We'll see who's laughing shortly.
Whoever bothers to take the time to read the posts...that's who will be laffing shortly.

We'll see who's laughing shortly.
The email that they sent you is quite interesting. You should email them back and demand the name and address so you know who to name in the lawsuit. It might make the secretary sending out that trash wet her panties. The fact that the builder intends to maintain control on the neighborhood doesn't shock me. However, they cannot make exceptions for 1 and not others. Making 1 exception simply opens the floodgates to accusations down the road. *Well they let him have 4 dogs, but won't let me have 4 cats because I'm gay or black or whatever* Now that the exception has been made, they must do it for all.
The fact that someone set up a facebook that created a safe haven and enviroment for people to write slander and plotted criminal acts *tresspassing* is unacceptable and I'm sure they won't enjoy civil court. Especially if it encouraged criminal acts against a party. I'm sure the HOA will probably give in and allow your security measures to prevent tresspassers rather than get embarrassed in court. Because once that judge rules, it becomes set in stone.
It doesn't shock me that the local yokels came out and did a half assed investigation as usual. Why they would write a FIR/FOR or whatever they call it and put just your name in it should be called into question. Perhaps your lawyer should subpeona the calls for service to the neighborhood to figure out how many there are complaining and why they never wrote the other names of the parties involved in the dispute into the report. They have tresspassers, armed subjects and disorderlies all running about LG and there's video of cops taking naps.
Article 92 I do believe is the catchall. The way to deal with the base issue is to call the government fraud, waste and abuse hotline. I know the pentagon also has a hotline to handle violations of security protocol, security clearance violations. And when all else fails 7 on your side, fox5 and the rest are all 1 phone call away. Its sad that the base is a testing ground for experimental aircraft in the DOD. They might as well invite the spys to work and tell them to bring a thumbdrive.
, they do "recreational surfing" on Google blogs with eff words all over them as a morale booster.
Who knew?
You can keep me company.
I'm sure Gilligan will be joining us soon also.![]()
The folks in my office tend to surf porn more. But its still a morale booster, just the same.
Slim should meet my ex, he can tell him telling me to shut up will make me never shut up.![]()
Slim should meet my ex, he can tell him telling me to shut up will make me never shut up.![]()
And they've given you government contracts?
Why are you doing this to people that you don't even know who just looked at your blog? All of these people can't possibly be stalking you. Why do you intentionally try to get people you don't even know in trouble with their jobs? WTF is wrong with you?
Who would have ever guessed that you've been divorced.
How many now?
Only the free sites. I run a responsible company.
You're a complete idiot.
I agree. Why share the link to the blog if you don't want site traffic?I visited it once because I was curious. Now I'm sure he'll say I'm stalking him and threaten me and my job. That level of instability is frightening.
After reading this tread, I suggest the board mommy find a way to prevent him from sharing links. It seems he has a malicious intent.
Yeah, those are the ones with viruses and spyware.QUOTE]
..I uncharacteristically missed a great opening..as in "why am I not surprised you are an expert in that particular subject?"
Mattingly wrote in an affidavitYeah, according to case search he filed a lawsuit against Fritz and some other goons.
Should be interesting here in the walled city in the coming months.
I know that if a hearing was to be held, sufficient evidence could be produced to sustain the allegation of misconduct
Yeah, those are the ones with viruses and spyware.QUOTE]
..I uncharacteristically missed a great opening..as in "why am I not surprised you are an expert in that particular subject?"
Billigan, I was formerly an "Information Technology Officer" in the military as just one of my many duties.
Mattingly wrote in an affidavit
Somehow, I don't think that lawsuit is going anywhere.....![]()
Billigan, I was formerly an "Information Technology Officer" in the military as just one of my many duties.
So you got to surf porn as one of your 'official duties' then. Cool beans.
No need to post you resume..but I was already pretty sure you were never in Millitary Intelligence. I liked the nickname you received on that 7D blog: "Ex-GI-Joe".![]()
I agree. Why share the link to the blog if you don't want site traffic?I visited it once because I was curious. Now I'm sure he'll say I'm stalking him and threaten me and my job. That level of instability is frightening.
After reading this tread, I suggest the board mommy find a way to prevent him from sharing links. It seems he has a malicious intent.