Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


New Member
I don't think anyone is treading on thin ice by saying "Break in my house and see what happens." Standing on thin ice is walking down the street with a weapon, shotgun, rifle, handgun rocket launcher etc. Or walking down the street with a weapon lookalike ... paintgun, bb gun, airsoft gun. I wouldn't suggest you send your kids out to do it letting them play "swat team" or whatever its called. It seems like a good way to get shot by the police. I don't think they are going to take the time to see if its loaded. Or get near it to determine if its real. They probably will give 1 command and its the end of the line after that. Besides, why would you walk down the street with a bbgun/paintgun and there's always vandalisms in the area?

Although I think it would be interesting to see the video of some nut walking through the neighborhood and the police interaction that would draw. Or a video of what the children look like when they are dressed up playing "swat team" and running up on neighborhood houses with lookalike weapons. Completely normal!

Nice post.



New Member
Can anyone identify this creep?

I remember that guy.

He's BoyGenius.

He came in here during the stock market crash and told you folks to buy all the preferred shares of the banks that you could get your hands on because Bernanke wasn't going to let them fail.

That dude really was a genius.

Some of those stocks are still paying a 32% dividend and have increased 75% in value.



New Member
Now THAT is hilarious....I can't imagine why they would do that...:sarcasm:

It's a pretty screwy deal. I put up no trespassing signs to keep the freaks off my property and then the same freaks complain to the HOA about it. So then the HOA sicks their lawyers on me to take the signs down. Once I do, the freaks start entering my property.

Nice operation they're running here, but nothing I can't handle.



New Member
I'm a stalker now? Hmmmm....never been called that

Thank the neighbor for buying all those trees, he's a nice guy.

In fact, he saved me a bundle of money because I was going to do the exact same thing, but now I don't have to.



New Member
Thank the neighbor for buying all those trees, he's a nice guy.

In fact, he saved me a bundle of money because I was going to do the exact same thing, but now I don't have to.


Am I supposed to know WTF you're talking about? You are seriously delusional. Do you really think you're that important? You know what? You're sad, you make me sad because you just a lonely old man with no one to love so all you do is sit at home and cause problems in an otherwise perfectly nice neighborhood. Do you really enjoy alienating yourself like this? Do you enjoy not having any friends? I think you're just depressed and I truly feel bad for you. I mean, who wouldn't be depressed in your situation? For whatever reason, true or not, you ended your military career early and obviously never did anything else. You lost your purpose so you found a new one. But you know? Everyone has been in your situation and we all made it through without sh-ting on everyone we love.

Have a nice day...


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Do you really enjoy alienating yourself like this? Do you enjoy not having any friends?...

The answer to that, of course, is a resounding "YES"

Weird..but true.

Gotta run..25 pounds of fresh perch in the deep fryer...:yahoo:


New Member
The boys in my neighborhood would be doing their paint ball wars in the woods behind my house and in my field. My place was surrounded by woods and nobody could even see the back of property from the road. I love privacy.
