Buying a house together w/o being married...


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Qurious said:
Let me add:

w/o being engaged....
w/o your name being on the deed....

He says: "we'll do all of that stuff later on down the line when I feel comfortable, right now I just dont trust you."

Trying to buy by April. That doesn't give me much time to put together my plan B does it :eyebrow:

He's sticking to his gunz and im sticking to mine - I refuse to be: :buttkick: in 2006.

Friends, family on both our ends wanna :smack:

And im sure most of you will say the same...

Thoughts, comments :popcorn:
It's easier to get out of a bad mortgage then a bad marriage??? :shrug:

That said... sounds like a recipe for disaster either way.


Cleopatra Jones
Qurious said:
He trusts me to certain degrees.

He gives me his credit cards, pin numbers, pass codes to all of his financial business. I pay all the bills in the house right now...

Account numbers, safety deposit boxes...he gives me access to.

But yet you dont trust me when buying a house???

It doesn't make sense. :eyebrow:

Does he make a lot of money? If so can I get his number?


Salt Life
Qurious said:
He gives me his credit cards, pin numbers, pass codes to all of his financial business. I pay all the bills in the house right now...with his credit cards, pin numbers, pass codes, etc.
:fixed: :lol:


curiouser and curiouser
Qurious said:
what self comfort does that bring me when at any time he can say get your shyt and roll??

Im cleaning a house, putting money in a house that doesn't belong to me!!

I dont know for some people but to my self worth it does NOTHING!!!
Sounds like a personal problem to me.
Qurious said:
what self comfort does that bring me when at any time he can say get your shyt and roll??

Im cleaning a house, putting money in a house that doesn't belong to me!!

I dont know for some people but to my self worth it does NOTHING!!!
That is the risk one takes when one choses to move into someone elses house. The decision is soley yours.


I bowl overhand
pixiegirl said:
Check marriage law! There is NO I repeat NO common law marriage in the state of MD.
It has nothing to do with with Common Law Marriage.. it has to do with Realty Law..

For example, in PA they do have a common law that states (I believe) 7 years, but where Realty is concerned.. it's ONE day!! If I stayed overnight, for purposes of selling that house we COULD be considered married when it comes to clearing the title to the house, and to clear the title COULD require signatures from tboth parties


Im On 1.
cattitude said:
My ex and I bought a house with proceeds from my condo. We were NOT married but married a short time later. My name was not on deed and not on loan. I lived in the house for 2 years as husband and wife and our money was pooled and bills paid. When we split, I got nothing.

thats what im afraid of.


Salt Life
Qurious said:
what self comfort does that bring me when at any time he can say get your shyt and roll??

Im cleaning a house, putting money in a house that doesn't belong to me!!

I dont know for some people but to my self worth it does NOTHING!!!
Then wtf are you even considering it? :smack:

You just like the attention, and you like to see how people react to a certain situation.


wandering aimlessly
kwillia said:
If I'm not mistaken, BG bought that house before she POWNED Bob... Bob is renting from BG... I don't see it as a con...:shrug:
According to Bob if you spend the weekend you own a part of the house.:shrug:

Gee, does that mean Catt and Otter own a part of Pete's place? :lmao:

:gossip: What is "POWNED"?


New Member
Qurious said:
Let me add:

w/o being engaged....
w/o your name being on the deed....

He says: "we'll do all of that stuff later on down the line when I feel comfortable, right now I just dont trust you."

Trying to buy by April. That doesn't give me much time to put together my plan B does it :eyebrow:

He's sticking to his gunz and im sticking to mine - I refuse to be: :buttkick: in 2006.

Friends, family on both our ends wanna :smack:

And im sure most of you will say the same...

Thoughts, comments :popcorn:


Luvin Life !!!
Qurious said:
He trusts me to certain degrees.

He gives me his credit cards, pin numbers, pass codes to all of his financial business. I pay all the bills in the house right now...

Account numbers, safety deposit boxes...he gives me access to.

But yet you dont trust me when buying a house???

It doesn't make sense. :eyebrow:
Go with your gut feeling and not your heart on this. BTW if you do choose to move into the house he buys, as long as you live there 30 days he will have to basically evict you (serve you notice to vacate) before he can throw your or your stuff out.


I bowl overhand
bresamil said:
Bad Bob! You're running this con on BadGirl aren't you!
For reasons not to be discussed here.. there are extenuating circumstances that prevent that from being the case.. BG is protected.


Cleopatra Jones
itsbob said:
It has nothing to do with with Common Law Marriage.. it has to do with Realty Law..

For example, in PA they do have a common law that states (I believe) 7 years, but where Realty is concerned.. it's ONE day!! If I stayed overnight, for purposes of selling that house we COULD be considered married when it comes to clearing the title to the house, and to clear the title COULD require signatures from tboth parties

Again, there is no common law marriage in MD. None, zip, nowhere even realty law. No such thing as common law anything. Trust me on this as I have consulted actual lawyers.


Qurious said:
what self comfort does that bring me when at any time he can say get your shyt and roll??

Im cleaning a house, putting money in a house that doesn't belong to me!!

I dont know for some people but to my self worth it does NOTHING!!!
you can always get a new boyfriend.

but your credit will be royally screwed for a long long time


wandering aimlessly
itsbob said:
For reasons not to be discussed here.. there are extenuating circumstances that prevent that from being the case.. BG is protected.
If I didn't pick on you, you'd be certain I was unwell. :lmao:


Im On 1.
BOHDEN said:

we've lived together 2 1/2 years and i've been engaged to him...

the wedding was cancelled 3 months before the date.


curiouser and curiouser
Qurious said:
what do u mean?

From the way you portray yourself, you're putting more stock in the relationship than he is. So you have two choices. Stick with it and hope things improve, or gather your pride and move on. Our opinions cannot make your decision.


I bowl overhand
pixiegirl said:
Again, there is no common law marriage in MD. None, zip, nowhere even realty law. No such thing as common law anything. Trust me on this as I have consulted actual lawyers.
AGAIN.. I'm telling you it has NOTHING to do with Common Law ANYTHING.. Hope you were talking to Real Estate Lawyers, and asked the right questions.