And you know what the icing on the cake is ProtectMd?
I filed a complaint with the PAX Inspector General advising him of what base personnel who are either active duty, government employees, or civilian contractors, some with high level security clearance were doing to me and asked them to investigate it.
I even provided proof that government computers owned by the U.S Navy and computers of U.S Navy subcontractors were being used to visit my blog and leave nasty comments. I further complained that I seriously suspected some of these networks and computers were being used for fraudulent, hacker type activities such as running fake IP addresses and anonymous proxy servers to leave nasty comments on my blog and not be detected.
I even informed the Inspector General's Office that Google Blogs should not be visited by "recreational web surfers" because they contain everything from nice to nudity and advised him that he should shutoff access to them, because visiting them was not in the best interest of the Navy or the Government, or it's employees.
Do you know what that retard over at the PAX Inspector General's office did?
He closed my case and told me quote "that it was a civil matter."
He even had the balls to tell me that PAX has quote "absolutely no way of knowing which workstations visit which websites from work, because they all use the same IP or rotating IP addresses when the traffic leaves the network.
I say he's a freaking liar and I know better. They could track down who was doing it, but chose not to.
Further he called their actions "recreational web surfing."
That's what you're paying some of these PAX folks to do all day.
And that's the same way that Wikileaks chit happened. It's because the inmates are running the asylum on government computer networks and nobody in charge has a clue of what they're doing.
Can you believe that chit?