Can Anyone Identify This Creepy Stalker?


New Member
At what point have I done anything to you to cause you to fear for your safety? I've made no threats. I've merely responded to you accusations about QBH, LG and fellow residents. Not a damn thing wrong with that

You threatened my property at halloween (documented in your post) and you're a creepy stalker that follows me around on the Internet.

I consider you as dangerous and creepy.



New Member
Talk about a selective memory. You were complaining about people trick or treating so I assumed you will be more mad this year when there are twice as many people and a ton Of Halloween decoration.

Can you get your lies straight.

One minute you claim to know nothing about this place, the next minute you act like you live two houses down.

Which is it?



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You threatened my property at halloween (documented in your post) and you're a creepy stalker that follows me around on the Internet.

I consider you as dangerous and creepy.


I looked up the penalties for being convicted of 'creepy' in the MD Civil Code.

OMG! In some cases it can even mean that the 'creepy' person won't be invited to cookouts and chit!

The horror.


New Member
You're a vigilante that thinks you represent the HOA and has the same powers.

You or your goons have criminally trespassed on my property and criminally harassed me.

Now you're going to be held accountable for it.


I've ne'er been on your propty you idiot. You have the wrong person. You may wants to get your facts straight before you 'make people pay'. Look, I'm sorry you can't handle this open debate, maybe you should put me back on your ignore list


New Member
And you know what the icing on the cake is ProtectMd?

I filed a complaint with the PAX Inspector General advising him of what base personnel who are either active duty, government employees, or civilian contractors, some with high level security clearance were doing to me and asked them to investigate it.

I even provided proof that government computers owned by the U.S Navy and computers of U.S Navy subcontractors were being used to visit my blog and leave nasty comments. I further complained that I seriously suspected some of these networks and computers were being used for fraudulent, hacker type activities such as running fake IP addresses and anonymous proxy servers to leave nasty comments on my blog and not be detected.

I even informed the Inspector General's Office that Google Blogs should not be visited by "recreational web surfers" because they contain everything from nice to nudity and advised him that he should shutoff access to them, because visiting them was not in the best interest of the Navy or the Government, or it's employees.

Do you know what that retard over at the PAX Inspector General's office did?

He closed my case and told me quote "that it was a civil matter."

He even had the balls to tell me that PAX has quote "absolutely no way of knowing which workstations visit which websites from work, because they all use the same IP or rotating IP addresses when the traffic leaves the network.

I say he's a freaking liar and I know better. They could track down who was doing it, but chose not to.

Further he called their actions "recreational web surfing."

That's what you're paying some of these PAX folks to do all day.

And that's the same way that Wikileaks chit happened. It's because the inmates are running the asylum on government computer networks and nobody in charge has a clue of what they're doing.

Can you believe that chit?

I love a much you think you know!!!! Didn't I tell you that would happen?!! Hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Hey...maybe clem can get John Mattingly to

represent him in all this.......but he's going to have to wait some time. :killingme


New Member
Dear UNA:

UNA, you should see who's been at my blog last night and today.

Guess what they downloaded from my blog UNA?

Can you imagine it was those screenshots of the posts you made here yesterday!



    53.6 KB · Views: 125


Well-Known Member
It's only a "business" if he collects money in exchange for the service. Has it occurred to you that he could be doing a regular favor for a friend, perhaps someone who works a busy schedule or is physically unable to walk their own dog? :rolleyes:

It would never occur to him that they could be doing a favor for a friend and walk their dog too while they are not at home. This wouldn't occur to him because he's probably never had any friends, never got along with his neighbors, and never would even think that people do things for each other just be nice and they like each other. This couldn't possibly occur to him because he doesn't know any better.


Methodically disorganized
... being that you wanted to play around last night posting my last name...
You said your name nice and clearly in your '911 sidewalk protest' video. I've seen it on your blog. Even the image in Post 598 has it. Why should anyone think it's not okay to say it again?


Well-Known Member
Anyway, so while we're telling the whole story today, I guess we'll discuss Booz, Allen, and Hamilton, Civista Medical Center, and the actions of their employees at work.

Dear employees of those companies, your network IT departments are currently investigating who visited my blog from the company computers mentioned above and for what reason?

Have a nice day.

And if you get fired, you did it to yourself.


Why are you doing this to people that you don't even know who just looked at your blog? All of these people can't possibly be stalking you. Why do you intentionally try to get people you don't even know in trouble with their jobs? WTF is wrong with you?


New Member
represent him in all this.......but he's going to have to wait some time. :killingme

Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County - Civil System
Case Number: 02C11158493
Title: John A Mattingly Jr vs John Doe, et al
Case Type: Intentional TortFiling Date:01/21/2011
Case Status: Open/Active

Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below) Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Name: Mattingly, Jr, John A
Address: Post Office Box 1253
City: LeonardtownState:MDZip Code:20650

Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below) Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Name: Doe, John

Party Type: DefendantParty No.:2
Name: White, Daniel J
Address: 40415 Breton View Drive
City: LeonardtownState:MDZip Code:20650

Party Type: DefendantParty No.:3
Name: Fritz, Richard D
Address: 43010 Belvidere Farm Road
City: LeonardtownState:MDZip Code:20650




New Member
Why are you doing this to people that you don't even know who just looked at your blog? All of these people can't possibly be stalking you. Why do you intentionally try to get people you don't even know in trouble with their jobs? WTF is wrong with you?

Last time I'm telling you to shut up before you go on iggy.



Methodically disorganized
Dear employees of those companies, your network IT departments are currently investigating who visited my blog from the company computers mentioned above and for what reason?
You seem to equate "investigate" with "convict". This is why your FAILs are so funny - you establish yourself as right all the time, only to be proven that you are not. Sad thing is, you cannot accept the decisions that do not go your way, but instead biatch about them too, as you did the PAX inspector a couple hours ago.

Almost certainly, your website is not the first employees of those companies have visited and it won't be the last. :coffee:

You threatened my property at halloween (documented in your post)
Last edited:


New Member
The email that they sent you is quite interesting. You should email them back and demand the name and address so you know who to name in the lawsuit. It might make the secretary sending out that trash wet her panties. The fact that the builder intends to maintain control on the neighborhood doesn't shock me. However, they cannot make exceptions for 1 and not others. Making 1 exception simply opens the floodgates to accusations down the road. *Well they let him have 4 dogs, but won't let me have 4 cats because I'm gay or black or whatever* Now that the exception has been made, they must do it for all.

The fact that someone set up a facebook that created a safe haven and enviroment for people to write slander and plotted criminal acts *tresspassing* is unacceptable and I'm sure they won't enjoy civil court. Especially if it encouraged criminal acts against a party. I'm sure the HOA will probably give in and allow your security measures to prevent tresspassers rather than get embarrassed in court. Because once that judge rules, it becomes set in stone.

It doesn't shock me that the local yokels came out and did a half assed investigation as usual. Why they would write a FIR/FOR or whatever they call it and put just your name in it should be called into question. Perhaps your lawyer should subpeona the calls for service to the neighborhood to figure out how many there are complaining and why they never wrote the other names of the parties involved in the dispute into the report. They have tresspassers, armed subjects and disorderlies all running about LG and there's video of cops taking naps.

Article 92 I do believe is the catchall. The way to deal with the base issue is to call the government fraud, waste and abuse hotline. I know the pentagon also has a hotline to handle violations of security protocol, security clearance violations. And when all else fails 7 on your side, fox5 and the rest are all 1 phone call away. Its sad that the base is a testing ground for experimental aircraft in the DOD. They might as well invite the spys to work and tell them to bring a thumbdrive.