New Member
I don't think anyone is treading on thin ice by saying "Break in my house and see what happens." Standing on thin ice is walking down the street with a weapon, shotgun, rifle, handgun rocket launcher etc. Or walking down the street with a weapon lookalike ... paintgun, bb gun, airsoft gun. I wouldn't suggest you send your kids out to do it letting them play "swat team" or whatever its called. It seems like a good way to get shot by the police. I don't think they are going to take the time to see if its loaded. Or get near it to determine if its real. They probably will give 1 command and its the end of the line after that. Besides, why would you walk down the street with a bbgun/paintgun and there's always vandalisms in the area?
Although I think it would be interesting to see the video of some nut walking through the neighborhood and the police interaction that would draw. Or a video of what the children look like when they are dressed up playing "swat team" and running up on neighborhood houses with lookalike weapons. Completely normal!
Nice post.