listening to others that made me like dean and it wasn't a bandwagon thing. It was trying to get active in backing my beliefs and I liked Deans track record as governor in Vermont. It was listening (not reading) to him that made me dislike him a little and swing to Kerry's camp. Under pressure, he's made a myraid of desperation statements, rants and screams that are rather unintelligible that I couldn't still back him. I'm at work now and don't have the time and just wanted a quick yes or no answer - thats all. :frown:
I re-read the law and see nothing that requires an employer to pay you anything other than regular wages for holidays, unless it is in excess of your 40 per week. The law is long and has many provisions so I may have missed it. I think that the extra pay for holidays was just a bennie.


thanks -- all the other firms I've worked for and even friends that have blue color jobs got double time on holidays. I was just shocked that this place didn't when I found out. Thanks for letting me know your interpretation of the law as it stands. I will not be volunteering any more holiday OT here in the near future as a result.:cussing:


Hey Pete, while we are talking about Dean, did you catch Face the Nation (or was it Meet the Press) on Sunday? Pat Buchannon was laughing at Dean and of course they kept playing the "I Have A Scream" speech that Dean did. Pat B. said after the last EEEEE IIIIAAAAHHHH scream viewing - "is this really someone we want to have control of our nuclear weapons???!!!" :killingme

"EEEEE IIIII AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" sputter, sputter, spit.

Then I could all but vision Dean giving the speech the same way except saying "now its off to China!!! North Korea!!! Iraq!!! Iran!!!! Canada!!! Russia -- they will be nuked!!!!! EEEE IIIIAAAAHHHHHH"!!!!

:killingme :killingme