Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


Methodically disorganized
Leonard's Grant HOA rule on guns, bows, arrow, bb guns etc. attached.
Where does that include baseball bats? Where does it say these things cannot be carried?

Or walking down the street with a weapon lookalike ... paintgun, bb gun, airsoft gun. I wouldn't suggest you send your kids out to do it letting them play "swat team" or whatever its called. It seems like a good way to get shot by the police. I don't think they are going to take the time to see if its loaded. Or get near it to determine if its real.
Paintball guns have a big tube attached that holds the balls; kind of gives away the identity. Toy guns have the orange caps or some other piece attached specifically to mark them as toys.

Read the HOA rule again; it does not say a gun cannot be carried through, only that they cannot be discharged, which makes sense given the property/people density.

A cop would have to be semi-retarded to shoot a kid for playing with a 'weapon', since it should be pretty quickly apparent what they are doing. In short, they would have to have the mental capacity of ol' Clemmy, and I can't believe there are any cops that dumb.


New Member
What a lovely post. I know 8 year olds that type and spell better. Oh wait, you aren't 8 yet are you?

And how long have you "known" me? C'mon pal, standing invitation. :killingme

OMG someone mentions your name and you suddenly appear. your the biggest forum troll ive ever seen. you need to figure out some way to get yourself a life.


New Member
Oh I see. I think I'm supposed to be upset that he posted screen shots of my comment here on his blog. You are such an idiot! No one is going to do a damn thing to your house, youre not worth anybody's time. But I bet you'll be whining about all the kids and families walking around. There are a lot more people here now than last year!
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Habari Na Mijeldi
Looks like a guy we threw of the property during one of the pig roasts...sorta.. Shame about his retirement account.

I would say I feel his pain..but I kept all of mine.:killingme



  • gilligan_retirement accnt.jpg
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#*! boat!
PREMO Member not same as 'got'. There are numerous ways around those things, including having no funds in a real 'retirement account' because they were elsewhere out of reach. Funny too..that was almost 20 years ago now, too.

This is fun. Any time you spend following me around is less time you have to make 25 cents a post for mindlessly cutting and pasting garbage.:killingme


New Member
the same reason he admits to underpaying his employees so he can send his kid to private school on the backs of federal tax payers.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member

Why would a man who owns a company that does gov't defense contracts admit on a public forum to hiding assets that should be part of a divorce settlement?

Just asking.


All nice and legally done..for one thing.

We have no gummint contracts, for another.

I find your concern very touching, however....:killingme


Well-Known Member
I don't think anyone is treading on thin ice by saying "Break in my house and see what happens." Standing on thin ice is walking down the street with a weapon, shotgun, rifle, handgun rocket launcher etc. Or walking down the street with a weapon lookalike ... paintgun, bb gun, airsoft gun. I wouldn't suggest you send your kids out to do it letting them play "swat team" or whatever its called. It seems like a good way to get shot by the police. I don't think they are going to take the time to see if its loaded. Or get near it to determine if its real. They probably will give 1 command and its the end of the line after that. Besides, why would you walk down the street with a bbgun/paintgun and there's always vandalisms in the area?

Although I think it would be interesting to see the video of some nut walking through the neighborhood and the police interaction that would draw. Or a video of what the children look like when they are dressed up playing "swat team" and running up on neighborhood houses with lookalike weapons. Completely normal!

The boys in my neighborhood would be doing their paint ball wars in the woods behind my house and in my field. My place was surrounded by woods and nobody could even see the back of property from the road. I love privacy.


New Member
What about a nerf ball gun? You are such as stupid a$$. Why don't move out in the sticks somewhere and then you don't have to consume your day worrying about your neighbors may be doing against the HOA regulations.

Why don't you buy a clue.

The neighbors and the builder have filed numerous complaints about me.
